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 godly is

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PostSubject: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 3:47 pm

...walking around town in a BLM t-shirt and a MAGA hat.
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godly is Empty
PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 6:11 pm

...going through airport security while wearing a red clown nose.
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PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2018 6:12 pm

This Moon-Mars now
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godly is Empty
PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 8:54 pm

godly is A-really-cool-looking-compass

W    E

5    5



3 15 13 7 1 19 19



5    5
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godly is Empty
PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 8:55 pm

Circle =

3 9 18 3 21 5


That is 36(5)

365 days

36 is a circle

5 is...
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PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 10:53 pm

"Jack picked up the U-space signatures microseconds before the arrival of the ships, but even then did not react quickly enough. The AI had received no warning of any immanent arrival,
so this could not be anything approved by the interdiction fleet. Fusion engines igniting, he began peeling away from the treacly tug of gravity and sent his own U-space packages towards
the Polity, warning that something was amiss, and relaying similar U-space warnings to Cormac and Cento. But then in underspace a storm rolled around the inverted well of the sun and bounced
his messages out into real-space, where they dissipated.

The ship that had just arrived far to the other side of the sun was a USER. Gaining height, Jack began to accelerate on conventional drives as the other two ships bore down on him. He considered
using radio to warn the others but, scanning those vessels, he recognized his own shape and knew they carried the equipment to track his signals to their destination. He also knew he would not be
allowed the time to get out of this gravity well. He sent out a greeting, as if not understanding what was going on. It bought him a few microseconds.

'Sorry,' sent the King of Hearts AI. 'But we know you'll never agree.'

Terajoule lasers began searing Jack's upper hull. He flipped over without adjusting his AG to compensate, so it slammed him down towards the planet. The lasers burnt his underbelly but, already
diffusing in atmosphere, lost the rest of their potency in the cloud layer he slid underneath.

'Why?' Jack asked. 'Skellor will just use you, and then enslave you at his first opportunity.'

Even as he flipped back over and flew at mach ten down towards a mountain range, Jack allowed enough of a link so that he could stand as the hangman on the white virtual plain. King and Reaper
turned towards him.

'Would you listen sympathetically if I told you we can obtain Jain technology in the same way as did Skellor, and control it like him?' asked King.

'I would, if you told me Earth Central or Jerusalem had approved it.'

Reaper hissed, 'They are too human.'

'Do you truly believe that? You know Skellor does not have the control he would like to believe he has.'

'Do you truly believe that?' asked King. 'Do you believe that Jerusalem or Earth Central, once obtaining ascendence over that technology, would not subsume us all?'

'I do believe.'

'Then there's nothing more to discuss.'

Their discussion had taken less than a realtime second. Now Jack detected the four missiles accelerating down towards him. In a few microseconds as his link to the other two ships closed down,
he routed through a disruptor virus. As the Grim Reaper and the King of Hearts fought against this, he fired an antimunitions package at the missiles. Without guidance, the missiles
scanned the package and, recognizing that it contained no heavy elements or chemical explosives, ignored it. They then slammed down on the Jack Ketch, which had surprisingly slowed to
a halt before reaching the mountains, and detonated their kilotonne CTD's.

'Very clever,' Reaper sent.

The real Jack Ketch reached the mountains, the missiles having detonated on an illusion the antimunitions package had infiltrated into their sensors, which they had not been smart enough
to recognize by themselves.

'Having fun with that disruptor virus?' Jack asked.

'What disruptor virus?'

Both ships were still launching munitions, and a cloud of missiles fell down towards Jack. He was at more than a two-to-one disadvantage. Though the atmosphere and cloud cover made their beam
weapons ineffective against him, his own beam weapons would also be ineffective against them. However, the other ships could easily use those same weapons against any missiles he fired - destroying
them in vacuum long before they reached their intended target. Unfortunately the reverse did not apply to any missiles they fired.

Now, hurtling so fast through valleys and between peaks that his shock wave was killing the hard-shelled creatures below him, Jack began releasing EM warfare beacons and viral chaff. They would take
out ten per cent of the missiles pursuing him, other antimunitions would take out a further twenty per cent; at close quarters his beam weapons would account for yet another twenty per cent, then
the remaining half of the cloud would obliterate him.

Something a little more drastic was required - and it was something his human passenger would not survive.

