It'll prove a scam if the western governments manage to take it down. If not it'll eliminate inflation and the parasitical attitude of "economic growth".
Fiat currency banking is a long standing scam from which part of the world profits at the cost of the other part, a scam that the Germans are sabotaging with their negative interest rates. Its too complicated to completely grasp, all of it, it is real time reality.
It's hard to say what bitcoin can become. But internet payment is safer with cryptocurrency than with encrypted bank accounts. And in the end, it looks like we will be paying everything online.
Cryptomoney offers independent transactions, no banks involved, only the Standard and any number of exchanges. You can make your own bitcoin exchange and profit from providing a service to the independent economy.
It can crash or to can go up. It can go up significantly because of the limited amount of coins, if it is interpreted as a banking system providing global services. It could go up by a factor 30 still, but that would be over a series of long years of big changes accompanied with a lot of pressures and explosions in world politics.
I would also think it is likely that this period involves a big crash, and a complete reattribution and arrangement in some sort of regulated order allowing for taxation (which in this case is a great idea) and a steady recovery - in the end it will have to become less mysterious to carry an economy; still, if it works, it works. People are very easy in getting used to that particular quality. When something works.