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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 5:58 pm

Pezer mentioned this term in reference to a chess comeback. Interesting description
Quote :
Soul Crushing

v adj n. to voluntarily suspend a person's beliefs or thought process, in a shadow of doubt that everything they once adhered to was either bullshit or biased. This act usually incures the reciever to experience uncharacterized behavior or reasoning for any amount of time. Depending on where/how they were raised promotes longevity or eventual acceptance of said new philosophies or rationale.
This requires the producer to be well versed and most times either high(ly accredited) or drunk.

it can be induced with stronger force when reciever is under the influence as well.
*note: the grammatically correct but pointless dash between the two words is removed for extra umph!
adj. so-and-so from work sat there speechless after my soul crushing comment.

n. I did some wicked soul crushing last night on some narrowed-minded ladies last night, they didn't know how to react after I quoted thier own book on them.

v. You are soul crushing him with your philosophical talk!

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soul-crushing Empty
PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 6:06 pm

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soul-crushing Empty
PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 6:41 pm

Lol I get that. But I mentiined it more in it's niche Kitchen context. It happens to dishwashers, which is the only entry point to a kitchen and by far the hardest job in it.

It happens, usually, when the second rush comes. When the first one came, you were already fucking tired, so you used that last 100 meters sprint force to plough through the neverending stream of pleates and pots and buckets and shit suddenly coming at you for an hour. You barely make it, but you make it.

Then there's a lul. Maybe you even sneak a ciggarette which you smoke in devastated relief. Then you work some more and it happens. A wave of customers had come in an hour before to eat before the place closes. As the new even bigger wave of dishes comes in, and usual unexplainable plastic apparati, the cooks are closing their stations and sending their shit to wash.

The bins pile up well beyond your station's capacity to hold them, into the cooking area. You start, one liad, two loads, carry some clean things to their spot, dry what comes out, are getting burned by steam and cut by random metal even more, try to always keep the machine running, the line of dirty shit has misteriously doubled in size. You are well beyond the point of fatigue 99% of humans know. And suddenly you can no lomger cope. You understand the relentless enormity of the situation, which you are stuck in. Soul crush. The mind logs off and panic sets in.

The weak crumble and operate at schoolboy level, the busboys effectively taking over and hating you. The strong still only barely manage to carry on with much aid, but they wrestle their minds back into their brains and deal.

That's soul crush.

It happens climbing mountains too.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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soul-crushing Empty
PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 6:51 pm

I can remember had that moment 2 times in my life. Once climbing, can only remember that it happened, don't remove the context, I think exhaustion erased it, and once at night alone moving all my stuff and furniture three narrow sets of stairs up to my attic at night to move to Vienna after this kid died -
got stuck with the couch rounding a corner in the staircase, hadn't eaten for 8 hours or so, I remember marvelling at the sheer lack of options in that moment, again no idea how I made it out. I must've just managed to get the couch up and afterwards the rest must have been gloriously easy.
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soul-crushing Empty
PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 7:19 pm

That's beauty man. A true objective measure of a man.

", I remember marvelling at the sheer lack of options"

And yet, some people do find an option. Those are the ones that get you kizziled in battle.
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soul-crushing Empty
PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 12:32 am

if that’s what soul crushing is, then i do that shit on an almost daily basis. have for years.
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PostSubject: Re: soul-crushing   soul-crushing Icon_minitime

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