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 Maths from H

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icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:59 am

What happens when we converge 7 with the 9-wheel?

Two full cycles; 7x2=14, 14x9=126

999999 <---7th term
1999998 <--- 14th term
2999997 <--- 21st term
3999996 <--- 28th term
4999995 <--- 35th term
5999994 <--- 42nd term
6999993 <--- 49th term
7999992 <--- 56th term
8999991 <--- 63rd term
9999990 <--- 70th term
10999989 <--- 77th term
11999988 <--- 84th term
12999987 <--- 91st term
13999986 <--- 98th term
14285700 <--- ( 100th term )
14999985 <--- 105th term
15999984 <--- 112th term
16999983 <--- 119th term
17999982 <--- 126th term

The 7th terms create the integers moving +1 on the left side and -1 on the right side.

Only the 7th terms, and continuing for some more terms,

18999981 <--- 133rd term
22999977 <--- 161st term
27999972 <--- 196th term

Amazing... counting down on the right from 99, and counting up on the left from 9.

Not to mention the unbelievable gymnastics these numbers are doing to maintain their original 142857 form.. I went into this in my main mathematics topic, but for a brief refresher:


These hold their form and merely shift around to place the first terms in order.


Term hitting on the 7; principle point of reconciliation between 7 and 9 (the 7-form breaks down, giving way to 9's only).


To break down these numbers from here on our, we must identify the core of the original structure first; in this case it is "14285", then we see there is a 1 in front and a 6 at the end.


Thus we add the front number to the end number, arriving at the original sequence, this number is "142857", the eight term is also the first original term.


Same operation here; 28571 is the core, 1+3=4 so this number is "285714", the ninth term here is also second original term.


Not sure what happens here. The 10th term is strange.


The core is 57142, and 1+7=8, so this is "571428"; the 11th term is also the 4th original term.

Now you see the pattern, and can figure out these others too.


To pick out a tricky one, look at "3428568"

The core is 4285, which means that two numbers have been changed.

Follow the rule, we add the first and last terms, 3+8=11

Now we have "4285611"

Now introduce a new rule, which will work in all such cases: that two-digit number at the end is split down the middle, first half adds to the preceding term, second half remains where it is.

So we get: 428571, this is the 3rd original term out of the 24th overall term.

Easier way is to just add 3+68 in the original number, to get 71 to complete it.

Another example with this rule,

4428567 is the 31st term

Identify the core: 4285

Add the front and end terms: 4+67=71

Now we have "428571"

Based on the splitting rule,

4+7=11, "4285611 is "428571"
'Because I can make reality from dreams
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--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:12 am

To see how truly complex and unbreakable this number is, look at these further multiples.


Core is 5714.

11+17=28, thus we get "571428" again.


Core is 4285.

28+43=71, so we get "428571" to complete it.

A harder one,


There are two possible cores, 42 and 85. Let's try 42 first.


We combine them and get "428571".

Can you even believe this? Utterly amazing. Now I am going to go way way up the chain and break down a huge one.

2134426437 <--- the 14941st term

The only possible core is 42.

Adding in from the edges inward,


Bingo. It is "428571".

This number cannot be broken.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:17 pm

I know now what that 10th term is doing. Every 10th term is merely taking the regular form and adding a 0 at the end. If the 10th term lands on a non-7th term then it will be a "142857" +0 at te end, if the 10th term lands on a 7th term then it will be a "999999" +0 at the end.



'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Fixed Cross » Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:35 pm

Marveling I ended up googling - ... ng-142857/

Man has not been lazy, mathematics is perhaps truly the place where man is at his most manly, dignified, exalted, least debilitated. Here, philosophy can be at home and cause unadulterated beauty.


Primes are of course real in the sense of of a 'number of objects' - thus in as far as the numbers represent amounts. Thus we get a glimpse on the reality of the number seven.

I think that 7 is the first true prime.
1/3 = .33333 and 120.
1/5 = .2 and 72
Both are extremely well dividable, 1/5 even yields the golden ratio.

But 1/7 brings not ratio, but number. That is why it is prime, no will to be weird, no will to be -- it must be split up. Even light finds in 7 its breakdown.

1/7 is the unbreakable number. 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857

I wonder which primes first form this number in sequence.

1 2 3 5 7 2 4 8 1 5 2 4 1 5 7 2 8 5 7 4 8 1 7 2 8 7 2 4 8 1 5 1 5 2 4 5 7 4 1 5 2 8 1 2 2 7 1 4 7 2 4 8 5 7 8 5 2 8 1 7 2 4 5 1 5 7 2 7 4 5 7 2 8 7 4 1 5 2 1 5 4 5 7 8 1 7 2 8 7 2 4

1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113


Notice: 60 is the first 369 prime filler meat that appears in this sequence. It fits nicely that 60 is the combination of the 9 and the 10, being 6.66666 of 9 and 6 of 10, and .666666 of 360.

But I really wonder where the sequence of primes produces this number directly.
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Fixed Cross

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Fixed Cross » Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:42 pm

A look at some 'meat right off the prime' -- 369's squeezed in most snugly.

