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 No Country For Shrinks

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: No Country For Shrinks   No Country For Shrinks Icon_minitimeWed Jun 28, 2017 2:24 pm


What's the overriding impression left by this video - what causes it to suggest a greater whole?
To me, the revelation was in addressing ourselves more or less in the terms of how we are being attacked - to extrapolate that aspect of confusion from the quest and rather than disregard it in favor of the accomplishments, make it into the thing itself. It is there, apparently, that the nature of being and time really comes into its right, visually - and how it touches on philosophy; directly, not through reason but through a Fatum; as the madness turns to storm, a center is formed and an eye is opened.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: No Country For Shrinks   No Country For Shrinks Icon_minitimeWed Jun 28, 2017 2:46 pm

In the comments someone already said the same as you, that he'd like a novel-movie type approach.
I definitely take that as positive feedback and I'd really like to do a long thing with a lot of Pezer in it.

I just don't really know yet how to approach that.

What would you like to see and listen to most? I can use any video thats uploaded and i have a ton more, but what id really like to know, have to know really, is what are you expecting and looking for, when you see this video and think it alludes to more. Specifically, what kind of things have Pezer and I said and done that warrants a long watch?

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