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 JP and Molyneux on IQ

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Fixed Cross
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JP and Molyneux on IQ Empty
PostSubject: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 1:10 pm

JP says here that the army found in approximately 100 years of study that people with an IQ of 83 or less could not be trained to do anything that wasn't positively counterproductive.

In this day and age it probably also takes an IQ below 83 to enlist for the army.

(edit - I take that back.)

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 1:26 pm

JP takes the political correct view that "no one wants to hear that IQ is heritable and permanent" and that this is "the ugly part of science".
Oh no, Molyneux is "heartbroken" that not all of nature is egalitarian.

What is this farce, lol.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 3:22 pm

They're still implicitly placating the left.
They need to go more all out.

Stupid people need to be told that it is not okay to be stupid and have an opinion at the same time. Many of them will listen because they are always feeling the constant humiliation under their opinion.

People are overlooking how cruel the Left is to the actual poor and meek - those that truly can't do much more than work a very simple job. Why is society asking them to uplift themselves before the evil powers that be? Why can't people just leave other people alone? Why does every class and creed have to be enlisted in a great universal plight?

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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 5:33 pm

Fuck man, I have been feeling the same way. Molyneux isn't that great actually, he has some decent commentary on modern politics now and then but otherwise is just a ...don't even have a word for it.

JP is great, but you're right that even his strong "anti-PC" isn't strong enough. It's still just politics and only halfway philosophical. Still great though.

Yeah, we need to be telling people it isn't ok to be stupid. That's what I tell people more or less anytime I talk to someone online, I would say so in person too but philosophy never comes up in personal life. Thought of joining a "Socrates cafe" and then realized why the fuck would I do that.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 5:38 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
Thought of joining a "Socrates cafe" and then realized why the fuck would I do that.

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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 5:41 pm

Of course we are far too radical for these folks, in primarily how religiously we treat logic. Nobody wants to talk about logic itself.
JP could be tempted I am sure but it is not his inclination and he made some statements about how interpreting he world in terms of sex or power or any other big term is intellectual masturbation, which is kind of a cop out out, as we do need these words and he constantly interprets in their terms just as any sensible thinker does. It seemed like it could have been a reaction to VO, too. I mean it had that spirit.

It might in the end not be such a horrible idea to make a film about him.
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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeWed Sep 06, 2017 6:03 pm

The only person who could do justice to a film about him would be you. You would contextualize him, I've never seen anyone do that before. Then I'd like to see what he comes up with after being confronted with his upper limit.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: JP and Molyneux on IQ   JP and Molyneux on IQ Icon_minitimeThu Sep 07, 2017 1:29 pm

But I don't think I alone have the logical position to do this.
I would want to do it in the name of a philosophical collective.

It would be great if we can send him a letter, with at least you and me as authors, but preferably several, where we announce to him what we set out to do with BTL (set up an independent Academia) and invite him into it, starting with giving him the opportunity to bring across a rich and comprehensive expression of his philosophership trout the medium of film.

It would have to serve the purpose of uniting further socially disparate but philosophically cohesive perspectives across the West. He would become a head-honcho of some sort, being entitled to direct some stuff around.


Im saying that we need to self value this in terms of a future form. This is perhaps that time when "politics will have a different meaning" - in any case, an alliance with Peterson could only to him be justified if we're making the next step, the one into the public eye. Not as persons, but as an institution. The Pentad is something that can make quite an impression.

The Pentad will expand beyond BTL.
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