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PostSubject: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 4:29 pm

No, hahaha
I asked myself as I opened this chart ow heavily his Saturn would be afflicted.

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Saturn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 4:35 pm

Thats a big problem to have. All the potential murderers opposed in tension.
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Saturn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 4:45 pm

Saturn is no pretty girl.
He is the old junkyard king who guards his daughter like Hades his guests.

Saturn is always inevitable, but he is not always strong enough to dominate the whole tendency.
But when he does, there is always realty beyond what is humanistic. Humanity as an idea is a Jupiter realm power, it hasn't anything to do with the harvesting of life by time which Saturn governs, or is said to govern, has been identified with from first written history. The slowest moving planet visible to the naked eye. 30 years almost his path, his Return marking a time of great choices for a person. The Saturn Return lasts during the time that the planet is in the same sign where it was when the native was born.

My Saturn is in Leo. As it went in I went to Paris with a tape of Kanye Wests first album and some beats of mine on my usb player, which led to writing a rap and another and spending the next year making music and captivating people with it. It didn't get far commercially as it wasn't anywhere near market standard, and emotionally quite out there at points, but the final outcome was that I had made it clear to myself that I can make music and also write lyric that work to it. I just needed to work on my delivery. I then spent five years free styling in various accents, and even lost the capacity to write raps in Dutch. Thats when I moved to English.
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Saturn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 4:46 pm

When Saturn trines a "soft" planet, Venus, Neptune or Mercury, it brings a loftiness to the eyes and the will.
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Saturn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2020 7:12 pm

Quote :
Saturn came into his domain of Capricorn at the solstice of 2018, so he entered the sign of his rulership shoulder to shoulder with the Sun. This marked the first day of the first Saturn year, as per the calendar that went into effect then. Now the ringed one is poised to leave the sign of the goat and enter Aquarius, and it is remarkable how much is going on around him during the transit. Most notable is the ultra magnetic focus of power and insight with Jupiter, Pallas, Mars and Pluto on 23/24.
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PostSubject: Re: Saturn   Saturn Icon_minitime

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