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 Responsible use of female power over men

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PostSubject: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 4:33 am

It is the easiest thing in the world for a woman to give a man the entire world, and it is the easiest thing in the world for a woman to tear down a man's entire world. They have this power, and only in true relationships of close friendship or love does the commensurate responsibility emerge in woman to use this power well, to not use it toward abusive and destructive ends. A woman who is abusive toward men because of this power she has over him is only destroying herself, but the hope is that given enough time of doing that she will develop knowledge around it and learn how to stop using this power in those ways.

And now I am seeing how feminism is part of this reaction to female power over men and to the need for it to be used responsibly: feminism is a dualistic ideology that includes aspects good and bad for women, and there is as yet no way to balance those two sides of feminism together, loosely the "original feminism" and the new "third wave" feminism. Female empowerment and responsibility is a demand on both men and women to respect the conditions necessary for the development of woman's responsible use of her power over men. This is in man's best interests as well. Man wants and needs a true partner in a woman, someone with equal substance which requires her to be in possession of a truly free and courageous soul.

There is indeed some truth to the whole "patriarchy" thing, but not in a way feminism would like to admit; a woman's soul is the mirror of a male soul, because thus-far only male souls have been created. This is a harsh truth. This is not to say that females do not have souls, of course they do, and they are rich and beautiful indeed; but these female souls have been put together from a combination of what nature has given and selected for her along with the products of philosophy. And philosophy has been done by men. Philosophy is building soul. There is a difference between having a soul, even a very rich and beautiful one, and building a soul. But men are all too happy to share the fruits of philosophership with woman, indeed a large degree of the purpose of philosophy has been not only to raise man but also to raise woman, each in their respective natures and truths, so that the highest possible kind of kinship and understanding, love, can exist between them.

But obviously part of the reaction on the part of women and feminism is away from the initial problem rather than toward addressing it, because denial is usually easier than finding answers; this impulse away from the problem is all of the man hating, pink hair dike SJW third wave feminist shit we have to deal with today.

Last edited by Thrasymachus on Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:18 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 5:09 am

Feminism is a reaction to the fact that there needs to develop between men and woman a consistent ability for the responsible use of female power over men. The destructiveness of modern feminism stems largely from the fact that it has chosen to ignore the original problem to which feminism is a response, namely the problem of female power over men. Not only has modern feminism ignored this problem but, obviously, it has reversed it into the idea of male power over women, which is an entirely different question and scope. It would be nice to get to the point where those different scopes and questions can be linked up productively, but we will have to get through feminism first.

Feminism reverses and denies the original problem of feminism, and it does this mainly by hating men. Women who hate men hate themselves, women who are destructive toward men are destructive toward themselves, and in doing so they are only embodying the very problem which they are denying, namely the problem of how to understand, come to terms with and responsibly use their power over men. To lash out at men and despise them is simply another expression of this failure on her part to understand, come to terms with and responsibly use her power.

And men also do many things to undercut woman's responsible use of this power. It is a two way street, and it is in the best interest of men and women to allow this problem to be tacked head on.
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 5:33 am

Only a supremely confident female can look upon a man's vulnerability and not sneer, because most females will immediately be tempted into taking some advantage there, it is in their DNA to do so. But it is not often in their best interest to do so, not anymore anyway.

And as one old school feminist said, any woman who has raised a boy knows intimately of his vulnerable nature, of the deep vulnerability in his soul. Modern feminism today has lost touch entirely with this fact, so now the mutual vulnerabilities in men and women are unable to sync up properly. We must address and solve this problem, but in doing so we will also need to look at the original problem of feminism itself, the problem in response to which feminism appeared in the first place; as I said above, the problem of the responsible use of female power over men, because indeed women do have this power and we will ignore or resist this fact only to our mutual detriment.
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 6:33 am

Not to be too stereotypical, but women's feelings are more reflections, while men's feelings are the heat from a forge-fire.
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 7:24 am

I thnk man can only reach his full potential with the help of a true partner. Most strong figures in history had strong partners to balance them out and accept them for who they are. Instead of abusing their mans' vulnerabilities, they empowered them. A woman can give a man something he couldn't get from anywhere else.

Thrasymachus wrote:
Not to be too stereotypical, but women's feelings are more reflections, while men's feelings are the heat from a forge-fire.

Great metaphor! This sums it up very well.

Thrasymachus wrote:
Women who hate men hate themselves, women who are destructive toward men are destructive toward themselves

If you don't have love for yourself you don't have any to give either.
"He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either" - Nietzsche
No wonder why they are so frustrated and filled with hate. If they are taught to not love man, instead see man as the monster how will they ever experience genuine love. This hurts both men and women, strong men need women to be strong as well, to form a bond with them so they can both reach their full potential. But instaead men are painted as rapists, killers and much more in the media. Why would a young girl ever think of men in a positive manner if all she hears is how bad some of us are? They are condition to hate, to reject, which hurts them so much. In the last 50 years marriages have been falling apart more and more, some don't even consider marriage anymore, it seems like a burden to them. This is the work of 3rd wave feminism. It took the diffrences between men and women and painted them black, they tore an abyss between the 2 genders, which is consistantly getting larger and larger every year. How can we feel close to each other if we are taught not to? Diffrences exist, and therefore they should be used to do good. Men have different abilites than women do. If we didn't, we would all be the same. Why is this a goal feminists want to achieve? Why can't we celebrate our differences and love each other for them. There is a lock for every key, but soon we will only have doors which cannot be opened. Feminism has sealed them for a lifetime.

