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 Quantum valuing

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PostSubject: Quantum valuing   Quantum valuing Icon_minitimeWed Sep 20, 2017 12:34 pm

Quantum mechanics is decent, as pure mechanics goes. Quantum physics is a mistake, a mistake of not philosophizing. To take it to that level of physics one must philosophize or get the fuck out. But quantum valuing ...yes. VO with some nice numerontological math could really crack this wide open.

Numbers indicate a value structure; pure logic. Quantum just means smallest perceived, and unable to penetrate those depths as predictable causality beyond statistics. We do not need a statistic to predict t where and how fast a rock will fall if we drop it, nor to land someone on the moon. So where does QP get off? Stupid arrogance of these false mystics.

They need to learn from Spinoza, Newton, Einstein, Descartes, Pierce, they need to learn some philosophy. Which is to say they must learn how to value themselves. If you let the quantum world value your work then your work quickly becomes nothing.

Stranger: we live in 10 dimensions
You: How do you know that?
Stranger: math proves it
You: What math and how? Please show me.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: quantum physics shows how electrons cross barriers with probability
You: Yes I know that principle, it is used in electronics as a kind of junction.
Stranger: that's a dimensional jump
You: But that statistical probability only describes something we don't yet understand about how the electron interacts with the barrier
You: No, what..? How do you go from the junction to "dimensions jump"?
Stranger: that's what the math says it is


Believe it or not but we had a decent conversation before he started into QP.
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PostSubject: Re: Quantum valuing   Quantum valuing Icon_minitimeWed Sep 20, 2017 1:07 pm

If he is talking about String Theory, is math "proves" that there are "rolled up dimensions" that together with the perceptible ones amount to 10 of them, but it aso proves that it can never empirically be verified because the cosmos woud have to be heavier than it is.

Your number-philosophy of 2015 or 2014 (I forget) was terribly ominous, you were on the verge of deciphering the quantum in more solid terms than its probabilities, namely deriving it from geometries somehow expertly using that matrix I created / discovered

246813579, etc)

You were behaving not entirely like a human inside that math, truly it was almost scary.
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PostSubject: Re: Quantum valuing   Quantum valuing Icon_minitimeWed Sep 20, 2017 1:10 pm

Yes that was some truly badass shit that even the gods were like "dude slow down".
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PostSubject: Re: Quantum valuing   Quantum valuing Icon_minitimeWed Sep 20, 2017 1:12 pm

Yes. Not in the least, I think, on account of who would get their hands on it.

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PostSubject: Re: Quantum valuing   Quantum valuing Icon_minitime

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