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 Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose)

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Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Empty
PostSubject: Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose)   Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2017 3:01 pm

I hate to say it, but there are certain structural features in place right now that almost certainly guarantee the defeat of Trump, of MAGA, and the continued and irresistible installation of globalism.

One of these structural features is the fact that Trump has been threatened or pacified in some way, and he is not resisting McMaster and other Swamp Creatures who are now draining Trump's WH team and controlling his agenda more and more. I do not know the exact specific reason why Trump is allowing this, but it doesn't really matter. Some threat, some pressure, has been brought upon him, and Trump has chosen to give in.

Another structural feature is the corporate media monopoly on "legitimate" news. This includes entertainment media such as the late show and all that sort of trash. If you add up all of this corporate MSM, you get to the fact that even if everyone in America knows something but the MSM refuses to report on it, then society as a whole and governance continues moving forward as if this 'something' were not the case.

If you think about this, it is incredible how this kind of system of information control works: everyone in America could know something is true, but so long as the MSM-machine doesn't mention it or says it is false, what really matters? Does the fact that Americans know the truth matter, or does the MSM-machine's denials and lies matter, when it comes to what pushes forward society from moment to moment? Obviously it is the MSM-machine that controls this forward direction of society's movement.

The only way to break the spell would be for a majority of Americans to start acting without any regard to MSM whatsoever, to entirely ignore it and act in opposition to it at all times; and to elevate alternate news that can compete with MSM for views and influence. But for now, even if you had over 50% of Americans knowing that the MSM is bullshit, the MSM still controls the direction of societal movement over time, still controls decisions at the level of government and large corporations, still controls the images and narratives. You end up getting about 0.1% or less of the population controlling everyone else, and it simply does not matter if everyone else knows this or not. There is just no way to break out of the spell of MSM (we can break out of that spell at the individual level, but at the community and government level it is simply not possible yet).

So in a way it really does not matter how much support MSM loses, how ridiculed they are and now many people know they are full of shit. They retain their power anyway.

A third structural feature is simply the massive debt which the US has accumulated. 20 trillion dollars is beyond the breaking point, except in one very narrow possible case: if 1) the American economy roared back to life and started growing at 5%+ a year, with jobs and wages soaring, 2) if federal government spending was actually reduced in a meaningful way, and 3) if this situation of 1 and 2 could continue for a decade or longer, then America could pay down its debt and avoid accumulating more. But I think it is clear that at this point, 1, 2 and 3 here are unlikely to occur.

If Trump had been embraced by the American establishment, or at least by a significant percentage of it, and if he and his aganda that the American people voted for and desperately needed had not been cut off, stopped, fought, obstructed at every turn, then we might have actually achieved 1, 2 and 3.

But sadly, it seems that the swamp creatures have truly infected the body of the host, America, and even a large dose of antibiotics have proven in effective to do anything but reduce the fever a little bit. Trumpism did not destroy the swamp, at best it simply slowed it down a little.

Given the fact of the the structural factors I mentioned above, and the fact that 1-3 of what would actually allow the US to solve its debt problem are not going to happen, I say the fight is basically over. Obviously we will still keep fighting, but I do not feel any sense of optimism anymore. The feeling of pride in being American that I felt when Trump won, which was the first time I ever felt this feeling in my life, is gone now.
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Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose)   Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2017 3:18 pm

We can blame the 10-20% of Americans who are so ill-informed, uneducated, non-thoughtful, pathologically in denial and obsessed with virtue signaling and shallow emotionalism, that they hated Trump from day 1 and never gave him even a shred of a chance. Trump himself is to blame for triggering them so badly, but Trump probably had no idea how cucked these 10-20% were. Obviously Trump said offensive things and pushed the buttons of the PC crowd, but he must have had such a high opinion of the average American to think they could get over that and see the value behind the rhetoric.

But no. If you add up the 10-20% of actually retarded-cucked Americans, with the other 20% or so who are simply indifferent and do not want to cause ripples in their social networks and jobs, and then on top of that you have the 1% or so of truly corrupt Swamp Creatures and all the media and influence they possess, and the result is...... Trump is lost.

Perhaps the saddest thing is that these little liberals, SJWs, academics, media figures, average "do gooder" ill-informed virtue signalers, will never understand what they have done. They have killed a great nation. They have literally destroyed the future, not just for America but for the entire planet.
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Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose)   Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2017 7:07 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
I hate to say it, but there are certain structural features in place right now that almost certainly guarantee the defeat of Trump, of MAGA, and the continued and irresistible installation of globalism.

I have observed this and agree.
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PostSubject: Re: Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose)   Globalism will probably win (which means we will all lose) Icon_minitime

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