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 Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species

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PostSubject: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 5:17 pm

More and more I agree with Fixed that humanity will split in two. I mean two actually different species. This will take a thousand years, of course. But it could/will happen.

The fact that the Left is entirely anti-intellectual and devalues reason and reality is a telling sign of this. Of course as the split occurs and even in a thousand years it will probably still be possible for members of one side to breed with members of the other side, thus no true "species separation" will take place, but we are now defined more as a "species", I would say, by ideational and cognitive splits than by purely biological ones.

Right now the two sides are fighting for control to see which of them gets to reign as dominant in the eventual polarized human world. A critical point may be reached where one side simply secured enough capital, weaponry and technology to dominate the other side indefinitely. I see the gradual taking over of academia, tech and science by the regressive left as an early sign of this. It may be that those on the left are rationally insane, and cannot discern reality, but they like to employ and enslave people who make and handle the complex technological and industrial infrastructure so as to maintain their dominance without needing to acknowledge the reality under those tools of infrastructure. Easy example is how the government will simply throw ten million dollars at construction or tech firms, who then build and maintain the infrastructure; those firms and their workers most of all are on the ground dealing with hard facts and reality, but the upper management and government funders end up controlling them and de facto enslaving them to irrational and unreal agendas.

So the question is whether we can get the political "right" to step up and start challenging and eventually taking over these infrastructure and capital projects at the top levels. If yes, then western civilization and the mind will be saved; if no, then they will not be saved and will be relegated to merely secondary enslaved relationships of dependence as non-reality takes control and forces reality to bend to its insane whims. This latter could happen, and it would represent a deep regression of humanity as a whole, and probably take 2000-3000 years to correct.
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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 5:29 pm

"The gloves are coming off, it's truth time baby."

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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 5:29 pm

This chick is great.
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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 18, 2017 7:10 pm

You guys may well be right. I have a feeling this present species is doomed.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeSat Aug 19, 2017 11:03 am

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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeSat Aug 19, 2017 6:21 pm

No! Those are herd animals. I would expect something more humane.
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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 7:14 am

This might be aided by mastering the aging process. If medications or techniques are invented for drastically slowing down the aging process, say that a healthy person can live for a few hundreds years at least, I bet this would speed up the divergence of the species. Because likely those technologies will be expensive and reserved for those who can afford it or are part of "elite" circles, and also because if everyone could live that long then we would need to start having many less babies or the population would explode.

So the lower diverging branch will be producing most of the babies, and not have access to these technologies; their reproduction rate will continue to more or less balance out their death rate, while for the upper diverging branch they will have many less babies (but probably still some), in order that their own replacement rate will stay more or less the same over time too.

I cannot really see it happening any other way, unless all of humanity were given access to this technology and then everyone would stop having as many babies... but that is not going to happen. Certain parts of the world are very much baby-makers, compared to the west. Even if you gave age-overcoming technologies to the third world it would simply have even more babies than it has right now. I am not really concerned about overpopulation, it does not bother me much and I think children are pretty cool, however I would be bothered if everyone started living until age 300 and the same or even more babies were being born... logically that would lead to catastrophe and war in a very short time.

To live longer means more expense and technology are needed. That is fine, but it needs to balance out. And perhaps living that long is not really philosophically good anyway, or even living to 70 or 80. It would depend on the person... I think it was Nietzsche who said people should die at the right time. or something like that.

Age, living longer, is itself not an inherent value. This points out one of the central flaws with transhumanism. But I might not mind living for 300 years, it would depend on how I could live. If I knew that I had that much time I think it would change how I look at my life and what I do with it. But even if you live a long time, or perhaps indefinitely, it is still the case that your mind ages, your heart ages, and you come up against very severe ennui limits. That would be one of the most difficult parts of living so long, but maybe also a fun challenge. Assuming you had enough money to keep up a lifestyle conducive with pushing back the ennui barrier.
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PostSubject: Re: Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species    Upcoming divergence of humanity into two species  Icon_minitime

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