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 End of the era of a common truth

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PostSubject: End of the era of a common truth    End of the era of a common truth  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 4:35 pm

I've not yet seen this idea before, but it occurred to me that this current situation where the left and right have formed separate and competing world views to the point that neither agrees with the other on even the most basic issues, like facts, is actually a very good thing. Both the right and the left are deploring the "post-truth" now that half the country believes one set of facts and the other believes a different set of facts, because of course both side thinks its own facts are the correct ones.

But really what has happened is that no one simply believes what they are told anymore. Long gone are the days when NBC and CNN and NYT can print something and virtually everybody takes it as gospel. The left and right have split and each has their own news and sources they trust. I think this is really great, as it allows for a cutthroat competition of ideas and world-interpretations. Both sides reject the 'facts' that the other side espouses, and the "war" is simply which side will end up winning the most people and the most positions of influence in society. A kind of super language game, a contest with two discrete sides, and with reality as the final arbiter in the long run.
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PostSubject: Re: End of the era of a common truth    End of the era of a common truth  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 7:21 pm

Perhaps in the long run it may be a good thing but in the short run we have to wonder how many people are going to make grave mistakes based on the lies they read from their favored media?

If both sides continue to present their altered truth then who is going to be the objective truth sayer?

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PostSubject: Re: End of the era of a common truth    End of the era of a common truth  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 7:28 pm

Only reality can be that standard. Humans and ideas will ultimately rise or fall depending on the degree to which they adhere to reality or fail to do so. And yes many mistakes of grave proportions are inevitable, but I'm quite happy that the "universal" standard of facts/truth has broken down into two opposing groups.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: End of the era of a common truth    End of the era of a common truth  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 09, 2017 8:04 pm

"And the word became flesh"

yes, I think you're right.

Curvature comes to the formerly flat pages. Some words take prominence; words that can easily be used, abused, and pre-emtively used to avert abuse, and others that are capable of initiating great changes.

A politician always has some heavy ammo words in his back pocket. A rhetoric master is someone who knows not just the meaning of words but also the impact they tend to have, and the sort of meaning systems they activate.
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PostSubject: Re: End of the era of a common truth    End of the era of a common truth  Icon_minitime

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