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 American truth-saying and ballsy freedom

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PostSubject: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2018 9:26 am

Fuck man, this is maybe the funniest thing I have ever seen.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2018 2:27 pm

This is comedy gold. Everything about it was perfect. Crowder creates a lot of great content.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 11:07 pm

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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 7:55 am

Styrkjar wrote:
This is comedy gold. Everything about it was perfect. Crowder creates a lot of great content.

Yeah I know. Funniest shit on the Internet.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:00 am

Can you imagine how fast the police would be at your door if you posted that comedy video in Europe instead of in the US? Germany and UK especially are becoming open police states of thought crime. Fuck that I will never give up my freedom. Never.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:28 am

I agree with Fixed that pedophilia is not funny. But this clip isn’t funny because it’s making pedophilia funny. It isn’t based on that, it’s much deeper.

By invoking this deeper more complex humor the clip is depowering pedo cunts and any ideology that excuses it. People like Louis CK try to make pedophila funny by actually normalizing it, by making the impulse against pedophilia into a laughing matter. That is pure shit and not even funny. But Crowder here is doing the exact opposite, he is making the impulse to pedopjilia a subject of deep ridicule and gross embarrassment. As ought to be the case of course.

Anyone who abuses a child like that deserves the worst kind of death.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:33 am

"Can you imagine how fast the police would be at your door if you posted that comedy video in Europe instead of in the US?"

Dude thats to how it is here at all, thats only the case in Britain which isn't even Europe, must a miserable colony of Saud.

The only problem here is that it is actually risky to do that stuff because people tend to get murdered quite efficiently for it because there are muslims living everywhere and there is a direct land-connection to the islamic countries. That dude is still brave for doing it but not braver than Charlie Hebdo, let alone Theo Van Gogh.  But there are countless Mohammed cartoons that have been made in Europe.

We've been doing this since the 1400's.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:38 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
I agree with Fixed that pedophilia is not funny. But this clip isn’t funny because it’s making pedophilia funny. It isn’t based on that, it’s much deeper.

By invoking this deeper more complex humor the clip is depowering pedo cunts and any ideology that excuses it. People like Louis CK try to make pedophila funny by actually normalizing it, by making the impulse against pedophilia into a laughing matter. That is pure shit and not even funny. But Crowder here is doing the exact opposite, he is making the impulse to pedopjilia a subject of deep ridicule and gross embarrassment. As ought to be the case of course.

This has been the common topic of Charlie Hebdo - they made many hundreds of such cartoons. It is not my admired form but that's me.

I admire America but it has no real experience of doing battle with this religion. The legions of heroes of this battle are European - and now that Saudi-Brittania is falling away into insignificance, we will win it.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:48 am

The Germans are misguided but not out of fear, only out of antisemitism. Their only reason to invite all these muslims has been to drive out the Jews that still lingered after WWII. This is disgusting, but it isn't cowardly perse.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:52 am

Interestingly, 1492 is the years that Columbus discovered America, and of the surrender of the muslims to the Christians in Grenada.

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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:53 am

I consider “hate speech” laws an absolute abomination of death. And it is my understanding that these laws now exist all over Europe. Maybe I’m wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 8:57 am

Does any European nation have a Bill of Rights comparable to that of the United States? As far as I know this is only absolutely codified as philosophical law to which government itself must submit, in the US.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 9:19 am

Certainly, our constitution guarantees the freedom of expression just like yours.

It is perfectly common in our public discourse to have islam criticized very heavily. Geert Wilders new party slogan for the upcoming elections is "Islam = Violence".
That is at least as radical as the most radical thing Trump would say.

I can't speak to Germany too much, as it has always been a rather despotic state, but as I noted the other day the tables have already turned there with the remark "muslims belong in Germany but Islam does not".

Italy is the most resilient country. It is perfectly islam-proof. Austria is very strong as well, as is Switzerland.

We'e really only taking boys Germany, England and France, and France ia a difference case because al of its islamic colonies speak French, meaning France has an interest there - as does Germany, in the other way I mentioned - that leaves us England, as the only real coward of the continent.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:07 pm

If that story is true then I don’t understand how you can maintain freedom of speech exists there.

I can point to the place in American law, Constitution, First Amendment, that guarantees freedom of speech and the press. I would be interested to see the textual equivalents of this in other European laws.

If hate speech laws exist then free speech does not.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:08 pm

Geert and Le Pen have both been charged with hate speech under these kinds of laws. I cannot therefore consider that freedom of speech exists in these places.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:17 pm

When the police come to your house to arrest you and you get taken to court over expressing an opinion of yours, that is madness, that is not free speech.

“And the number is likely to keep on rising as this week the EU announced that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft had “committed” to working more closely with them and national governments and “their law enforcement agencies” to help “criminalise” perceived “illegal hate speech” online.

Section 127 was the law used to prosecute James McConnell, the Northern Irish Pastor charged with making “grossly offensive” remarks about Islam during a sermon broadcast online in 2014.”

“MADRID — A puppet show at an open square in Madrid during Carnival festivities this month featured a policeman who tried to entrap a witch. The puppet officer held up a little sign to falsely accuse her, using a play on words that combined Al Qaeda and ETA, the Basque separatist group.

