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 Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Empty
PostSubject: Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism   Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Icon_minitimeMon Nov 13, 2017 3:32 pm

Ive come to understand Tectonics as a method of building using all other methods. It is self-valuing qua method. Its functionality supersedes ontology, which is only part of its ground; the other half beings the Daemonic method. Note that method here means simply form of existence - in terms of methods, existence is a method. Self-valuing describes the method of existence on the minimal level, where it contrasts non-being. The Daemonic describes the method of existence on the maximal level (as relevant and accessible to us present humans) where it approaches non-being through near-absolute self-contradiction (contra/ juxtaposition), and thus the whole world in these terms as well - it includes all of ontology except the self-valuing principle, which monadic and self-sufficient integrity (against its not self-sufficient manifestation, the challenge to its integrity, "flux" "Fire") eludes it just as the daemonic is not brought about from SelfValuing without the full universe unfolding first to such an extent as to reflect on itself through the philosopher, the fully developed human heart, where mind and heart have ceased to be separate forms of standard, consistency, and have become one - the Daemonic is the substance of the world, whose form and law is self-valuing. "The word and the flesh".

The Tectonic breakthrough means that we can communicate between sky and earth. It means we can build to the yearning heights, pierce their opaque mysteries, break their tensions and have them rain down on our yearning deserts. So we grow and build, grow and build, from both sides, like Squirrels down and up the Life Tree.

That we can inhabit this planet with proper methods of being.

Tectonics is the intelligence of the Masters of the Earth.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism   Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Icon_minitimeMon Nov 13, 2017 3:50 pm

I never could call myself a value-ontologist or value-philosopher, respectively these terms are too specific/obscure and too general.
So I embrace the term Tectonics as describing what I do with the self-valuing logic.

Ethics be Tectonic.
Im a Tectonic Philosopher, or simply a Tectonic Builder.
Which reminds me that "Poesis" means as much as "making" as in "piling up".

"flow like Stolichnaya rise higher than the Himalayas" - Puin, my translation
Toward philosophic tonic, nektar; taste is the nexus of tectonic expanse.
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Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism   Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Icon_minitimeMon Nov 13, 2017 6:27 pm

Philosopher’s tonic
Nektar and chronic
Yeah that shit be tectonic
While our shit be kektonic.
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PostSubject: Re: Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism   Doric Styled Tectonic Expanse of Value Ontology as a Word-Ethics meeting Daemonism Icon_minitime

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