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 Not on the right or the left

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Not on the right or the left  Empty
PostSubject: Not on the right or the left    Not on the right or the left  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2018 10:34 am

I don’t consider myself on the right or left. I am against ideology and against authoritarianism, and for individual freedom and human rights (right to individual freedom which means rational limited government). For me, being against authoritarianism means being for the power of the people to live their lives with as little outside force or pressure as possible. Obviously laws should exist to make sure people aren’t harming each other. I’m also therefore not an anarchist or a libertarian.

I can respect aspects of almost all political perspectives, but going all-in on such a perspective is what causes people to make errors based on avoiding cognitive dissonance regarding issues of the politics perspective they hold but which issues they don’t really agree with or want to agree with.

Also on the NK pact, I’m not happy about it. I realize it’s good to try and bring NK more into the fold of civilization and open up the country to modernity and more oversight, but I would not risk legitimizing such a tyrannical regime. NK agreed to disarmament of nukes but we will have to wait and see, the nukes aren’t the worst part of NK anyway, it’s internal repression is, it’s radical communism is. And Trump said he thinks the NK people love Kim, that is... a very weird thing to say, considering anyone in NK who doesn’t act sincerely that they love him would end up being killed. NK is a starving fascist police state. How could Trump say the NK people love the leader of that?

Even if many of them do love him, it’s brainwashing. So even if Trump is correct that the NK people love their “leader” (despot), that’s not exactly something to celebrate. And NK got Trump to delegitimize South Korea by agreeing to stop joint military exercises. South Korea is an ally and now Trump agreed not to engage combined military practice with them in order to appease a tin pot dictator, and didn’t get anything in return except a pledge to denuclearize but which pledge doesn’t include any details or timelines.

Of course I see it’s just supposed to be a first step. But still.

I won’t defend cognitive dissonance on this issue, I am not happy about this NK deal.
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