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 Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics

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Fixed Cross
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Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Empty
PostSubject: Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics   Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 16, 2017 10:05 am

Yo, dear mystic.
I have seen it.
Seen what you've all been pondering, seen the end of all of it.
I really did, just this morning
I can't really explain it in words, as you will very well understand.
Perhaps you will only understand that which can't be put into words.

But what I realize, words or not, is that these two things we've always been identifying as the limits, are not only the same in that the are both a limit, but ... they are both limits because they are precisely the same.

What am I talking about ?
Its the infinite and the nothing.
These arent merely analytically the same in that both elude some basic physical laws - though this is definitely a result of their identity.

The fact is rather that they are effectively the same. When we say one, we mean the other as wel.
We only need to compute the two with that which is in between it - existence - and, given that this existence is propel understood, the edges of it, both on the side of where it gets "too much" and "too little" to grasp, are in reality only the ground from which it all comes.

Infinity and nothingness are both metaphors. They should both be understood as reality behind the image of the Elysian Fields.
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Fixed Cross
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Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics   Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 16, 2017 10:17 am

To Capable:

(It is) the very same thing, to which these concepts (Infinity and Nothingness) refer.
Neither of them exists literally -
it is rather that infinite potential equals no-thing, and that for a thing to come about, it must limit the potential that it takes as it ground.
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Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics   Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Icon_minitimeThu Nov 16, 2017 6:05 pm

Have you heard of the concept of "Absolute Nothingness"?

It is that area (non-area) beyond the definable universe. Yes, it could be called infinity.
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Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics   Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Icon_minitimeFri Nov 17, 2017 2:50 am

Yeah, only mathematicians get bent out of shape over the numbers 0 and infinity. They are just symbols we use to represent concepts, namely the concepts of “nothing (of X) is there” and “has no limit/never stops”. These are pretty simple concepts. Obviously we needed words and symbols to be able to talk about them.

I agree that these concepts can act as the limits of what we think of as existence. Nothing on one side, infinite on the other, but indeed since any actual application of infinity would approach non-existence we can say that infinite is nothing too. Infinite is used in funky math equations to describe a slope at a given moment, but of course at a subsequent moment whatever is being measured as to its slope is going to angle back down to less than infinity. Reality would seemingly not allow a slope of change of anything to be infinite forever. Same with nothing, it is a snapshot concept. It describes something about something else in a snapshot of time and place.

Although it does get interesting with humans, since we are able to understand these concepts and apply them abstractly to ourselves and others. We know that someday we will be “nothing”, and we can imagine being “infinite” by simply inverting our knowledge of our eventual nothingness. Pretty cool.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics   Discovery to ease the pain of all the Words Mystics Icon_minitime

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