1 2 3 (5 7) (11 13) (17 19) 23 (29 31) 37 (41 43) 47 53 (59 61) 67 [(71 73) 79 83 89 97 (101 103) (107 109) 113 127 131 (137 139) (149 151) 157 163 167 173 (179 181) (191 193) (197 199) 211 223 (227 229) 233 (239 241) 251 257 263 (269 271) 277 (281 283) 293 307 (311 313) 317 331 337 (347 349) 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 (419 421) (431 433) 439 443 449 457 (461 463) 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 (521 523)

6 12 18 30 42 60 72 102 108 138 150 180 192 198 228 240 270 282 312 348 420 432 462 522

The differences:

6 6 12 12 18 12 30 6 30 12 30 12 6 30 12 30 12 30 36 72 30 48
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Natural selection of self-selecting natures
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Fixed Cross

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:04 pm


49 is 7x7, 9 is 3x3



432 is 9x48, 48 is 8x6

'888888' x 9 = "432" , 432+9=441, 441+(7x7)=490, 490+9=499

499 is 'prime', yet contains plenty of divisions in itself.

The point is that it cannot be divided into "hard edged numbers", yet the fluidity within the number is great. 498 can be divided by 2, by 6, etc,. but 499 cannot be divided by anything, according to the prime system. Yet 498 and 499 can each break down in many ways as I noted above.

So given what we know now about numbers, what is the true meaning of "prime number"?
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:27 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:A look at some 'meat right off the prime' -- 369's squeezed in most snugly.

1 2 3 (5 7) (11 13) (17 19) 23 (29 31) 37 (41 43) 47 53 (59 61) 67 [(71 73) 79 83 89 97 (101 103) (107 109) 113 127 131 (137 139) (149 151) 157 163 167 173 (179 181) (191 193) (197 199) 211 223 (227 229) 233 (239 241) 251 257 263 (269 271) 277 (281 283) 293 307 (311 313) 317 331 337 (347 349) 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 (419 421) (431 433) 439 443 449 457 (461 463) 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 (521 523)

6 12 18 30 42 60 72 102 108 138 150 180 192 198 228 240 270 282 312 348 420 432 462 522

The differences:

6 6 12 12 18 12 30 6 30 12 30 12 6 30 12 30 12 30 36 72 30 48

So these numbers are being regulated by 'spaces' determined in 3's, 6's and 9's.

Therefore we can think of the prime numbers as expressions of emergence from within an implicitly 9-based system, primes are instances where the system produces convergences in the medial spaces between these points. The prime numbers themselves, starting with 7 as you noted, indicate the beginning and end delimitation points in between which rest mutable 9's.

Hm... with this in mind I wonder if we can construct something really interesting here. Looking at those spaces themselves, we might try to group them up. In what quantities should we group them? Let's try building a magic square with them.

7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61

Spaces in between,

4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6 4 2 4 6 6 2

4 2 2
2 4 6
4 6 4

Because every prime must be an 'odd' number, numbers in between will be even.

A space of 4 means there is 1 number situated exactly in-between the primes on either side, with another distance of 1 situated between that middle number and its bordering numbers, like this

19 (21) 23

In between we have 19 20 (21) 22 23

42 rings the 21 within the larger guards of 19 and 23. We know that 19 and 23 are "end points" delimiting the medial space of fluid 9's. So let's see about this space directly,


6x3=18 (9)

63 is a 36 mirror , 6x6=36

63 is "six 3's"

333333 , 3+3 x 3+3 x 3+3 = 6x6x6 (three 6's) = 216

21 is 7x3, 6 is 2x3, that is "72"

Notice also how the "six 3's" and "three 6's" transpose into each other as above.

6+6 x 6 = 72

The investigation into the medial space bounded by these two primes 19 and 23 reveals a lot of interesting stuff. The primes are '4' distance apart meaning there is a distance of '3' between them (the three numbers 20, 21 and 22). The average of those three numbers is 21. We just saw "216" and "72", both are 9's.

Let's examine another medial space, I will choose something at random from a large list of prime numbers.

587 593

Distance between is '6'. That means there are 5 numbers hidden in-between which should constitute the fluid 9-space.

588 589 590 591 592

590 is ringed by 589 and 591, which is then further ringed by 588 and 592

That is 21 22 14 15 16 , or | 3 4 5 6 7 |

5 guarded by "1" and "1"

Together all that is "25", or 5+1+1=7


And 5x5=25 (7)

So this medial space is actually a 7 (another prime).

The last medial space was 63 (9), which is 9x7

7, as the first true prime, may be important.

Working with the original numbers here we get, 2950, 2+9+5=16, 1+6=7

Converging the numbers 2+0=2, 9+5=14 (5), "25" , 2+5=7 , also "214" (7)

Or we use the 0 mirror 2955 and get 2+5=7, 9+5=14 (5), "75" or "714"

7+5=12 (3), 7+1+4=12 (3)

75 is "7|14"

"714" is 7 and 7x2

2950/9=327.7777... or 3|27 and 7/9

27 is 3x9

That is also "12".777...

587 and 593 are also 20 and 17, the distance between which is 3, or

17-2=15 (6)


20-8=12 (3)

So the distance is a hard 7 (prime), but a fluid 3 and 6 (9).

Since these primes are set up guarding a medial space of five numbers rather than three numbers, perhaps this has to do with how the fluid 9's construct a hard 7.

Random primes I pulled, one pair with a 3-distance between and one pair with a 5-distance between.

883 887 (3 spaces in between)

991 997 (5 spaces in between)

884 885 886 is 21 (3) ringed by 20 and 22 , 2 3 4

2+3+4=9 , or 884+885+886=2655 which is "18" (9)

2655/9=295 (7)

This is really getting back to my former work with 2, 5 and 7. These numbers are a kind of self-repeating organic matrix.

