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 Revolution in France?

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PostSubject: Revolution in France?   Revolution in France? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2018 9:52 am

Is this really a revolution? It seems like it could be. Looking at actual on the ground videos and commentary about the yellow vest movement, you see a much larger picture than what MSM shows. Obviously MSM is trying to hide the scope of this and the real concerns of the French people. And now there are yellow vest movements in other European countries too.

This could be a real revolution, or a more limited spontaneous uprising that will fizzle out, or it could be controlled opposition and marxist dialectic social engineering tactics by the globalists. I'm not sure how to tell which is the case, or maybe all of these are the case at the same time.

Either way, the globalist order needs to be overthrown. Each country should elect and push for leaders supporting rational national self-interest and common sense, liberty-focused policies including minimal necessary government. This will look different in each country, which is fine of course, the French probably want a much larger government than the Americans do, but the goals are basically the same; to throw off the unelected corporatist technocratic globalists who are vampirizing our countries.

And there must be a halt to mass immigration, and deportations of people who aren't supposed to be here, have caused trouble, or are too welfare-dependent with no path to becoming more self sustaining in the economy. Lower taxes on the middle class and focus on improving the economy to a truly healthy status, which means locally given and focused with wealth moving upward based on the free market therefore also proliferated downward too across all tectonics levels, and the people will be able to afford having families again and the birth rates will improve. Stop the social engineering of the far left that says having kids is somehow stupid and backward while at the same time importing millions of low skill foreigners who don't share your history, language, culture or values and who have half a dozen kids is somehow smart and progressive. People are not stupid, we see through these lies, at least most of us do. There are relatively few true diehard progressive leftists out there, but most people are too afraid to challenge the narratives openly so it seems like most people are in agreement with them.

Mass foreign immigration is the antithesis of the entire concept of a culture, a nation, a people, and a history, because those immigrants share none of that. France is called France because of... French people, ethnically French by blood. That is what "France" means, there is actually such a thing as "a French person" despite what idiot globalists like French president Macaroni say. To believe otherwise, to believe "everyone is French" or "no one is French" is mental and collective suicide.

Revolution seems like a good thing at this point, but the problem is that the globalists are good at taking advantage of the chaos. So it's likely they are engineering the chaos on some level, with complex plans on how to harness it toward their own ends. This is why people must be aware of this threat and never take their eye off the true goals they have, and don't get sucked into us vs them groupthink. The only "us vs them" is the actual people (99.99%) vs the globalist tyrants (0.01%, at best) trying to turn the world into their own personal and permanent ruling elite playground while turning it into a 1984 prison planet hellhole for the rest of us.

Think for yourself. Reject false dichotomies, and focus on the true oppositions.

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PostSubject: Re: Revolution in France?   Revolution in France? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 15, 2018 9:57 am

The primary goal must be: overthrow MSM monopoly power over news and narrative-shaping. There MUST be decent alternatives competing with MSM and MSM must be de-platformed of its assumed default status as newsgiver of repute. Remove CNN from TVs in airports etc. and replace with... what? That is the problem. What we need is new news organizations that are large enough to do complex good wide-scale reporting and research and that aren't co-opted, and that aren't so fringe as to be basically ideological outlets for their own beliefs such as is the case with most youtube bloggers. Nothing against youtube bloggers of course, but someone like Styx is never going to be shown on airport TVs because he is obviously just talking about his own opinion the entire time and people generally want as objective news reporting as possible. That is why the fake news MSM hides behind the image of being objective and impartial, when of course they are anything but.

Not that we need objectivity and impartiality in the sense of not representing the truth if the truth happens to be one-sided. It is simply about valuing the truth above all else. That is all that is needed. That is the image the fake news MSM hides behind because that is what proper news is, and too many alternate news and commentary on politics aren't valuing truth above all else, they are valuing the fight between sides and ideologies. We need this fighting spirit too, but if we are going to replace MSM then we also need a few very good alternate news organizations that actually do value truth above all else and project this image.
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