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 Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)

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PostSubject: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 14, 2017 12:04 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 14, 2017 12:20 pm

Very lucid explanation.

That exceptionally ugly "woman" at around 50 seconds is archetypical for the rape-accuser; it is always women that no man wil touch with a ten foot pole even when paid for it that call men rapists. Not very hard to see how that works - an overblown rape fantasy that in her abject obesity she senses is never going to be fulfilled leads to psychosis where the rapist is seen in every man (lust object) she encounters.

Because none of these rapists will touch her, she experiences more and more pain - which she consciously interprets as being abused - raped.
In turn, she will be talking all her private time away about how she has been being abused (raped, in her wishful thinking), to verbally and emotionally relate about the men that have touched her by rejecting her, will be the only source of enjoyment in her life.
I am willing to bet that she spends more than half of her waking time sweating, crying, drooling and blubbering in other ways while exploring in an indignant, shrill voice all the humiliating contacts she has had with men, the ways she was (non-physically) touched, hurt, can feel existence.

It is not on her - she doesn't even exist. It is simply whats happening to a dying part of nature.

The rape fantasy is really easy to explain, and has been explained by a lot of woman in this way: it is quite a compliment to her if someone wants her so bad that he can't even control himself or consider repercussions. To be raped obviously means to be valued for something.

Just in case we have some liberal readers: I am not advocating rape. And who could believe that the woman in the video has ever been considered for sex? It is all in the realm of fantasy.

Correlated: the fantasy is generally about being raped by a powerful man that has a lot of sexual choices, and such men generally do not rape (the fantasy part) - after all they have their pick from wiling women.

In turn, women who do get picked with a lot of frequency seem to tend to rather like it rough. In them the fantasy and reality are closer together, they can actually cultivate their fantasy in reality, bend reality to their fantasy a bit, and this in turn makes it extra hard on creatures such as the one in the video.
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 15, 2017 6:46 am

Well, it seems to me that today the liberals and alt-Left people are working very hard toward slave morality. And sadly, having a lot of successes thanks to most of the media organizations.

The goals of the New World Order (UN) are becoming established.

This sexism stuff is but a symptom of the problems as I see it. Repeatedly in the news today we hear about these thirty years old women having sex with their fifteen year old boy students. Seems that all these liberals and alt-left folks are wanting their own back-door slaves.
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 27, 2017 6:49 am

The pathos of distance is not a comparison between oneself and others, but a refusal to even compare them to oneself. The pathos arises as a will to separation and a refusal even to negotiate with them. And there is no pleasure in this pathos until we become our own standard.
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 27, 2017 6:40 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
The pathos of distance is not a comparison between oneself and others, but a refusal to even compare them to oneself. The pathos arises as a will to separation and a refusal even to negotiate with them. And there is no pleasure in this pathos until we become our own standard.

You are beginning to understand me a little better. That's good.
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 27, 2017 9:34 pm

because not setting that standard firm harms those that are potentially our friends: masters, geniuses.
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 28, 2017 6:56 am

I really don't know if I do more harm or more good by honestly speaking my truths. If I speak instead of remaining silent I will offer my truths.

And no, we should not speak with those who want only to bring us down. I have no time for that anymore. (Been there, done that.)
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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 25, 2018 6:11 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 25, 2018 6:49 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism)   Slave morality (Nietzsche AGAINST postmodernism) Icon_minitime

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