Now we see that the 3-space, again, is a fluid 9. What about the 5-space?

992 993 994 995 996

That is 2 3 4 5 6

2+3+4+5+6=20 (2)

992+993+994+995+996=4970 which is "11" (2)

Ok I have a theory...

Primes ringing medial spaces of 3 guard fluid 9's, but primes ringing medial spaces of 5 are actually part of larger x3 patterns as 5x3=15 (6) or x9 patterns as 5x9=45 (9). These are two patterns going on under the primes... if we analyze a large set of them we might find these patterns under the numbers. This is going to take a while, but hey, I have nothing to do right now, so let's do it.


307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353
359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461
463 467 479 487 491 499

In terms of medial spaces, this is

3 1 3 17 5 9 1 3 5
7 5 5 3 5 7 3 7 9
1 9 1 5 3 5 7 3 1
3 11 7 3 7

Would you look at that... 3's but no 6's at all.

Every medial space is 'odd'. The 17 and 11 were especially surprising.

Keep in mind these are medial spaces we are interested in here. The idea is that the primes are 'guarding' these medial spaces which themselves constitute fluid 9's of some kind. The trick I think is to isolate a medial space and determine its center and the ring around that center.

[307] 308 309 310 [311]

309 (3) ringed by 308+310=618 (6)

[311] 312 [313]

6 with no ring.

[313] 314 315 316 [317]

9 ringed by 314+316=630 (9)

[317] 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 [331]

9 ringed by 318+319+320+321+322+323+325+326+327+328+329+330

9 ringed by 3888 which is 27 (9)

So far we are holding the pattern, if the center is 3 it is ringed by 6, if the center is 6 it has no ring, and if the center is 9 it is ringed by 9. Let's see if this holds.

[331] 332 333 334 335 336 [337]

1 ringed by 332+333+335+336=1336 (13)

Oh this is an interesting one. Prime numbers 331 and 337 (7 and 4) guard a core of 1 with a 13 ring.

[337] 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 [347]

9 ringed by 338+339+340+341+343+344+345+346=2736 =18 (9)

The rule holds here, 9 is ringed by 9.

[347] 348 [349]

348 is 3+4+8=15 (6)

6 with no ring. The rule holds again.

[349] 350 351 352 [353]

9 ringed by 350+352=702 (9) , the rule holds.

[353] 354 355 356 357 358 [359]

3+5+6=14 (5)

Before I calculate this ring I want to think about the pattern we are seeing here, to see if I can predict it.

We found 1 ringed by 13 (4), 3 ringed by 6, 6's with no ring, and 9' ringed by 9.

The even part of the fluid 9, which is 6, is unringed, meaning it does not need a "substance" gathered around it within the guards.. this might be a clue for us. If 6 is ringless then we see the primes are guarding a 6-space itself, meaning that "6" is the key. When a different number is being guarded as the core, a ring is constructed around that core. The purpose of the ring might be to insulate the number as a nest.


1 gathers a 4 around itself to create a 5-substance, 3 gathers a 6 around itself to create a 9-substance, 6 stands alone as 6, and 9 gathers another 9 around itself to create a 18-substance.

9 doubles, 3 triples, 1 quadruples (and 6 remains as it is)

1x4, 3x2, 9x1

Now we have a core of '5'. How could 5 fit into this pattern?

The only thing I can think of with that 1 (4) is that it is set in between two 9's ringed with 9's. The pattern 1 5 9 may be important here if we want to situate the 5 in all this.

We might theorize that the 5 will also exist within a 9 ringed with a 9, meaning that the next pair of primes 359 and 367 should be a 9 with a 9 ring; but what will 5 ring itself with? 1 rings itself with 13 (4), 1+4=5. So maybe 5 rings itself with 4, 5+4=9?

Let's try it out.

[353] 354 355 356 357 358 [359]

3+5+6=14 (5)

5 ringed by 354+355+357+358=1424 (11)

Oh, we have 5 with a 2-ring. That is interesting.

1 (13) and 5 (11)

1 constructs a 5-substance, 5 constructs a 7-substance.

We've seen previously that 1+4=5 and 2+5=7 are very important aspects of the numbers. I want to see if these patterns hold. So far there are no exceptions to how the cores in-between the prime guards work with their rings, so let's keep going.

[359] 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 [367]

3 ringed by 360+361+362+364+365+366=2178 (18) (9)

The pattern broke down, but we see something else interesting. 3 invoked 9 here. That is 12 (3) again.

So far:

1 rings itself with 4 (and 1 is also "5" as 1 is 9+1=10 which is 5x2, think about the number wheel and how 9 might split itself directly down the middle.. it can't, but with the addition of '1' it becomes "10" and splits directly down to 5.)

5 rings itself with 2
3 rings itself with 6 or 9
9 rings itself with 9
And 6 has no ring at all.

I'm skipping ahead to a few more ringless medial spaces, to see if the 6 rule holds.

[419] 420 [421]

6 with no ring.

[431] 432 [433]

Oh look here, we have a 9 with no ring! This 9 is guarded by "8" and "1", while the last ringless space 6 was guarded by "5" and "7".. before that we had two other ringless spaces 6 guarded by 5 and 7 both times!

All right, we have a new pattern to theorize about.

