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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:48 pm
discovery; the church where I got some time to talk to the pastor in Savannah, after that nightly encounter in the ghetto, is a place of worship since 1777.
That was an even higher level of Christian. He didn't manage to convert me, but he respected my reasons and gave me a manly blessing. I went to New Orleans then for the real ordeal. I spent about ten days in New Orleans with a heavy fever sleeping in hostels, saw some beautiful grime, read Crime and Punishment, which I later on traded, when I had left all that behind and was in Nevada, for a Castaneda book.
Pezer builder
Posts : 2191 ᚠ : 2592 Join date : 2011-11-15 Location : deep caverns in caves
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:30 pm
Read 100 Years of Solitude man. It's time. 90% will get lost in the translation, perhaps, but the book is powerful enough that I think you will still clearly see.
Yeah, I'm learning to trust these black gringo preachers. Of the earf.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:09 am
i don’t trust no fucking preachers. never have never will
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:09 am
snake oil salesman is beneath any philosopher and lover of earf
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:48 am
Jesus probably looked like Snoop Dogg. I came to that conclusion trying to make a pimping "Fine Linen Fool" meme. Doesn't work with the Jesus pics we have.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:40 am
What I find most valuable of this interview is how it shows Maher as the utter scum that he is. That last bit... just so graceless, such a diseased culture
I do kind of like such Christian pimps. I can imagine if I'd been raised among Kristens or any religious group I'd be less prone to valuing his rhetoric. But what's clear is that he has greater integrity than Maher.
Atheism is the saddest shit ever.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:33 am
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:42 am
I guess I'm just more allergic to the atheist snake oil than the Christian snake oil.
I've had to experience far more atheists than Christians, and I find their faith in the inherent righteous ways of their judgment far dumber, because "God"s preference for them is still presupposed, just completely unwittingly.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:24 pm
people are stupid whether religious or not. plus they don’t even know what they mean by saying they believe in god or don’t believe in god, these concepts have basically no substance in their own minds, just empty words. so i don’t even see them as being all that different, hristians or atheists are basically the same. the difference is just at the uppermost surface level.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:25 pm
so what i’m saying is, a person is smart and has value and is real regardless of whether he is christian or atheist. the religious thing has no bearing upon the merit of a person.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:11 pm
I don't agree. I think whether one is a Kristen or an atheist says loads about ones values, about ones valuing. Especially if the two occur in the same culture. That Maher and that Christian in the video could not be more different.
Now Ive already been disgusted to impressive levels my Maher before, he is worse than the others because he is sort of intelligent in some areas, which allows him to be a pure genius at depravity, at aggravating nonsequiturs and vanities. He is worse than Colperb. (Ill leave that typo)
But whats the worst of all is the setup of the little interview. This is how liberal atheists truly reveal themselves. He invites a preacher for an interview, and does so not only with the old prejudice about him, that he's gonna be stupid, but actually unaware of how sickening it is to treat a guest like that. The true weakness of our civilization.
By contrast, the preacher keep controlled, gracious, informative, proud and appropriate. This proves that he is worth a lot more - by my standards - than Maher, or any run of the mill atheist liberal.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:24 pm
I see religion as completely necessary to human culture on Earth. I don't know of any culture that does not have religion except Communism.
A God could be interpreted quite efficiently as the form of the power of a certain type of human. That is to say, a god is, at the least, an idea that sanctions and aligns the will to power of this or that type.
It is too easy to say that this isn't necessary - one would have to point out how it can be done otherwise. What we see in history is that regimes that do not make use of religion die out very quickly and very violently.
I think that this is because the general human type is far too weak to really deal with the will to power; a god prevents the general type from taking that power too personal and literal.
Only very few can endure power as it is -- Napoleon understood it very well, and thus also understood that he belonged to the power, and not vice versa. It was not up to him when he would stop vanquishing. He didn't believe in God, but he did believe in the agency of the Aeon.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:35 pm
Obviously I believe in Gods, I literally believe in them, I mean I believe in their literal existence.
I know with certainty there isn creator god, Ive proven this for myself with VO. It is impossible.
But within existence, gods are as real as humans and animals, as far as I know. There is nothing figurative or strictly ideational about Gods, that is absolutely not what a god is. A god is a power with a definite character and form and a very clear yes and no - a god has a will, must more evidently and eminently than most humans. Whether gods typically have consciousness, I have no clue.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:39 pm
That doesn't mean the Christian guy isn't ridiculous in ways. But as Nietzsche often observes, to be ridiculous is what happens to anyone who tries to be honest before himself in the presence of his fellow humans.
Subject: Re: My Kinda Christian Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:56 pm
Again, this is from the lens of someone who grew up among atheism. If id grown up amidst dogmatic protestants, no way Id be speaking so friendly.
I guess my larger point is that of all the types of Christians, the southern black baptist brand is my favourite, the for I find least objectionable and untrue. Quite true and not viscerally objectionable.
I saw what this preacher in Savannah (early 1999) was capable of causing in men. One a basic human level, tats real power and real clarity. He just uses the Christ idea to the full power to resolve someones traumatic self image into a flood of tears and a fresh start. I knew a I witnessed it I was way above being able to be resolved like that, but later in life, when I had been among enough death, there was a period where I understood how it could be that a weaker man is resolved like this. Of course for me thats different, I needed to forge my own core of truth, VO.
I often forget how much deeper I look down on humans than what I express, and how much sweeter I find them in these depths than what Im able to express. Humans are terribly sweet in their intentions, just very evil in their routines. Anyway - it is with a natural and nearly absolute disdain for mans scurrying among his ancestors ideas that I behold the theatre of preacher, intellectuals, comedians, politicians, and other functionaries - it is as if looking into a fish bowl. I like this fish better than the other fish. Its not like I would want to spend time talking to either one - though Maher could be interesting as I could completely rearrange his mind. I do that with people with some intellect and a bunch of power, it feels like their ideation is clay with copper wire inside. I can't shape simple people, only life can - but I can shape people that have learned enough to know something about what they don't know, in the case of power; only power risks can force a min to be interested in what I offer there.