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 Lao-zi: Tao Te Ching

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Lao-zi: Tao Te Ching Empty
PostSubject: Lao-zi: Tao Te Ching   Lao-zi: Tao Te Ching Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 8:29 am

The Way and The Book of Virtue written circa the 6th century BC by a scribe known simply as Lao-Tze (lit., "Old Master"). It is the foundation of Tao philosophy. Most of it is fairly reminiscent of Greek Stoicism, and a great deal of it can be criticized as a most perspicacious game of semantics depending on your view--and your translation. Because of this, the link I provided is to a line-by-line comparison of the major translations. Wu was the first version I read. It is interesting to note a good number of the translations of chapter 20 ask the question, "What is the difference between 'good' and 'evil'?"

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