'Sorry, but this is for your own good,' said Jack.

Jack sealed the VR suite Thorn occupied, and shifted it through to a bay. As an afterthought, the AI transferred across a subprogram of himself before targeting the far draconic plain as he ejected the
suite. There came no comment from Thorn - and none was possible after the first missiles zoomed over the warfare beacons, and an EM blast blanketed all communications.

Slowing abruptly, the shock wave he created speeding past him on a hurricane-strength dust storm and snow from the highest peaks, Jack settled down and began making drastic rapid alterations
to his internal structure. He shifted all the hard-field projectors used in a U-space jump to his lower hull cavity, and increased the structural strength of the hull layers and supporting members there.
All available gravplates he transferred to that lower hull to provide the maximum repelling effect, then he charged up massive capacitors from his fusion reactors to provide a surge of power that would
probably burn out all those same plates.

Meanwhile, selecting from his carousels, Jack spewed his own missiles and antimunitions back towards the approaching swarm. A hundred kilometers behind, viral chaff began infecting the systems of
missiles no longer controlled by Reaper and King, blocked as they were by the continuous EM output of the warfare beacons. The top of an Everest-sized mountain disappeared in an implosion, then
reappeared as fire and gas in an explosion topping five megatonnes. Other airborne implosions followed, but without such drastic effect. Three one-kilotonne CTD's ignited three brief suns down a long
valley choked with vegetation and insectile life. The subsequent firestorm was almost an explosive, and a long wall of smoke and ash, red at its heart, rose into the sky. Then Jack's own missiles arrived
and there began a game of seek and destroy amid the mountains, a game that changed their very shape.

Now only five hundred metres from the ground, Jack dropped the other device he had swiftly selected. It hit the ground and activated. The gravity imploded excavated a crater in the bedrock, and in the
same microsecond Jack fed power into his gravplates. The balance was perfect, and he only wavered in the air as huge gravitational force tried to drag him down. At the centre point of the implosion, matter
was compacted into an antimatter core, and the rocky crater focused the consequent explosion, slamming up into the Jack Ketch. Antigravity working at the level to burn out the plates, layered hard-fields
acting as scaled armour, the blast accelerated the attack ship at a thousand gravities on a plume of fire. It left the atmosphere so fast that Reaper and King nearly missed it. Nearly.

'Respect,' the King of Hearts AI sent, just before opening up with both particle beams and gamma-ray lasers. "

-Neal Asher, Brass Man
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PostSubject: Re: godly is   godly is Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2019 6:37 am

Today is 129219, or 291219

Just pointing this out. Not sure if it means anything yet or not, at least noticeably. Then in three days it will be 21219.

Interesting numbers:


l e f t

12 5 6 2

1 2 2 2

l x e x f x t =


add that with 1222 = 8422

which is 88 which is 7

but i also just realized, we use 'x' as multiplication... x is 24



two twos is a four

so it interesting that we use the x letter as the multiplication symbol

anyway, i think the left is evil, or rather the left has become the personification of an already existing evil. this evil is deep in the heart of all things. it entwines with meaning and emotions-logic.

for example, emotion is a kind of tapestry quiltwork of 'pods' that are loosely connected in grids. between these pods are threads of connection, like veins. these veins are logic, or rather they are facts as such; facts entwine with emotion/meaning and this produces our experience of meaning as such, which is both emotional and logical.

but then the evil enters. the evil is the fact that the connecting veins are changed away from being facts and to being... what? something else. a kind of ideological substance, leftism; also rightism too, but that is a bit different. leftism is a true cancer that infects the blood-vessel lining of meaning and gives it inflammation. this inflammation spreads from pod to pod, roping the pods in and isolating them from one another, and pushing in on them from outside. nutrients cannot pass through very easily, the pods now get their "nutrition" from the inflamed vessels of the non-fact ideological subversions.

once this takes hold enough, emotions begin connecting through the inflammations, and a new kind of patchwork is formed. the old emotional-meaning structure is gone, replaced by a new sort. the host has been taken over, become a zombie. emotion and meaning are all but dead.

1 2 2 2

look, that must be the code to leftism. it starts out reasonable, 1 2. next would be 3 or 4 or something, a growth. but it stalls at 2 2 2.

it tricks people at the beginning and then just replicates the same thing over and over, like a virus.
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