Prime guards of 9 can guard 9-cores with no ring, while prime guards of 5 and 7 (5+7=3) can guard 6-cores with no ring.

[461] 462 [463]

A ringless 3 guarded by 2 and 4 (6).

We have, in terms of ringless cores, 3's being guarded by 6's and 6's being guarded by 3's, and 9's being guarded by 9's. Fantastic!


I am going to try some predictive magic here, based on what I now theorize. Let's find some prime guards that match these configurations and predict what their medial space will do.

1607 1609

These I pulled out because they guard a ringless space, and these guards are 5 and 7. Remember last time we had this set-up? It was with these numbers,

[347] 348 [349]

Where a ringless 6 appears. So we will predict that another ringless 6 will appear in these new primes 1607 and 1609.

[1607] 1608 [1609]

1+6+8=15 (6), we were right.

Let's try another ringless prediction. 2711 2713 is "2 and 4", have we seen this yet? Yes, we saw it above with these numbers,

[461] 462 [463] , a ringless 3 guarded by 2 and 4 (6).

Let's predict these new primes I pulled (and have not analyzed yet) will give us a medial space of a ringless 3.

[2711] 2712 [2713]

2+7+1+2=12 (3)

'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Iona » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:14 pm

Continuing with some random Primes I pulled,

6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673
6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761
6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803

[6599] 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 [6607]

6 ringed by 6600+6601+6602+6604+6605+6606=39618 <-- look at that.

The prime guardians in this case are "11" (2) and "19" (1). It looks like such minuscule guardians force that '6' to draw a massively fluid 9-ring around itself.

[6607] 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 [6619]

7 inside a ring of 6608+6609+6610+6611+6612+6614+6615+6616+6617+6618=66130

66130 around 6613... wow. 7 and 7. I was wondering about that "7" being guarded here. Haven't seen that yet.

The guards in this case are "19" and "13", 1 and 4. 7+7=14

[6619] 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 [6637]

4 with a ring of 6620+6621+6622+6623+6624+6625+6626+6627+6629+6630+6631+6632+6633+6634+6635+6636=106048 (19)

You know what I think is happening here.. these larger values require more substance between the guards. As the fluid 9's are necessarily larger the higher the numbers get. Primes are points of absolute divergence from the 9-order. They are "sentinels" between which values flow organically. Thus primes are a bit "unnatural" or rather like passageways between worlds.

I still need to do that analysis of multiple medial spaces together, but that will take some time.. if anyone wants to help.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Fixed Cross » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:58 am

This is amazing, this is a kind of field theory. What's happening... yeah the primes are indeed those beyond-existence vortex points, markers of 'flesh' the word keeps coming to me before I think about it, in which the fluid 9's are, looks like, the most plasmic form whereas the 7 is the most unyielding, which is why it appears in those 'deserts' --

But this would give "8" a supreme importance below the surface. 8 would be like the contingent operations director. Where 9 is the formal justification and 7 is the 'destroyer' that follows the perfect order of 6. 9 is extremely exalted, but it can never interfere. It always brings everything to a higher level of itself. 8 brings everything up one level and back one step. This is a very solid mechanism, as the expanse is measurable in two axes without having to use transformations. 1 up is 1 down, yet work is done. 8 is awesome, but works behind the scenes.

17_19 - 71 _73 107_109

These are some very fertile 9's.
18, 72, 108 -

I am guessing 7 points to "chaos" (and dancing stars) - "difference" and 8 to superior order - "repetition"... It's hard to be against 8. But he is truly the reverse of 1. He is the thing that allows for will to power-economy.
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Re: 142857

icon_post_target.gifby Fixed Cross » Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:02 am

8 primes

17 71


27 27!

17 + 27 = 44

71 - 27 = 44

44 = 8
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by Fixed Cross » Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:31 pm
360 . 60 . 60


These are the 'bits', the quantitive elements.

315 / 711 / 18


Im sure it's obvious, but why are 9 and .4 here related?
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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:24 am
Fixed Cross wrote:
360 . 60 . 60


These are the 'bits', the quantitive elements.

315 / 711 / 18


Im sure it's obvious, but why are 9 and .4 here related?

Cool numbers.


"1296" reduces to a 144 principle, 144 is 9x16 or 18x8 or 36x4 or 72x2.



711 is "72", or 711/9=79 (9x8 +7)


Im sure it's obvious, but why are 9 and .4 here related?

Hm.. .4 is 4, or 4/9 or .4444... in 9:10 cycle conversion.

The 360 circle is the system of reference between 9 and 10, as in 9x4=36, 360/4=90 and 360/.4=900, "9".

9x.4=3.6 (360)

1296/22.5=57.6 (3.6, or 360)

( "12" collapses always to "3", it is 9+3 literally. )

1296x.4=518.4 (14.4) <-- I got this number recently too


(.11111... is "9" as 1/9)

Not sure if any of that helps...
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:26 am
Other nice numbers,


'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:42 am
Yes, very nice. I did sense that 9 and 10 systems connected through this. Nice to finally have some 'mathematical sense' it is now pertaining to the mind itself, to the logic of being. In this way I can perceive precisely why 'freedom' merges with logic - this clarifies how freedom is beauty, and how it is required to understand logic - the actual axis is meta-logical, 'difference and repetition'. Anyway I see now the fundamental relation of angles and the elements of the 9 wheel, sets of numbers pertain to sets of angles.
22.5 is strange. The first numerically broken hard angle.


