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 Madness of the German School System

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Madness of the German School System Empty
PostSubject: Madness of the German School System   Madness of the German School System Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2018 11:42 am

Backstory: I will garduate from my school in June of this year. During the final months of the school year it is tradition to have a "dress-up" week. Every day we have certain themes like for example the 90s, Hippies or whatever you can think of.

Now I don't certaintly have a problem with this and it can be quiet fun seeing students dress like they lived in a different time period. But one of the themes selected this and the previous year made my stomach turn: Gender-swap. Are you fucking serious? You would think any man with a little self respect wouldn't out of their own free will dress up in their girlfriends or mothers dress? Well you are wrong. And it sickens me. The fact that I will be one of the only students not participating in this madness makes me loose all respect for my fellow classmates. Most of them aren't even that dumb but they don't realise they are manipulated by the marxist-leftist acceptance movement. I will be the one called "bigot", "no-fun" or "you are repressing your homosexual desires". What the fuck is wrong with you all? You are just sheep not realsing you live in a cage created by the ones you admire. I truly am ashamed of my generation, their behaviour can not be and will not be excused. I will never surround myself with folk that dress up like little girls for fun. Your ancestors are shaking their heads in their grave, real men who fought wars, protected their family and didn't cry about how shity their lives were. No, they did the opposite. They were strong, set a good example, rebuilt the country to the state it is today, one of the most free and econmically well of countries on the planet. Yet you induldge in your slave morality, claiming you are opressed. Femnists, the Left, Marxists, wake the fuck up before it is to late. Why do you choose to be weak instead of being the best version of yourself. And don't even get me started on my German teacher, the most delusional woman I have ever met. A immigrant lover, leftist feminist. You can not argue with these people, it is a waste of your precious time. Facts with legitimate prove are of no value to them, their currency is hurt feelings.
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PostSubject: Re: Madness of the German School System   Madness of the German School System Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2018 11:56 am

Right, you nailed it. I don’t talk to these types anymore and I won’t give them any legitimacy.

Sorry the education is so fucked where you are. At least you’ll be done soon.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Madness of the German School System   Madness of the German School System Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2018 12:44 pm

Styrkjar wrote:
Backstory: I will garduate from my school in June of this year. During the final months of the school year it is tradition to have a "dress-up" week. Every day we have certain themes like for example the 90s, Hippies or whatever you can think of.

Now I don't certaintly have a problem with this and it can be quiet fun seeing students dress like they lived in a different time period. But one of the themes selected this and the previous year made my stomach turn: Gender-swap. Are you fucking serious? You would think any man with a little self respect wouldn't out of their own free will dress up in their girlfriends or mothers dress? Well you are wrong. And it sickens me. The fact that I will be one of the only students not participating in this madness makes me loose all respect for my fellow classmates. Most of them aren't even that dumb but they don't realise they are manipulated by the marxist-leftist acceptance movement. I will be the one called "bigot", "no-fun" or "you are repressing your homosexual desires". What the fuck is wrong with you all? You are just sheep not realsing you live in a cage created by the ones you admire. I truly am ashamed of my generation, their behaviour can not be and will not be excused. I will never surround myself with folk that dress up like little girls for fun. Your ancestors are shaking their heads in their grave, real men who fought wars, protected their family and didn't cry about how shity their lives were. No, they did the opposite. They were strong, set a good example, rebuilt the country to the state it is today, one of the most free and econmically well of countries on the planet. Yet you induldge in your slave morality, claiming you are opressed. Femnists, the Left, Marxists, wake the fuck up before it is to late. Why do you choose to be weak instead of being the best version of yourself. And don't even get me started on my German teacher, the most delusional woman I have ever met. A immigrant lover, leftist feminist. You can not argue with these people, it is a waste of your precious time. Facts with legitimate prove are of no value to them, their currency is hurt feelings.

That is fucking disgusting. Good thing you're strongly resisting it.

I loathed anything involving dressing up in school in general, it is a very effeminate thing to do and if you're doing it because you're ordered to, you are a bitch, period. It is something that can be understood when some drunk dudes do it in the army after a raid to release some tension. But just for its own sake?

It is nice to hear you speak so respectfully of your ancestors and elders. Your perspectives from within Germany are very valuable.
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PostSubject: Re: Madness of the German School System   Madness of the German School System Icon_minitime

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