Last edited by Styrkjar on Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 7:37 am

Styrkjar wrote:
I thnk man can only reach his full potential with the help of a true partner. Most strong figures in history had strong partners to balance them out and accept them for who they are. Instead of abusing their mans' vulnerabilities, they empowered them. A woman can give man something he couldn't get from anywhere else.

Thrasymachus wrote:
Not to be too stereotypical, but women's feelings are more reflections, while men's feelings are the heat from a forge-fire.

Great metaphor! This sums it up very well.

Thrasymachus wrote:
Women who hate men hate themselves, women who are destructive toward men are destructive toward themselves

If you don't have love for yourself you don't have any to give either.
"He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either" - Nietzsche

Very nice. I don't recall that Nietzsche quote, it's always nice to see one I am not familiar with or forgot about.
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 7:46 am

Thrasymachus wrote:
Very nice. I don't recall that Nietzsche quote, it's always nice to see one I am not familiar with or forgot about.

If I recall correctly he mentions it in the Will to Power
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PostSubject: Re: Responsible use of female power over men   Responsible use of female power over men Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2018 3:19 am

Women need to pretend that they do not know that every man wants to fuck them, and possibly also have a relationship with them. This is true primarily only of women above a certain threshold of beauty and attractiveness of personality, of course. A man will have his own equation of how physical beauty and personality beauty work together to produce where a woman is at on the scale of attractiveness, say from 0 to 10.

This sexual and relationship energy between men and women (again, of at least a certain level on the scale of attractiveness, as determined for other people by each person him or herself (women have such scales for men too, of course, but they are somewhat different)) is unlimited, and continuous. It is always there. Every man always wants to fuck every woman like this he comes across, and if the personality aspect is high enough in the overall attractiveness equation then he also wants a relationship with her. This is just basic psychology and basic biology. It was necessary for such chemistry to develop, because otherwise sexual species would not survive.

But at some point it became necessary to sublimate this chemistry, probably because we stopped raising children in communal groups or because the energy of this sexual chemistry being always present in every direction was redirected into other areas, socially and psychologically and probably economically too; this could correspond to when early pre-humans needed to start hunting prey for meat, for example, and therefore needed to spend a lot of time and energy (physical and psychological energy) learning how to hunt and actually hunting rather than fucking and playing relationship chemistry games all the time. Or it could correspond to new more central social roles for women, such as a development of further importance of monogamous relationships corresponding to the loss of communal child-rearing.

In any case, for whatever reason this happened, and the sexual/relationship chemistry needed to stop being unlimited. So it was buried in two ways, one within men and one within women. In women it is buried as her deliberate need to remain ignorant of the fact that every man wants to fuck her and possibly also have a relationship with her; she will almost always act surprised upon learning this is the case for some man she knows, like "oh I can't believe he said that!" and she acts outwardly and, based on her responses I believe also to a large degree inwardly as well, as if this fact about men were simply not the case. Of course women do not want to fuck around all the time in the same way that men do, it is not in their biology because they have a totally different biological role than men do; they want to fuck around to the degree that the underlying sexual/relationship impulse and chemistry is indeed unlimited in both genders, which is the case, but they are much more selective and careful with it for various reasons, one being that the consequences of sexual and relationship activity are much higher for a woman and for a man, and also because women serves the evolutionary role of being the selector of what constitute positive traits for the species. Men select too, of course, but primarily it is women who do the selecting and narrowing down/excluding of potential partners, again and in part because of the far greater severity of consequences for her of sexual and relationship activity, and also because of the simply evolutionary logic of how a man can have dozens of babies at the same time, he can fuck dozens of women and get them all pregnant, while a woman can always only have one baby at a time.

So this deliberate need for ignorance about the true nature of men is serving a protective and productive function in terms of a woman's biological role (and what became her social role too). This is also one nice thing about prostitutes and porn stars, that they have no such ignorance and know full well that every man wants to fuck them and possibly have a relationship with them as well. They are not in denial about this.

For men, the chemistry was buried as... what? It is harder to pinpoint, but I think it might have been buried as the impulse to philosophize. The need to know reality, to engage reality, to come to understand truths and to know how to act on these truths, and to build the courage and strength to act according to this knowledge. Men are intimately connected to their impulse to fuck and/or have relationships with every attractive woman he meets, he cannot deny this or remain ignorant of it beyond a clear point (unless he redirects all of this away from itself and into homosexuality, or totally cucks out into full soy boy mode or some other weird thing) but due to social developments he could no longer freely express this impulse, it had to be curtailed and delimited carefully. This occurred in monogamy, but the odds of a man finding just one woman who can totally fulfill his every sexual and relationship need is extremely low, therefore there is an excess; this excess needed to be redirected somewhere else, otherwise it would break up the pair-bond. I think this excess became the mind, properly understood; reason, thought, etc. and the ambition and drive to these.

Why did this excess not become instead a kind of lethargy, fantasy-power, chaotic destructiveness, mere hedonism, etc.? Well some of it is, we can see examples of that all around us in many men. But I think the primary drive of the conversion and use of the excess into something that would prove not destructive of the pair-bond had to be something constructive, for the simple reason that for any instances (for any men) where this was not the case those men simply tended not to survive nearly as well, thus undercutting their own type from the gene pool over time.
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