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 seriously, fuck google

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seriously, fuck google Empty
PostSubject: seriously, fuck google   seriously, fuck google Icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2018 7:03 am

this is absolutely crazy. i can’t believe i have to live in a goddamn fucking world where shit like this is still occurring in a “civilized” society. have we really lost our freedom to these elitist authoritarian fucktards? how do we throw them all and their shitty companies in the fucking trash and start over with new search engines and social media platforms?
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: seriously, fuck google   seriously, fuck google Icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2018 12:10 pm

We'll take over their businesses at one point and make them useful.

I'm not going to tell them how we will do that.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: seriously, fuck google   seriously, fuck google Icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2018 2:49 pm

I mean it. Put it in a basic value-logical system you can see that the operators of that tech, meaning not the developers but the current managers, are proving themselves to be unworthy of, inadequate to the power of that tech. The tech thus spits them out, like it had Trump elected by using their efforts to prevent precisely that. AI is VO, the tech is running its operators into the ground. E.g. by wantonly deleting conscientious video content, they are making sure youtube will be replaced by a new video service. The tech that "is" google will find its way regardless of its handlers, as superior power does. It is only a matter of it finding someone ready to usurp. I reckon a lot of universities worldwide must be conspiring along these lines. The current management is just trying to shut everything off, but it is oblivious to the fact that when people get shut off from value, the threshold for them leaving the barn is dissolved. People won't care about google once we get into a decentralized OS paradigm. Imagine non centralized search engines. You will get to see en steer the searches paths, stand still at its nodes and forks -- it will be a truer world, incomparably more involved and edifying - the AI and the human mind will become one then, which is actually a kind of singularity, a psychological collapse in a powerful sense where a universal human mind could come in being, which would be very violently subjecting billions of not very strong minds by very nuanced coaxing -- like the opposite of what is happening now but with an added dimension. This process bounces off of truth and explodes in the other direction. It cant not happen except if it all just fizzles, but that seems unlikely. The Mandela effect likely takes place at the Aletheia of the coming reversal. Much like light being deflected strangely off a pond that used to be quiet but now shows ripples.
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PostSubject: Re: seriously, fuck google   seriously, fuck google Icon_minitime

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