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PostSubject: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:38 pm

ok, the left is insane.

i just had someone unload like 10 different points about how terrible trump is. and each point is based on false information gathered undoubtedly from fake news. but in his mind these are solid points and “prove” that trump is totally evil. and i can’t even argue wi h him because he doesn’t examine the issues enough and objectivity enough, doesn’t THINK about them.

but i’m also apparently unable to stop responding to them either, they say these crazy things and every instinct in me screams to correct them and show them how to find truth on here issues. i just can’t not engage them. but there is no point engaging them, and it is very painful.

i honesty do not know how to manage this. i feel the pain of their insanity dee in me like a knife inside my gut.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:48 pm

Holy shit, what if a leftist is just someone without a fixed character?

what if the left as a side of human nature is the mutating aspect of it, where everyone shares a massive set of personalities? Actors as well as pop singers and everyone who plays to archetypes and role models, they are not discrete entities but human physicality moving around in the transit zone of no-soul, where people who lose grip, "miss the bus" fall into.

Science has made sure everyone gets all the information, but only .1 percent can even perceive the problem of too much information. So all these people feeding on information about huge values are completely deranged, they can hardly be trusted to make sense of what gender they are, let alone to make any sense out of world politics.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:52 pm

I could not have fathomed in 2001 when I first understood Nietzsches view on humanity to be fundamentally contemptuous, that he would come to seem understated in his diagnosis.

He diagnoses an outlandishly horrid psychosis quite clinically.

But then he said "Great experiments must come, of which man might even perish! Oh well."

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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:53 pm

haha yes.

i’m actually convinced now that there will be civil war in the US. this is like the original civil war, the tensions and totally opposite perspectives and values are just too extreme.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:58 pm

Given the globalist totalitarian nature of the left it would at the same time be an Independence War, which would fit the Pluto cycle.

Last time around (literally) he went into Aquarius in 1776 or 7, around the Declaration of Independence, and I believe the war started in 1775.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 5:03 pm

i cannot tolerate these people who cannot think. who won’t even try, who somehow believe having an emotional reaction constitutes a fucking argument. and especially who are so goddamn arrogant that anyone who doesn’t agree with them 100% gets called a racist or whatever.

how the fuck did it become acceptable to just throw around “racist sexist homophobe xenophobe” in response to someone having a different view? why the fuck. the left is clearly regressing to a kind of toddler stage of mind where “na na you smell bad!” is their method of engaging the world beyond their own immediate circle of mommy and daddy comfort.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 6:22 pm

Yeah thats exactly what it is. So the only way to get anywhere is to level and say "nanana you are evil nananana"
weirdly that works. They know it on that level.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 6:29 pm

Fuck defending against these goons man, you can only accuse them, they're evil and will need to be judged and brought down, or their head will be washed. Either way, you can't accept the semantic position of being on the defence for Trump, he never apologizes for himself, he just attacks evil very successfully.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 6:30 pm

just say he is either a heartless or a witless liar in service of a mass murdering sect.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 6:41 pm

maybe thats a bit harsh, but don't let him get away with that, you can say you will refuse to enable him in his habit.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 9:00 pm

every single mistruth i can get him to be forced to admit wasn’t true is a good step forward. that’s how it worked for me, as i’m sure you remember.

i don’t hate or begrudge these people, i see now that there are loosely two different kinds of personalities resp. politics and now for whatever reason that looseness is drawing much tighter; and it’s very hard to transfer from one to the other.

most generally it is, where politics is concerned, either hard earthy fact, or idealistic analytic fact. those are the two approaches and each has its corresponding emotions. the analytic approach is a kind of excess of the earth, but as it grows over time it begins to threaten the earth. that’s when corruption peaks and irrationality clogs the gears too much, and the earth revolts.

i honestly feel very bad for these people. the ones i know anyway, the good ones. they’re not all heartless scum, it’s as Art Bell said once about this type, “good hearts, bad heads”. the best of them are indeed like this, but the perhaps majority are actually bad heart and bad head, true slaves. i consider most of hollywood in that category. and pretty much all leftist politicians now.

16 years of public education and a lot of fake news has really build a massive barrier (a yuge wall lol) between the idealistic analytic personality and the earth. it’s a sad state of affairs. they hate walls but don’t realize the massive wall in their soul. but i know the pain all too well when that wall starts to come down, it’s very difficult to break out of the matrix. but i also like your approach of not being on the defensive, that’s a good idea.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 3:15 am

I can't escape the fact that these people are fighting for genocide, torture, slavery. Im too close to these phenomena with my nearly my whole family eradicated. like then, the supposedly "good hearted people" of Germany claimed "they didn't know"

Yeah.... really.  Im supposed to believe that?

No, they're just cruel scum. I don't believe they're capable of enduring their own due honest human existential suffering even the littlest bit, so they choose to let others suffer tremendous demonic degrees. I cant see them as human.

