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 what is the future

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PostSubject: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 5:52 pm

the only way to win the politics game against the narrative makers is to make our own narratives, to name narratives in line wirh reality and therefore recreate truth in the illusory psychological dimensions. because narrative-lovers are immune to existence. so the only way to combat them is to compete in the world of narrative making. we just make sure ours happen to actually be real.

the tiny radical left controls most of culture now. if you add up the silent middle people with the far left cnn watchers, it will be easily over 50%. probably approaching 3/4 of the nation. silence is conceding defeat. but silence is necessary because of how the narrative-lovers are immune to reality. this is why we need our own narratives so badly.

america is hollowed out. the only reason it persists is capitalism. the constitution and all that doesn’t really matter anymore, the left ignores it and the right values it for a couple good reasons and a lot of stupid reasons. but even the good reasons do not matter; the real value of the constitution and bill of rights is that it is a structure allowing for the formation of capitalism on all social economic levels. it values capitalism. and as th constitution loses meaning so does capitalism weaken.

when the left, media, and globalists succeed in making america a banan republic and collapsing the economy which is already hollowed out with debts, where will truth move? nature must have a plan in the works. because nature never rests.
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PostSubject: Re: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 6:20 pm

I agree, on the whole.

And on the fine points.

Anyway, don't rule out Trumpf. He's not done yet.
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PostSubject: Re: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 6:24 pm

i never rule him out. it’s the rest of the world i worry over.

america really is hollowed out. only thing that can save it is massive reductions in debt and a new emergent pro reality narrative machine to first fight then repack and replace media.

the day cnn goes bankrupt and collapses will be the sign of the new age. but i have too little faith in fellow “humans” to hope for such a thing. nietzsche knew.

might as well live in truth and not mind when nature comes calling with her hurricanes of reality. they are right around the corner. better stock pile ur valuez
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PostSubject: Re: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 6:36 pm


But we're fixin to join the fray. No use putting it all on Trump.
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PostSubject: Re: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2018 6:52 pm

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PostSubject: Re: what is the future    what is the future  Icon_minitime

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