Nice. Numbers 'crush' in angles.
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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:48 am
The number of topics as I looked was 3 and the number of views 14.

[edit - this is my 341st post]
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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:00 am

(.11111... is "9" as 1/9)

This is full of beauty.
22.5 is strange. The first numerically broken hard angle.


Nice. Numbers 'crush' in angles.

It is interesting that 29160 is 1296 rearranged. The 22.5 is also 4.5 (2+2=4, this is also proven because 9x2=18 and 18+4=22) thus 4.5 or "45" is also an important factor in the hard-angle of 22.5


5832/9=648 <-- I've definitely seen this number recently somewhere else in my work

5832 is 5 and "832" which is 9x92=828 +4.

I just figured it out, 832 is "13" (remember 13 is also 1+3=4),


5832/16=364.5 (days in a year)

5832 is "729" (which is also 9^3, "1000" in base 9)


So the 22.5 cut as 4.5 gives with your 1296 number 5832, which is 729 doubled up four times.

Also, 729x5=3645 (remember above 5832/16=364.5 )

365 is also 13 just like 832 is 13

....Your numbers are coming from a 9+4 system, this is very interesting. Look at this,


That repeating decimal ".692307" is the ratio 9/13.

Your number 1296 is a "9/13" relation as 1296/9=144. It seems to resolve the 9 and 13 systems together in fascinating ways.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:00 am
Fixed Cross wrote:
The number of topics as I looked was 3 and the number of views 14.

[edit - this is my 341st post]

Ha - very nice!
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:02 am
81 relates 1296 in terms of 16, 1296/16=81

22.5 relates 360 in terms of 16, 360/16=22.5

16 is "7"
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:08 am
Wow... one more I just saw,

185.142857... / 51.428571... = 3.6

185.142857... is 1296/7

51.428571... is 360/7

Your number is 360 x 3.6
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:29 am
Interesting. The street number Im living at now is 13.
erm - the number where I'm moving to tomorrow (the tower) is 1602.

That is... bizarre.

I made up a psychological profile on Pi.
Let's say the circle is the 1 that does not want to encounter the 2. And let's say that the 3.14 represents a ways for 1 to proceed without 2.


the first 2 that is in the game is beyond the 9. Of course 3 and 1 are one here... as a principle. And 1 is, on the principle of the invisible attractor 2, immediately repeated as soon as the power-threshold of 2 (2x2) has been crossed.

further -

it takes a long time for 2 to return,
and when it does it is enclosed between two guards.

it has transformed its guards

there is one of them

deeper transformation

And now by means of a zero a pure two is introduced, which is apparently enough for an enormous counteroffensive.

the first pure stretch where all other numbers occur before the next 2, after which the sequence is immediately quarantined.
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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:42 am
Goddammit man that is brilliant.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:33 pm
Thank you. It is amazing to see them come to life, the numbers. I would had never imagined this.
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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:46 pm
Look -

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113

1 2 3 5 7 2 4 8 1 5 2 4 8 1 5 7 2 8 5 74 8 1 7 2 8 7 2 4 1 5
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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:16 pm
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229
233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281

1 5 2 4 5 7 4 1 5 2 8 1 2 2 7 1 4 7 2 4 8 5 7 8 5 2 8 1 7 2

283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349
353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463

4 5 1 5 7 2 7 4 5 7 2 8 7 4 1 5 2 1 5 4 5 7 8 1 7 2 8 7 2 4

It appears that prime numbers do not amount in 3, 6 or 9.

That 369 axis then represents numbers that are 'charged', apparently if a number breaks down to 3, 6 or 9 this means that it is a compound, perhaps a 'substance' - this grid through the table of integers is then a kind of 'flesh' to the skeleton that we see in the numbers 124578.

I haven't seen that sequence appear in that order yet, curious where/if it might arise.
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Re: 1296
by Iona » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:37 pm
That is a fantastic discovery.

I will work in this later when I manage to get free time. In the meanwhile I have happened to crack these numbers wide open and see how the number wheel and 9 work in "infinite cycle progressions" to create the base 10 system. Interestingly this relates back to .9999... =1, the infamous proof.

More later when, as I said, I have the time.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:48 pm
Damn, the air is cracking

Let's look at the quality of that 'meat' directly between two primes.

283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349

In between is 312 ("6") 104, 52, 26, 13

And here:

419 421

In between is 420 ("6") (42=6x7, 6+7=13) But 420 of itself seems an important number. It is 60 degrees beyond 360, so it's -'ten past one'- 0110 -- haha.

431 433

In between is 432, ("9"), 216, 108, 54, 27

439 443 449 457 461 463
In between is 462 ("3")

Wow this 3 is not very generous at all. The 9 before it is beautiful, 48x9.

edit - that 3 is actually vey generous.
462 = 77x6 = 11x7x6 = 66x7 = 11x42 (462/360 = 77/60)
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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:21 am
(6131) (6133)


So it's a 3, a juicy one.

Let's just split it in half first.

Every one a piece

1022 with 1022 still on the table.

511 -- ?
what is this?

6132 / 9 = 681.3333333333333333

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:32 am
Fixed Cross wrote:
(6131) (6133)


So it's a 3, a juicy one.

Let's just split it in half first.

Every one a piece

1022 with 1022 still on the table.

511 -- ?
what is this?