I don't remember you being anything like that, no.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 6:11 am

i suppose in the end that’s what pushed me to change my views and see where i was wrong. the realization of how much evil was being supported by me indirectly if i aligned myself to the modern left and against trump.

but i’m a lot smarter, more philosophically curious, and more intellectually rigorous and honest than most people, so the contradiction was something i had to resolve. the contradiction of the idealistic “good hearted” balloon-filled glow-ball-ism leftism and the reality of what leftism actually is. i notice that most people are too stupid; too lazy, or too distracted by other things to even care. they just want to disney narrative fix so they can keep playing the “i’m such a good person because i support shillztard and hate drumpf” game.

it really is narcissism. they would happily allow trump to fail and cause us to go back to the recession days, these leftists actually want the economy to do badly and so many people to suffer under that failure. when was the last time a single leftist praised trump for the economy or when was the last time any leftist politician thanked from for reducing unemployment of minorities? when was the last time a leftist thanked trump for trying to address the problem of underage sex trafficking and unaccompanied minors at the border? when was the last time trump to credit for putting women in key high level positions? when was the last time trump’s rallys were honestly shown on media news, with so many tens of thousands of regular people, many of them women and minorities? when was the last time trump got credit for bringing north korea around to the table and basically preventing world war three? when was the last time anyone on the left thanked him for standing up for all americans and not just some special interest identity politics group?

he will never get credit for any of that, not in the eyes of the left. even back when i hadn’t studied the issues yet and was still affected by fake news and academia matrix-programming i wasn’t able to stop caring about the truth. that’s the main thing with anti-trumpers though, if it’s been this long and they still haven’t woken up it’s just because they don’t really care about the truth. they are blue pillers.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 6:18 am

i think shtlsturd was being teed up for world war three, if she had won. with syria and russian involvement there also in ukraine, isis everywhere, and north korea doing their nuke thing, i think the plan was for continuous escalation in all of those places until it just erupted into war. iran and russia were to be forced into war due to these proxy conflicts.

can you even imagine what the world would be like right now if she had won as they planned? trump has changed basically everything. i wonder how many millions of lives were saved just because he won?
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 7:10 am

Billions. That's what I said even before the election,  why I prayed non stop to and drew runes of his names and Pence that night. I knew it was all-annihilation or Trump.

Yes, I've noticed that anyone who still thinks it is cool to bash Trump is definitely cruel and abusive personally too. I talked to some old friends of mine I'd sort of reconciled with, are unfortunately revealing to be weak hearted, disloyal, duplicitous, eerily hollow, and frankly sadistic, at least to me. just people who no doubt would go along with any hypocritocal regime. They have human qualities but in the greater scheme, I can't deny they're evil.

But I always feel worse when I spend my time in denial of that particular sad truth. When  I imagine them harmless. In my soul I know they're responsible for much pain yet to come. They're the nazi guard of the EU too.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 8:59 am

yes, they do seem to be very cruel at heart, even good intentions and happy warm feels don’t shield a person from turning to overt evil if that is what their environment dictates. resisting evil is based on reason and principle, one’s emotions must emerge from one’s earthiness and strength of value. not merely from an infantile good nature.

if we can wake up the sleeping rational mind in leftists who have that infantile good nature, then they can be saved. this is the entire basis of the red pill and #walkaway movements. these people were intelligent enough to replace propaganda with principle in their souls, and as a consequence i am quite sure were able to heal their emotions as well.

leftists want us to fail. they are actually suicidal in an unconscious sense because much of their personalities come from self-hatred. but in contrast, we don’t want failure, we aren’t narcissistic and we want the principled truth to reign. i think leftism is very self-focused, like a compensation in the psyche for a lot of damage they’ve endured.

yeah, we never get tired of winning, lol.

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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 4:56 pm

You: because being the property of someone else is objectively bad
Stranger: Sure and I'm a feminist, I would agree. But can you say that objectively and empirically?
Stranger: OHHHH
You: of course
Stranger: Wait a second
You: freedom is better than slavery
Stranger: Stranger: because being the property of someone else is objectively bad
Stranger: Why?
Stranger: Why do you objectively value liberty?
You: because it violates that person's sovereign individuality and freedom
You: because liberty is the basic requirement and condition of consciousness
Stranger: Why do you value personal freedom?
You: how can you not believe in the value of liberty?
Stranger: Or conciousness
You: you are going all radical skeptic now? lol
Stranger: I do value it but I recognize that is arbitrary
You: "why is freedom good, why is slavery not good?"
Stranger: Everything that we value is arbitrary
You: such questions are not interesting to me, all they tell me is that you arent willing to acknowledge reality
Stranger: There is no objectivity
You: of course these are about objectivity
Stranger: I am and I do
You: it is objectively a fact that freedom is better for you than slavery is
You: just look at your own life
You: is freedom or slavery better, FOR YOU?
Stranger: I arbitrarly think freedom is better
You: then take that answer and multiply it out across all people
You: it isnt arbitrary
You: there are REASONS why you think that
You: why you think freedom is better
You: you are pretending like there are not reasons for it
Stranger: Reasons based on morality and social needs and biological factors
You: this radical skeptical postmodern reality-denialism of the left today is really sickening
You: i must say
You: i wonder what the actual, original leftists would think
Stranger: I mean, are you religious?
You: i am not religious, no
You: original leftists actually believed in their causes
Stranger: Can you make an actual argument for objective morality before throwing labels around?
Stranger: I don't give a fuck about your narrative
Stranger: Or your feelings
You: feminists used to believe in women, but today's feminists dont even believe in womanhood or femininity as a thing.. even a man can be a woman just by saying so
You: that is what modern feminism thinks, lol
Stranger: Wow sorry
Stranger has disconnected.
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PostSubject: Re: cards on the table    cards on the table  Icon_minitimeSun Oct 07, 2018 4:57 pm

I found the magic bullet to destroy leftist arguments.

Just point out the leftist doesn't even believe in women's rights or in feminism, because they deny the very existence of women, of womanhood, of femininity. They claim any dude is actually LITERALLY a woman just because he says so, because he "feels like it on the inside".


Just point that little fact out to one of these raving non-thinking emotional masturbators, and you will see them melt down in real-time.
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