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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 22, 2017 11:03 pm

I finally know why people are so fucking stupid. And by extension why the world is so fucked up.

They cannot think vertically, only horizontally: if there are more than one piece of information they choose one to process and push out the others, literally excrete them from their valuing sphere. And of course most things in life involve multiple parts and significant causes; therefore these people cannot address the bulk of whatever affects them and is important, they just choose one or maybe two at best and push away everything else.

They cannot stack ideas. I mean this literally, in a physical sense: this is a mental space, a plane, and on it rest countless “ideas” as data points; people are self-valuings that migrate along this plane, and they create a little circle around themselves that accords with their self valuing, but indeed it is a circle and not a sphere, it has no vertical dimension. So whenever their value space of self gets cluttered they just violently shit out almost everything to leave just one or two things behind for them to value.

In contrast what I do, what all intelligent people do, is build with these data point contents: when they are cluttered or when we encounter new ones in our value circle we attempt to incorporate them into what is already there, we start building upward, which creates dimensionality. We fucking build shit. Yeah, that’s right all you other mother fuckers, we are goddamn builders of this existence.

So when we process things we do not just shit out some diarrhea of contents and data simply to keep focused on just one thing, we do not “choose” one over another by some purely quantitative calculus of minimal sufficiency. That doesn’t even fucking make sense, but it is what most people do all the time. No, we actually add stuff together to create meta-stuff, which changes the entire processing and calculus, necessitating more processing and integration and acquisition of new contents, which births a curious mind honest for more and more of existence.

If I tell someone there are 8 different reasons for something that I’m saying or thinking, they will inevitably pick one or two to focus on and ignore the rest. They cannot say “oh ok let me integrate all 8 of those together into one single thing, so that I actually know what the fuck you’re taking about”. No, they can’t do that, they just decide to interpret everything through one or two reasons because they don’t know how to build, they cannot meta-process, they literally cannot think.
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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 22, 2017 11:09 pm

Regarding how this explains why the world is fucked up:

Valuing inevitably pushes out (shits out) most of what actually matters, because this is how people are. So you have this whole transfer of excess meaning dumping from the top layer down to the layer below, then from that still another dump, then another, all the way down to the bottom.

The “top” is the first world, specifically the best most affluent of the first world, while the “bottom” is the worst shit layers of the third world. So what this human world is doing is actually just a gigantic system for transferring meaning and significant away from itself and pushing it outward and downward as a kind of excretion process, because we cannot fucking build anything with it, we (meaning our societies) are too fucking lazy and stupid to build so we just “choose”, we select what is good to us and push away the rest. Each layer of the world-system does this value-selecting until there’s basically nothing but a massive pile of decaying shit all over the bottom, which happens to occupy a significant percentage of the actual planet.

So it ends up mostly ok for us on the top, although still it could be a hell of a lot better; but it ends up being absolute sewage for most everyone else. Then we say “oh well it’s just the way it is, I can only care about myself and they should care about themselves” as if we haven’t been shitting directly onto them for the entirety of our existences... yeah, no, what we should be doing at the societal level is building, incorporating and meta-making, as I described above. We few intelligent people do that on a personal level with our own minds, but imagine if an entire society did that.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 22, 2017 11:49 pm

Most people are intellectually, like blades of grass where I am wind and tree.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 22, 2017 11:59 pm

My lessons are very profound, because the only lesson is as above, so below - meaning where there are heights there must be roots, and I have been given the opportunity to study the surface of the abyss half infant, half scorpion.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 23, 2017 12:46 am

Cowards run and nuns turn from the sun and trust is burnt but some will surface and all is trust again,
because there is a fire between two worlds and between itself it comes, like self-valuing in the mist where it rains and the sun
forms all this realm

Did you know we live in the clouds
that the light is surface
touches it like a skin
and bounces inside you and forms you the same from within
and so we are mirrored,
unfathomably for the conjuring mind
simply element
no dimension
beyond all dimension
dimension is my sock
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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 23, 2017 8:39 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
I finally know why people are so fucking stupid. And by extension why the world is so fucked up.

So you actually want people to start thinking in depth rather than just at the surface level?

Good luck with that one.

The thread title tricked me. This has nothing to do with any gods. It's about physics.

Yes, cause and effect. But you stated well that "cause" is very rarely only one single cause. There almost always multiple causes (events) leading toward applying pressure to result in an effect.

I think that the reason most people like to narrow things down to one major cause is because most are what I call "tunnel-visioned" and they are looking for one thing to blame things (effects) on.

Yes, we must pass blame. On others, not on our self.

There is almost always a chain of causes, the butterfly effect.

At the Daoist forum I often speak of alternate perspectives. This not only includes how different people view a concept but it also includes other people seeing aspects of something that others have missed or ignored.

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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 23, 2017 11:42 pm

Humans are such fag cunt idiots you cant even talk about it.

There simply do not exist the words to accurately convey this.
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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 12:37 pm

Thrasymachus wrote:
Humans are such fag cunt idiots you cant even talk about it.

There simply do not exist the words to accurately convey this.

But you did try. One point for that.

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Finally  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally    Finally  Icon_minitime

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