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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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PostSubject: VR   VR Icon_minitimeSun Jan 28, 2018 11:15 am

I figured out what virtual reality is. I may be the first person to understand this and integrate it philosophically.

VR will teach humanity how to imagine, how to visualize to the highest power. That’s not really what VR is about right now or what it’s intended for, but this will be the outcome. This is about the fantasy-image, one of the three cores I talk about in my second book. But really it’s about the integration of all three cores: fantasy, truth and power. What we call thought and emotion are early expressions of the tighter integration of these three fundamental cores of our existence, and VR is a new means of language-technology that will take the integration one step higher. This might open up the space for an eventual heroic daemonic to take hold of humanity, with or without VR (VR might simply be a means to this and eventually fall away or fall apart, leaving behind the work it wrought upon man, or it might take a more permanent position), given that so much of our daemonism and subjectivity is based on our capacity for and capability to imagine, visualize, experience an inner reality and match it to the reality out in the world, which always means finding the ways we were already matched like that, because no fantasy or creativity or imagination could ever deny reality. Reality is simply what cannot ever be denied. To deny it is still to affirm it, perhaps in the reverse or by new means.

By indulging maximally in fantasy and “alternate reality” humanity will learn how to know and love reality itself even more deeply. Just like leftists attempting to deny the earth only lead to a further growth of earth-power despite themselves.

When you use VR you realize in a visceral way how your mind can change what you experience. You then remove VR, close your eyes and realize that you can still do this, you can still fully emerge in your own inner mental model, you can think and feel and visualize and imagine and create literally anything that you want to. This is further refinement of the integration and delimitation powers of the mental model, of “consciousness” (consciousness means consciousness-of, which means consciousness-of something about the inner mental model that you have, an inner mental model of reality).
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeFri Feb 02, 2018 6:17 pm

I think it will have great benefits especially for people who tend to have difficulties seeing this from different perspectives. By indulging in those virtual, alternate realities we will be able to experience a whole new aspect of our minds and the world we live in. I suspect it will have amazing use in psychology, for example we can treat people who have certain problems in creating an athmosphere where they can relieve stress or maybe find solutions to said problems by seeing them from another perspective. We are far from the full potential of virtual reality and I am excited to see what amazing things it will do for us.
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeFri Feb 02, 2018 6:58 pm

Styrkjar wrote:
I think it will have great benefits especially for people who tend to have difficulties seeing this from different perspectives. By indulging in those virtual, alternate realities we will be able to experience a whole new aspect of our minds and the world we live in. I suspect it will have amazing use in psychology, for example we can treat people who have certain problems in creating an athmosphere where they can relieve stress or maybe find solutions to said problems by seeing them from another perspective. We are far from the full potential of virtual reality and I am excited to see what amazing things it will do for us.

Yes exactly.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 9:30 am

Styrkjar wrote:
I think it will have great benefits especially for people who tend to have difficulties seeing this from different perspectives. By indulging in those virtual, alternate realities we will be able to experience a whole new aspect of our minds and the world we live in. I suspect it will have amazing use in psychology, for example we can treat people who have certain problems in creating an athmosphere where they can relieve stress or maybe find solutions to said problems by seeing them from another perspective. We are far from the full potential of virtual reality and I am excited to see what amazing things it will do for us.

Interesting. I can see how this would work, yes.
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 9:35 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Styrkjar wrote:
I think it will have great benefits especially for people who tend to have difficulties seeing this from different perspectives. By indulging in those virtual, alternate realities we will be able to experience a whole new aspect of our minds and the world we live in. I suspect it will have amazing use in psychology, for example we can treat people who have certain problems in creating an athmosphere where they can relieve stress or maybe find solutions to said problems by seeing them from another perspective. We are far from the full potential of virtual reality and I am excited to see what amazing things it will do for us.

Interesting. I can see how this would work, yes.

Of course the technology is so powerful that the danger is clearly there, and very great. Many countless millions will be sucked into the vortex of death and mindlessness by this technology. But oh well, that is the nature of things. Only the select end up surviving. Technologies can act as a kind of new selection pressure, not necessarily on reproduction of babies but more on reproduction of ideas.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 2:15 pm

Yes, in this sense it could be real, a trip for mankind, like an intense drug.
I imagined it responding to eye movements and blood pressure primarily. 
This would not even be the difficult type to make. It can consist of elementary algorithms rather than simulations of "reality".
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2018 5:54 pm

Another scarry but interesting thought just crossed my mind. What if the technology becomes so perfect that we could no longer differentiate between the virtual world and the "real" world. If one is introduced to this from birth with no real memories of the world we live in they will never become concious and believe their "world" to be the real one. They wouldn't know how they got there, they would probably end up asking themselves the same questions we are (why are we here? Who or what is our creator? Will we ever understand our purpose?). This goes back to the simulation theory and how we can't know for sure we aren't living in one. Although ethically this would never be allowed, who says secret agencies or govournments aren't experimenting with this technology.
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PostSubject: Re: VR   VR Icon_minitime

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