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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Lefts Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:07 pm
I really really fucking hate leftists.
Fucking assholes.
Fuck them in their stupid cuntholes. Subhuman trash heaps of wasted nonsense filthfuckery brainlessdeathidiocy.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:22 pm
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:05 am
Stranger: I am liberal/left You: Ah You: So that means you are pro-abortion? Stranger: I don't think the govt should be involved in that You: We should not have laws (government) involved in the issue of killing developing human beings in utero? Stranger: Its a personal choice Stranger: Its her body You: A developing human being is not part of a woman's body, it is an entirely separate being. Stranger: We can debate about the week abortion is not ok You: There is no clear or rational cut off in the development of the embryo/fetus at which point abortion is somehow suddenly wrong now, that isn't how it works. You cannot draw a line like that. Stranger: A bunch of cells is not a human being You: It is defined as a developing human being, that is literally what it is regardless of however many cells it has. You: And anyway, most abortions are performed on fetuses that are already fully identifiable as human, with a brain, other organs, heartbeat, ability to feel pain, etc., and only because the mother is a lazy cunt who doesn't want the responsibility of caring for another life and apparently cannot be bothered to just give the baby up for adoption. Stranger: And it depend on personal beliefs, I want to see an abortion more than a child born into poverty with a bad family You: Typical leftist... not only brainless, but soulless. You: Fuck off. You have disconnected.
So are we talking about politics or human values regarding abortion?
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:56 am
We are talking about chopping up a developing human being in utero and sucking it out of the birth canal, because a woman wants to be “liberated” or some such fucking thing.
We are talking about chopping up a developing human being in utero and sucking it out of the birth canal, because a woman wants to be “liberated” or some such fucking thing.
Hehehe. Prevention, not abortion. Of course, if some don't understand prevention there is always abortion.
Yeah, you are back on the abortion issue again.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
" in order to automatically alert authorities to crimes in progress as they can identify screams and other sounds."
No.. I dont feel this is going in the right direction.
Big Brother is watching "and" listening.
We al knew that, literally every conversation you are having is being stored, sold and exploited through your phone, tv, car, satellites above, cables below, etc. Not to mention your neighbours, "friends" and family.
But what I find hilariously pathetic about this particular story is that the country has decayed so absolutely and utterly that all they can (have the heart to) do in terms of protecting its citizens is sit back and wait for screams.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:58 am
Yep, that’s pure logic of multiculturalism, also called tolerance.
^ Mayor of a UK city has Muslim prayers before a city council meeting, to which everyone is forced to bow.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:02 am
"Parsons says Pakistan is a country which he knows well and he is familiar with the scourge of sex grooming. A high proportion from Pakistan’s Christian and Hindu minorities “are regarded as inferiors” by a great many Pakistani Muslims, according to Parsons.
“In fact, most abductions occur in the Punjab and Sindh province, where the majority of the Christians and Hindus respectively live. A 2014 report by a Pakistani NGO highlighted how these abductions are justified by forcing the victims to convert to Islam, which then enables the perpetrator to escape justice,” Parsons said.
The NGO stated: “Cases for forced marriages and conversions can be distinguished by a specific pattern or process: Christian girls – usually between the ages of 12 and 25 – are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the abductor or third party. The victim’s family usually files a First Information Report (FIR) for abduction or rape with the local police station. The abductor, on behalf of the victim girl, files a counter FIR, accusing the Christian family of harassing the willfully converted and married girl, and for conspiring to convert the girl back to Christianity. Upon production in the courts or before the magistrate, the victim girl is asked to testify whether she converted and married of her own free will or if she was abducted. In most cases, the girl remains in custody of the abductor while judicial proceedings are carried out. Upon the girl’s pronouncement that she willfully converted and consented to the marriage, the case is settled without relief for the family. Once in the custody of the abductor, the victim girl may be subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse.
The prevalence and incidence of forced conversion and marriage are difficult to accurately estimate due to reporting deficiencies and the complex nature of the crime. Estimates therefore range from 100 to 700 victim Christian girls per year. For the Hindu community, the most conservative estimates put the number of victims at 300 per year.”
Pakistani Christians face many injustices in their country including the blasphemy laws, the abduction, rape and forcible conversion of Christian girls."
Know your enemy.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:10 am
What, you don't want to convert to Islam? You racist!!
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:28 am
Leftism is caused by a deficiency in language, specifically by the fact that our understanding of our own language, as words and concepts that we are able to use, has reached a threshold and is not really progressing further anymore. Part of this is a consequence of the failure of philosophy ever since Nietzsche died.
One symptom of this threshold is the meme culture today. Memes and pop cultural references appearing in regular conversation is a sign of how language is trying to break this deadlock. But we need more than just memes and references to achieve this.
Because people cannot think past the threshold of language, they feel compelled to agree to any tyrannical force that presents itself as outside of their own threshold boundary. The maximum words and concepts people are able to deploy are taken over and used against them for exactly opposite purposes as those words and concepts themselves, for example with such things as "tolerance" and "diversity" and "multiculturalism" and "inclusiveness" and "hate speech" and "racist!!".