6132 / 9 = 681.3333333333333333


Hahaha... I fucking cracked up seeing this.. it is truly remarkable.. I mean what the fuck is happening here...

511 yes what a strange number indeed.
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:16 am
In thinking on this some more, I think the primes are actually an artificial construct -- reality doesn't really care about or have "numbers that divide only by themselves and 1". Every number divides many different ways, how we choose to call that division is up to us.

For example, 7 is prime, yet 7 divides as 52/2=26, as "52" is a 7 (9x5=45 +7), and remember that no number is ever "isolated" and alone.. a 7 is never just a 7, it contains infinitudes within itself.

The mathematicians work of identifying primes is based on a mistaken view of the ontological nature of numbers. That being said, there are maybe some interesting applications for this artificial set. Since primes are basically just "basic numbers" (non-multiples) in a simplistic sense one could design a system of encryption or organization based around this principle of identifying numbers that are "basic" vs. derivative. But again, the distinction seems artificial.

Maybe primes are pulling out all the numbers that hold to the human level of simplistic identification... numbers (like some people) that have no "will to be weird".
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:45 am
Fixed Cross wrote:
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229
233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281

1 5 2 4 5 7 4 1 5 2 8 1 2 2 7 1 4 7 2 4 8 5 7 8 5 2 8 1 7 2

152457 415281 227147 248578 528172 451572

663 | 579 | 482 | 646 | 799 | 969

6 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 6

9 | 3 | 4

Pairing the numbers up yields some quick 3's, 6's and 9's, grouping the up in 4's likewise.

It appears that prime numbers do not amount in 3, 6 or 9.

That 369 axis then represents numbers that are 'charged', apparently if a number breaks down to 3, 6 or 9 this means that it is a compound, perhaps a 'substance' - this grid through the table of integers is then a kind of 'flesh' to the skeleton that we see in the numbers 124578.

I haven't seen that sequence appear in that order yet, curious where/if it might arise.

3 6 and 9 are I think not actually numbers so much as rules of the game.. picture the 9-spoked wheel, each of the points on that wheel is also a sequence of itself into infinity. As the revised ordered table of integers shows, with this addition, we cannot actually "add up" 333... or 666... because they break with the infinity before the predestined and final "99999" (=1). This doesn't really screw up the final results but it does indicate a structural difference, a stopping-point.

if 9 were the only number, then 3 would be its only "perfect component" because 9/3=3 is the only value that acts like that; 9/8, 9/7, 9/6, 9/5, 9/4, 9/2 all yield different kinds of series of numbers. This is all in terms of primes, of course, but in this sense we can see that 3 is "special" as 3x3=9 forms the basis or substance of 9, it is its "hard structure".

since 3x3 is the structure, this literally means 3+3+3. Thus 6 now becomes an essential part of the structure as well, because 3+6 or 6+3 still produces the same structure right out of the base 3x3.

Numbers occurring other than 3 and 6 are technically therefore ways the 9-cycle interacts with other cycles. These produce "chains" to other cycles while 3's and 6's produce "co-incidences" or correspondences (and 9 produces possibly "overlaps", repetitions).
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:52 am
'3' is intrinsically bent at 120 degrees. Somehow three points geometrically align in a 90+30 degree angle. This is perhaps what "3" actually means, as 120 is 3; and when 90 is 1, we have a fractaling digression of 1/3's... as 90+30 (120) now means 1 + 1/3 (1.33333....).

3x3=9, this is the base structure of 9. This is also 3+3+3.

Because each 3 is inherently 'bent' inwardly at 120 degrees, 3 3 3 produces a circle, 120x3=360.

Because the 90 is also "1" (1 full 9 cycle) we have 3 3 3 produces a fractal digression 1+1/3 + 1+1/3 + 1+1/3, this is 3 + 3/3 or 3.9999.... = 4.

4 is 3+1.

I think we just found our how "base 10" (impetus to push-expand outside of itself) is generated internally by the structure of the 9-system. That +1 basically appeared "out of nowhere".
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:24 pm
That gets to the bottom of object(-ness/-ivity); A thing is necessarily 3. As per the geometry. 120 , an even side triangle, a 'propertyless thing', a minimal compound.

Hence, 1 = 3.

Whenever a number breaks down to the 3 type ("soft angles") it is a compound. It is per definition (of existence, "9") part of something greater.

But there is always also "something else". This is the "1", the primordial integer - of which 142857 is the "hardest". 7 is apparently cruel, harsh.

So we have here "self-valuing" 142857 and "value" 369
and the connection between those is "the world", always (36)9 + 1(/4/2/8/5/7), valuing in terms of self-valuing.

369 axis is 'communication' (hey - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, mutable signs)
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Re: 1296
by Fixed Cross » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:32 pm
Hence, 1 = 3.

Whenever a number breaks down to the 3 type ("soft angles") it is a compound. It is per definition (of existence, "9") part of something greater.

This gets me thinking, that 12 is perhaps to be seen as the first 'structural 3'.
In this sense, 6 can be seen as born of 3, which it is, not only conceived by but also born of.
And by giving birth the 36(0), the 12 this connects the 4 to the 90 and the 9 to the 40, therefore making 10, and 13.
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Re: 1296
by VoteMeDown4UrOwnGood » Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:07 pm
Albert Einstein was right, however. 2 + 2 = 5. Here's why.

All numbers outside of Man's Imagination, the very quantities which exist as they do (the reason why there's "something" there to label as "numbers" in the first place), are based on a .5 system.

