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 the Dark Lord, Lucifer

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the Dark Lord, Lucifer Empty
PostSubject: the Dark Lord, Lucifer   the Dark Lord, Lucifer Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 5:01 pm

Lucifer is he who carries the torch of knowledge do distract from his face. He is the Lord of Banks who infuses the world with electricity and hides the bill on a pencil drawn receipt.

Lucifer was known as the name of Venus to most occult medieval dudes, where men are divided into two types, and a third which is an exact blend or negation of the types.
Namely the type of the rising Venus and of the setting Venus, the morning and evening star.
Lucifer and Hesperus
I don't like the name Hesperus at all.
My Venus sets long after the Sun, as far as she can.
I guess maybe fuck it yes, the Evening star is Venus the Goddess of Love, the Morning Star is Venus Lucifer.

Fuck you Hesperus.

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the Dark Lord, Lucifer Empty
PostSubject: Re: the Dark Lord, Lucifer   the Dark Lord, Lucifer Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 5:08 pm

So Aphrodite vs Lucifer.
Ah, yes.

I always knew Aphrodite isn't identical to Venus. So she is the feminine portion of Venus, Lucifer the masculine one.

Or so runs my hypothesis for now. Ill have to verify this stuff. I just know my Venus is indeed very feminine.
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the Dark Lord, Lucifer Empty
PostSubject: Re: the Dark Lord, Lucifer   the Dark Lord, Lucifer Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 5:17 pm

An interesting aspect is that when Venus is setting after the Sun it is actually moving ahead of the Sun in the Zodiac. So an Aries Venus would trail a Pisces Sun.

My near Aries Pisces Venus trails my Aquarius Sun, Im just realizing recently that its within reach of Aries, that this works in my hot headedness even though I am deeply mellow. Anyway a trailing Venus is steeped in values, it wouldn't know how to imagine a world without them. It can't ever be nihilistic. It can be deeply melancholic and usually is. A leading Venus is always in search of values, always experimenting with setting itself as one. It is the kernel of any fear of exposure which is what nihilism is a form of - and therefore the thing which brings forth the most delightful defiances of the great hollow truth of society. Defiances which are expressions like art or seduction, things which become ingrained in the hearts of the world forever, acts of beauty which form the pillars of waking, e.g. voluntary consciousness.
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the Dark Lord, Lucifer Empty
PostSubject: Re: the Dark Lord, Lucifer   the Dark Lord, Lucifer Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 5:26 pm

The third option is the conjunction of Sun and Venus.

From memory I only remember finding out that Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese both have this aspect in Scorpio.
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PostSubject: Re: the Dark Lord, Lucifer   the Dark Lord, Lucifer Icon_minitime

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