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 Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Empty
PostSubject: Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)   Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 10:20 am

Is a bigger problem than I had thought.

(formerly: for destroying genius
fuck that hole)

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)   Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 12:29 pm

in sterquiliniiis invenitur

"in filth it wil be found"

or, with JP;
"what you most need will be found where you least want to look"
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)   Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 12:41 pm

No more loyalty to oil bolstered monarchies without royalty. it is absurd to reject European politics but pretend that South America isn't ten times more sordid. They couldn't even have corrupt politician as politics isn't even known at all besides the power of the vilest, most malevolent and treacherous. It is an absolutely inverted pyramid of values, where the sickest invariably end up on top. That is not to say that whoever has some power is sick, it is just that if he is not, he won't stand a chance of bringing about anything besides some moderate personal wealth. Influences don't exist. Only chaos traps do.

This is the result of a lack of consistency at heart of the spoken word.
A place where words are merely the gestures that accompany the hands and feet.
In such a world no promises can be ever kept, no honour is possible, no clan can be built-
"I guess nothing can be done", as Mayor Colvin cynically sneered to Carcetti about the mayors power over Baltimore - this is true for any place where the word is just a frivolity.

Hence ROMA INVICTA; Romans understood the value invested in the word as the practical measure of human integrity. This is how they built.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)   Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 12:52 pm

I'll see if I can bring some sense to that continent one day.

Ive confronted literally al that they tip toe around and I speak to their soul with my speech and motion - so it can be done, my philosophy has the power to make itself be understood first by the non-wretched. Who, in children, still form the vast majority.

Shit rolls down hill
Yeah too bad everything else rolls downhill too.
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Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela)   Dearth in South America (formerly: Fuck Venezuela) Icon_minitime

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