2 + 2 = 5, is 2.5 + 2.5 = 5.

Why is there a .5 hidden in the language of the system that our "numbers" represent distinctively? It's so the Universe can transpose itself fluently from one number to the next, as .5 is the "half-way" placement. I used this system to expand on Fibonacci's Sequence.

0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 = 2.0, 2.5, 4.5, 8.0, 12.5, 20.5, 33.

This Universe is using 0.5 because it's geometrically creating a "Square".

5 x 7 = 35

5 x 9 = 45

(35 + 45 = 80)

5 x 13 = 65

5 x 19 = 95

(65 + 95 = 160)

The triangle's geometric values can converge into a circle's geometric value (240).

Applying my knowledge, 240 is 241618. Converge the numbers to get "679".

6 x 7 = 42. Notice how I had a 240, which is 24.

Let's take 360 for another example. 360 is 361618. Converge the numbers to get "979".

9 x 7 = What? 63. We just had a 36. I'm creating mirrors through processes you cannot find anywhere on this planet because my knowledge is not human - it's transcendent.
I am having a hard time imagining what this Universe would be if its way of procreation was of polygamy - three, four, five stars for one black hole - three, four, five black holes for one star...

If you're not the same person you are with others when you're alone, then you're living a facade.
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Re: 1296
by VoteMeDown4UrOwnGood » Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:13 pm
Iona wrote:
That +1 basically appeared "out of nowhere".

If I may oblige,

I can tell you right now what "1" is outside of our imagination.

It's a subatomic pole that pulls and pushes in relation to space and time.

For an example,





Imagine the numbers revolving around 1. The 1 is the pole, much like planets have north and south poles.

Now, watch this.

2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55



-1 +4 -2 +1 -4 -1 -4 +5

There's a hidden sequence inside Fibonacci's Sequence when you turn them into pole systems.



14 x 2 = 28.

28 x 5 = 140 (144 or 141618), which is E=MC^2.

Pi = 3.1415

Instead of 3 x 29 = 87.

5 x 29 = 145 (Geometric Foundation Of A Pyramid).

1024 based on my pole system, FC.

Remember "02" next to the 9?

1024 is 012.

That is 161812. <- (12).


7 x 3 = 21. <- (21).

A number I saw on the clock "14:36".

That is 413 & 314.

What is 31?

5 x 3 = 15.

4 x 4 = 16.

413 x 2 = 826 (88).

314 x 2 = 628 (88).

Another number I saw on the clock "1441". (55)

That is:




1441 x 1.618 = 2331.538 (9.88).

4141 x 1.618 = 6700.138 (42.48 >>> 88)

1414 x 1.618 = 2287.852 (55.15 >>> 86).

9 x 88 = 792.

7 x 92 = 644 (68).

11688311688311 x 792 = 9.2571429e+15

2 + 5 = 7.


1 + 4 + 2 = 7.


11688611688611 x 792 = 9.2573805e+15

2 + 5 = 7.


3 + 8 + 5 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7.

I am having a hard time imagining what this Universe would be if its way of procreation was of polygamy - three, four, five stars for one black hole - three, four, five black holes for one star...

If you're not the same person you are with others when you're alone, then you're living a facade.
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Re: 1296
by Iona » Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:06 pm
VoteMeDown4UrOwnGood wrote:
Iona wrote:
That +1 basically appeared "out of nowhere".

If I may oblige,

I can tell you right now what "1" is outside of our imagination.

It's a subatomic pole that pulls and pushes in relation to space and time.

For an example,





Imagine the numbers revolving around 1. The 1 is the pole, much like planets have north and south poles.

Now, watch this.

2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55



-1 +4 -2 +1 -4 -1 -4 +5

There's a hidden sequence inside Fibonacci's Sequence when you turn them into pole systems.



14 x 2 = 28.

28 x 5 = 140 (144 or 141618), which is E=MC^2.

Pi = 3.1415

Instead of 3 x 29 = 87.

5 x 29 = 145 (Geometric Foundation Of A Pyramid).

This is fascinating.

I found that 1 appears 'out of nowhere' in the construction of a 360 circle because the 9-system can only build fundamentally-speaking in 3's (other derivatives come later). 9 is 3x3, or 3+3+3, and as "3" means 120 as 360/120=3 we have 90+30=120.. the "problem" with this is that 90 is also 1, as 1 full cycle 9x10 (9x(9+1)) thus in terms of the 90=1 system as have appearing a 3+3+3 circle with fractaling intervals at 1/3's that spiral inward without end.

The sum effect of all that spiraling is to collapse the infinite sequence around .9999... as

.3333... + .3333... + .3333... = .9999.... =1

3+1 is basic to physics, as the fundamental forces EM, Strong and Weak (to use conventional names) are all united and gravity sits outside the 3 as its +1 exteriority. We also see this in the dimensions of space and time as Einstein laid them out, 3 spatial +1 temporal. 3+1 is key.

3+1 is not merely '4' because the proper '4' that would finish that system would be beyond both systems, a kind of meta in which the 3+1 rests itself... perhaps something around which it rotates, or as you point out with the 1 being a pole, we have 3 spinning in terms of the 1 "from outside" in order to achieve "4-ness".


"717" and "12112"

1, 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34

11, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 113, 121, 134

2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 5, 4, 8

Or if the numbers are changing places, 21115131418171318 as you said,

apply the rules for Fibonacci n-2 doubling.