This is what leftism is, which is also just what communism is and always was... the external expression in the world of the fact that language has a threshold limit and most people cannot deal with anything at or beyond that limit. Well, communism was originally about other things, but it came to symbolize this limit because it takes perpetual advantage of the limit's existence. No more is philosophy, literature, film or poetry pushing back against the limit of language as they ought to be doing... these are becoming corrupted too, by the external expressions (leftism) of that very limit which they should be pushing back against.
In short, humans in the west have very little courage left. They are weak, not brave. They cower, they are not strong. But then Trump came along and showed us what it means to be a human being again. We can keep feeding the flames of this 'rebellion of the earth' as he represents, against death, and hope that it continues toward an eventual rebirth of human being as full will to breakthrough the limits of language which bind us to... nothingness. Because without language, you are literally... nothing. And if language is not growing all the time, pushing back and expanding and evolving, then the excess under human psyche and society-culture cannot grow and begins to decay and die. And that excess is you, literally you are it.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:37 am
Resentment, bad conscience, a spirit of revenge, slave moralism, and the will to nothingness of the last man......
FUCK. Nietzsche was right, about all of this shit.
Leftism = Resentment, bad conscience, a spirit of revenge, slave moralism, and the will to nothingness of the last man
Because people cannot think past the threshold of language, they feel compelled to agree to any tyrannical force that presents itself as outside of their own threshold boundary.
In short, humans in the west have very little courage left. They are weak, not brave. They cower, they are not strong. But then Trump came along and showed us what it means to be a human being again. We can keep feeding the flames of this 'rebellion of the earth' as he represents, against death, and hope that it continues toward an eventual rebirth of human being as full will to breakthrough the limits of language which bind us to... nothingness. Because without language, you are literally... nothing. And if language is not growing all the time, pushing back and expanding and evolving, then the excess under human psyche and society-culture cannot grow and begins to decay and die. And that excess is you, literally you are it.
This is also a function of hiphop. To fuck language in the ass and have it walk differently.
"Parsons says Pakistan is a country which he knows well and he is familiar with the scourge of sex grooming. A high proportion from Pakistan’s Christian and Hindu minorities “are regarded as inferiors” by a great many Pakistani Muslims, according to Parsons.
“In fact, most abductions occur in the Punjab and Sindh province, where the majority of the Christians and Hindus respectively live. A 2014 report by a Pakistani NGO highlighted how these abductions are justified by forcing the victims to convert to Islam, which then enables the perpetrator to escape justice,” Parsons said.
The NGO stated: “Cases for forced marriages and conversions can be distinguished by a specific pattern or process: Christian girls – usually between the ages of 12 and 25 – are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the abductor or third party. The victim’s family usually files a First Information Report (FIR) for abduction or rape with the local police station. The abductor, on behalf of the victim girl, files a counter FIR, accusing the Christian family of harassing the willfully converted and married girl, and for conspiring to convert the girl back to Christianity. Upon production in the courts or before the magistrate, the victim girl is asked to testify whether she converted and married of her own free will or if she was abducted. In most cases, the girl remains in custody of the abductor while judicial proceedings are carried out. Upon the girl’s pronouncement that she willfully converted and consented to the marriage, the case is settled without relief for the family. Once in the custody of the abductor, the victim girl may be subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse.
The prevalence and incidence of forced conversion and marriage are difficult to accurately estimate due to reporting deficiencies and the complex nature of the crime. Estimates therefore range from 100 to 700 victim Christian girls per year. For the Hindu community, the most conservative estimates put the number of victims at 300 per year.”
Pakistani Christians face many injustices in their country including the blasphemy laws, the abduction, rape and forcible conversion of Christian girls."
Know your enemy.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
(a premonition)
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:26 pm
Fixed Cross wrote:
Thrasymachus wrote:
In short, humans in the west have very little courage left. They are weak, not brave. They cower, they are not strong. But then Trump came along and showed us what it means to be a human being again. We can keep feeding the flames of this 'rebellion of the earth' as he represents, against death, and hope that it continues toward an eventual rebirth of human being as full will to breakthrough the limits of language which bind us to... nothingness. Because without language, you are literally... nothing. And if language is not growing all the time, pushing back and expanding and evolving, then the excess under human psyche and society-culture cannot grow and begins to decay and die. And that excess is you, literally you are it.
This is also a function of hiphop. To fuck language in the ass and have it walk differently.
Yes, great point.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:10 pm
Holy fuck. I couldn't even get through this video.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:21 am
I had a clear vision last night about how leftists/liberals have some damage to their compassion, somehow whatever it is that is, creates, and holds our empathy and compassion is damaged in these leftists and liberals, and the consequence of this damage is that their empathy and compassion sprays out of them uncontrollably, like water under pressure being sprayed out from a crack in a jar.
This is why these people cannot help misapplying their compassion and empathy to obviously insane and horrible things, and also why they are unable to apply it to anything meaningful in their own lives on anything more than a surface level. On the one hand they overly apply compassion to many things that do not deserve it, like abortion or clontingoo; and on the other hand they are unable to focus and reserve their compassion for what really does deserve it, like their own families, because of how their compassion is always being wasted.
^ direct psychological truth
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: Lefts Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:56 am
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars