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 The attractiveness of power

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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The attractiveness of power Empty
PostSubject: The attractiveness of power   The attractiveness of power Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2018 5:28 am

A universal.
Anything that visually suggests power has an attraction on man, especially also woman.
Be it a tower or a certain face; positive judgment is sure to come.

What is not attractive is when power stoops down to be polite to another power. To a child or an old lady, yes. To a slightly lesser power, no.

Interesting remnant of evolution. Power must be seen as sufficiently arrogant, or it isn't recognizable as power, or simply not as attractive.

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PostSubject: Re: The attractiveness of power   The attractiveness of power Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2018 10:26 am

“Brave, unconcerned, mocking, violent-thus wisdom wants us: she is a woman, and loves only a warrior.”

N, Z
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