2 1 5 3 4 8 7 3 8

2x2=4, 1x2=2, 5x2=10, 3x2=6, 4x2=8, 8x2=16, 7x2=14, 3x2=6, 8x2=16

12 11 15 13 14 18 17 13 18

12x2=24, 11x2=22, 15x2=30, 13x2=26, 14x2=28, 18x2=36, 17x2=34, 13x2=26, 18x2=36

24 22 30 26 28 36 34 26 36

-2 +8 -4 +2 +8 -4 -6 +10



28 is duplicated and wrapped in "44", 4x4=16, 16 is a 61 mirror



611618/28=21843.5 (18.5)

18x2=36+1=37 (1)


"242.18" or 818


.888... is 8/9 , 90 is 9x(9+1) or 91618

Converge those numbers and we get 169 and


6 inside 2 inside 8

Those 1's may mirror as 96688

That is "6688", 6x6=36, 8x8=64

36+64=100 or "111" (110+1)
'Because I can make reality from dreams
if they can build the pyramids with no machines. '

--Toki Wright & Big Cats, Apex

'And this is what self-aware smiles that make for comedic detachment refer to still - it is always to contemplate the nonsensical. All good things were 'nonsensical'. No good thing fitted perfectly within what already existed before it. It became good because it changed the rest. ' --FC

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Re: 1296
by VoteMeDown4UrOwnGood » Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:32 pm
6 inside 2 inside 8

Those 1's may mirror as 96688

That is "6688", 6x6=36, 8x8=64

36+64=100 or "111" (110+1)

Let's take 122 for an example.

122 comes from 112.

122 then becomes 222.

When we converge numbers inwards, 122 becomes 32.

112 becomes 22.

222 becomes 42.

Pay attention - there's a secret.


112 translates to (1 + 1 = 2; 2 x 2 = 4 + the original 2 equals three 2's).

32 translates to (Three 2's).

222 translates to (222).

Another example:


114 translates to (1 + 1 = 2; 2 + 4 = 6 + the original 4 equals three 4's).

144 translates to (Three 4's; this is why I originally used 19 for 0, 19 is 8, the 1 is being used as a means to transpose backwards {-1} ).

444 translates to (Three 4's).
I am having a hard time imagining what this Universe would be if its way of procreation was of polygamy - three, four, five stars for one black hole - three, four, five black holes for one star...

If you're not the same person you are with others when you're alone, then you're living a facade.
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Re: 1296
by VoteMeDown4UrOwnGood » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:06 am
1296 is 396 is 126 is 36.

3.1415 = Pi.

14 + 15 = 29.

1296 is 777. 7 x 7 + 7 = 56.

8 + 9 = 17.

8 x 9 = 72.

17 is 77.

72 translates to "Two 7's".

7 x 7 = 49.

4/9 of Pi = 1.|396|2634016

Now, let's take how many days we have,
then divide that by 92. (hence 792).

365/92 = |3.96|739130435

We have 88 constellations and...
our biological system and planet is on...

8 hertz~

Let's multiply 88 with 9, since 9 is genetic,
and 9 x 8 = 72.

9 x 88 = 792.

7 x 92 = 644 (68).

11688311688311 x 792 = 9.2571429e+15

2 + 5 = 7.


1 + 4 + 2 = 7.


396 x 2 = 792!

3 x 9 + 6 = 33.

56 - 33 = 23.

Applying my pole dancing number duo system: 213.





23 > 46 > 69.

32 > 64 > 96.

69 + 96 + 96 x 69 = 6789.

36 + 63 + 63 x 36 = 2367(567).

Where is the 1 & 4?

13 + 31 + 31 x 13 = 447

4 + 7 = 11.

11 + 4 = 15.

1 + 4 = 5. (Pyramid Foundation Along With 123456789's Formula From Genetic Scratch)
I am having a hard time imagining what this Universe would be if its way of procreation was of polygamy - three, four, five stars for one black hole - three, four, five black holes for one star...

If you're not the same person you are with others when you're alone, then you're living a facade.

Fractals as friction between form and being
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Fractals as friction between form and being
by Fixed Cross » Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:12 pm
Basic fraction line:
3 stands to 9 as 1 stands to 7.

"As without, not so within"
and yet out stands to in - in a certain ratio - "suffering" -

Overcoming ('will to power') is to own ways to combine the integer (1) with the monad (3) are 'valuing' -
for example, 1x3 is the basic resolution, the 'stoic'. But 6 is the justification ('erotic') 12 is the justification of that - ('sage') and yet what is 9? 'three is a crowd' - this means that 9 is the one in whom all stoics come together -- the unmoved mover. 9 is below the all-encompassing (3x4) but of all that is encompassed, the highest. And yet 8 is the executive, as he moves all the pieces that are not automatically of the axis of command. 8 is in fact reliant on Strength. It contains with in the axis of multiplication, 248, 14, 5 - only 7 is missing, because 7 is the mother prime from which 24815 derives.

So the friction of which the fractal is the result is between the powers of 2 and 3, between 8 and 9 an a first great resolution of this tension is in 12.

12 is thus the opposite of 7. Conciliation (the 12 tribes) versus the isolating "seven sins".
e a r t h

Natural selection of self-selecting natures
before the light
au moins & en plus
Nature must war so that we can live.

Fixed Cross
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