Before The Light
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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Wunjo Empty
PostSubject: Wunjo   Wunjo Icon_minitimeThu Oct 12, 2017 5:25 pm

Wunjo, Wonne
Wind of fame
fury of the dance where everything seems light. Light-headed. Big-headed.
When the storm comes, one is ready, inflated, with wealth, love power and magnitude -
all will fall away, but Wunjo will be remembered.
Wunjo is described in the books of old because the other books didnt survive
All gods are winners, Wunjo is at the heart of all gods.
How does he dance so lightly? “I could only believe in a god that knows how to dance” -
Wonne, winning - whirlwind of wealth, the thing you just can't help looking at.
Winning seems easy - thats why its so nice. It looks like it comes all natural.
Losing seems hard. And it is. Wunjo knows this, this is why she is so proud of her win, of herself, of the fact that she stands out, as a beacon to all those that don't want to lose and are ready to do the ultimate thing: be awesome.
Its scary, Wunjo has a big head, a rams head, she is steady like a bull, and she can sting like a bee, but talk to her and you will find her soft spoken, one and all warmth, willingness to let you share in her splendor; she will mockingly be that Sun of Zarathustra's address; what would she be without those that bathe in her light? And she will mercifully let you think that she is shining all for you. Wunjo, Victory, Venus. There can be only one.
End of the first Futhark Aett.
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