Angry parents complained, and the real police stepped in. They arrested two puppeteers, who could now face as much as seven years in prison on charges of glorifying terrorism and promoting hatred.

Paradoxically, the puppeteers say in their defense, the police proved their point: that Spain’s antiterrorism laws are being misapplied, used for witch hunts.”

“acked a federal program to monitor and police internet activity on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

The Orwellian program is being led by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, or BMJV and the Interior Ministry, implicating several branches of government in the campaign to suppress free speech online.

Vowing to exploit nearly every shred of power at his disposal, Justice Minister and SPD (social-democratic party) member Heiko Maas has vowed to weaponize legislation to purge "hate" from online space in Germany if social media companies fail to effectively restrict the conduct of their users towards this end.

“Under a program that runs until March, German authorities are monitoring how many racist posts reported by users of social media sites are deleted within 24 hours,” reports Reuters. After March, Berlin will reassess the political climate online determine whether or not to implement stricter and more punitive measures to restrict speech.”

Places I see this being applied for sure: UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Scotland. And I get the feeling there are more I don’t know about, since I’ve barely even tried to research it yet.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:19 pm

Add Slovakia to the list, where that woman who was raped by a migrant and then she burned and pissed on a copy of the Koran was arrested and thrown into prison.

Dude fuck all this. Fuck Europe.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:20 pm

Article 7 of the constitution

Quote :
Niemand heeft voorafgaand verlof nodig om door de drukpers gedachten of gevoelens te openbaren, behoudens ieders verantwoordelijkheid volgens de wet.
De wet stelt regels omtrent radio en televisie. Er is geen voorafgaand toezicht op de inhoud van een radio- of televisieuitzending.
Voor het openbaren van gedachten of gevoelens door andere dan in de voorgaande leden genoemde middelen heeft niemand voorafgaand verlof nodig wegens de inhoud daarvan, behoudens ieders verantwoordelijkheid volgens de wet. De wet kan het geven van vertoningen toegankelijk voor personen jonger dan zestien jaar regelen ter bescherming van de goede zeden.
De voorgaande leden zijn niet van toepassing op het maken van handelsreclame.

All of this simply says no one needs permission to express feelings or thoughts.

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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 12:47 pm

Slovakia never had freedoms. Comparing the Netherlands to Slovakia is like judging the US by what Mexican kartels are doing.

That girl was also not raped by immigrants or muslims, but by gypsies, who have lived there forever. You don't want to have to do with gypsies, but they are not immigrants or muslims. I certainly don't respect Slovakia and have never respected it. I don't respect England either, neither deserve to be mentioned alongside real countries like my own.

Europe is not homogenous. No one has been convicted for hate speech here. Wilders was charged for basically suggesting ethnic cleansing in his capacity as politician, but not convicted, nor was there ever a formal possibility he would be convicted. Even if he would have lost the trial he would have been acquitted because there is no penalty on this issue.

We have gone through a very deep crisis the past two decades, but we are coming out of it now. Italy has never seen such a crisis, it has always been resilient. Spain has always been worth possibly less than England.

Also take a look at Austria. We are on the front lines of a battle the US is just beginning to engage. I don't wish to see our bravery rewarded with "fuck Europe"; this is my homeland.

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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 1:10 pm

Sorry I’m not trying to be an asshole, this stuff just pisses me off. I believe in radical free speech, I can’t change this value of mine and I don’t want to. I reject all state censorship of ideas and I reject all thoughtcrime.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 1:19 pm

I still can't post links, but

You Can Now Be Arrested For Sexism In Belgium  zerohedge news/2018-03-08/you-can-now-be-arrested-sexism-belgium

A Belgian court fined a man €3,000 ($3,700) for telling a female police officer that she should do a job more “adapted to women.”

Germans Rage As New Hate Speech Law Backfires  zerohedge news/2018-01-07/spare-us-thought-police-germans-rage-new-hate-speech-law-backfires

Germany passed a law that forces websites to censor content deemed illegal under the new law and have it deleted within 24-hours.

Sweden's New Government Censorship Exposed  news/2017-11-29/swedens-new-government-censorship-exposed

"Hate" is defined broadly to include violent extremism, "hateful expressions", jokes, internet trolling and even the use of certain quotation marks. For instance, in the report, placing the word "refugees" in quotation marks, as well as "unaccompanied children," is supposedly an expression of "hate". (Many, if not most, migrants classified as "unaccompanied children" have turned out to be grown men).

You had better talk all you want now before you'll have to give it up like a bad habit lest ye offend someone and be imprisoned.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 2:22 pm

Lulz @ Belgium
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 2:23 pm

This is what I mean.
Not every European country is as excellent as the Netherlands, Italy or Austria are.

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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 2:25 pm

Belgium doesn't even have real roads.
If you leave the Netherlands for Belgium the first thing you'll instantly notice besides the stench is the remnants of what were once highways still having to serve to carry you.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 2:26 pm

I don't think a movie like the one I posted in Film could ever me made in the US. That is way too critical of the establishment. It would be like having a truthful Hollywood movie about 9/11.
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PostSubject: Re: American truth-saying and ballsy freedom   American truth-saying and ballsy freedom Icon_minitime

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