Before The Light
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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Poetry   Poetry Icon_minitimeSat Oct 07, 2017 4:44 pm

roast beef
(April '11)
Hyperborean, bald headed birds squawk
for vain recognition
In the Desert, a rainworm shrivels
in blistering regret
at least, that is how he calls the Sun.

In a forest, a Tomahawk cuts through the foliage
and makes a delightful noise
before a loud Clunk
delivers its part with verve

The lonely wolf prepares
to howl on his chosen hill
looks with bloodshot eyes
around him seeing
things unknown to thought

As sheep gather in flocks
all throughout their lives
a warmth spreads through their veins
it is all they know

The stray cat curves her back
and spits an evil sound
her tail swells, thick and fierce
what is coming next
is in the blink of an eye
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Location : Acrux

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PostSubject: Re: Poetry   Poetry Icon_minitimeTue Oct 10, 2017 7:04 pm

tiger striped timbre

In the morning light
they say things are different
but I find, differently,
that there are no things
in the morning, just light

Come with me and fly
I tell to my little song
it has been enclosed in my heart
where it terrorized and hid
from the terror outside

The song now grows a yelping
strangely I no longer hear
any melody or rhythm
except in the breathing between
that sometimes sounds hoarse

As a side comment
I should like to note
that the sky is blue
that the leaves are green
and the reservoir is replenished
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