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 A Note for Saweliows

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PostSubject: A Note for Saweliows   A Note for Saweliows Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2018 9:42 am

The weak don't want to live at any cost, they want not to feel pain. They're afraid of death because of the pain and dying without having known release from pain. Of course Buda comes along on a mission and yells "Bitch!"
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PostSubject: Re: A Note for Saweliows   A Note for Saweliows Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 7:05 am

To base one's understanding of the child on children one knows, such as nieces and nephews, is duzzumb. Because the whole point of a child's power is that an adult, specially an adult of the family, will neeeeeeeeever see the true child. They put on the weak mask for adulsts, they know they like it. Adults simply do not know how to play or what is worthful in life, they lost it somehow along the wizzay.

A girl is a little different, she is quite at home with adults. Boys are incredibly attracted to this strength, this ability to inhabit the boring, misterious and powerful world of adults. When they later come to play, how can a boy feel more lucky? Power towering over any big stick victory over other boys. The alpha child will drop the war game with zero explanation and go play house. He will, of course, be the father and call the shots, or that is the only victory. Maybe he'll be the doctor...

Anyway, the chizzild cannot be seen by adults. Like hobbitses! Maybe JRR Tolkien's only faliure is the faliure to imgine the true life of a child.
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PostSubject: Re: A Note for Saweliows   A Note for Saweliows Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 7:26 am

Yes, adults tend to be just the remnants of children.

This is so painful for the child as it grows to see, that it begins to pretend to respect the parent. And so another adult is born.

This whole society is remnants of children that forgot the bullshit for which they gave it all away.

Philosophers,  shamans, musicians often among the exceptions. Sports  players are the worst of the rule - having become adults (prefessionuls) on the most facile, pointless seriousness.

In old age humans tend to remember glimpses of reality, and become close to children. Or if these aren't available, to animals.

The thin hollow life of most adult humans is akin to the waste of natural systems through careless pragmatism.
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PostSubject: Re: A Note for Saweliows   A Note for Saweliows Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 8:30 am

I guess Zarathustra represents the ultimate care in pragmatism.
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PostSubject: Re: A Note for Saweliows   A Note for Saweliows Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 9:00 am

Lol, did I say only victory?

No, there are a lot of games to be played with girls.

The first times I tried playing with more than one girl at a time, I had already a girl I'd played with for a long time and so I was the father, she the wife, and the other girls members of the family, serving us. Vying for her spot. They were never gonna get it. If a boy insisted on playing with us, he would be a pet.

But as my wife left me, I was able later to realize that any number of games are possible with more than one girls, where not necessarily one gives any single girl supremacy in any clear or absolute way.

The last time I tried the wife thing... It is very hard, upon gazing opon a powerful girl, not to simply want to make her wife. Sort of cruel not to. The only way is to make one's self far more powerful than any one girl.
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