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 A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism

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A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism Empty
PostSubject: A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism   A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism Icon_minitimeFri Jul 05, 2013 1:39 am

It is up to each anarchist who holds true the power of science to expand into the world... intelligently!

Take the example of prosecuted psychoactives. Would you really that anybody anywhere could buy drugs at a club? Even,or perhaps more so, if the drugs were properly and effectively rationed so as to not hurt people?

We have met drugs, we have known them as a historical fact. Why conquer what is old? We have a lot at our disposal, each of us can grow to some extent, in some direction.

Why not work rather on the legislation of prosecution? Did blacks demand to be treated as blacks or as humans? How can we make governments loosen grasps in the right places for our desired evolutions without people's panties getting up in a bunch?

Neither would we accept even the most recent drug rituals or lore; it is new territory, in some usefully inovative way, that we seek.
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A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism   A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 8:12 am

Liberalism, anarchy, egalitarianism, libertarianism, democracy, communism, pacifism, atheism, activism.

Yeah, we can do better. Don't let your desire manifest a fucking label. So what's next? Return to slavery (that never really left us)?

It doesn't matter what we do or don't do.
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A Way Forward into Scientific Anarchism
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