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 the disintegrity of the socialist

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the disintegrity of the socialist Empty
PostSubject: the disintegrity of the socialist   the disintegrity of the socialist Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2019 6:22 pm

The problem with socialists is first of all that they have no values, that is, they are instinctively hateful of having values. God knows why - because it is scary, probably. To have something to be responsible for in any way is scary. That is the core of socialism.

Worse, if possible, is what they then do when they are confronted with this intellectually.
The way they use and butcher the intellect, the way they thwart their inborn capacity for reason, this is what, if there was a great singular all-being, this being would know as ugliness. There is, that is to say, no more offensive ugliness than a socialist who is attempting to make it seem he is thinking.

Except what, thirdly, is perhaps most offensive of all; the way other socialists respond to the former. The sight of a whole bunch of theoretical human beings ganging up behind the most atrocious stupidity and oozing self-satisfaction at, apparently, the feeling of vindication of some primary part of themselves, this is the true ugliness of socialism. I wager there isnt anything of lesser integrity in the cosmos.
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the disintegrity of the socialist Empty
PostSubject: Re: the disintegrity of the socialist   the disintegrity of the socialist Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2019 5:12 pm

Yes it is quite ugly. I cannot stand the sight of it anymore. Nothing has less integrity in all of existence, that is probably a correct statement. But even the leftist is somehow trying to self-value in the only way they know how, namely by destroying values as such in order to keep living in a void of valuation. To keep living in a fantasy bubble out of sync with reality, with reason, with their own mind. So they just work to transform their mind and feeling to align to their false reality. "Fake news" lol. Fake valuation.

I have sadly seen great people cut down and destroyed by leftism. I have witnessed this personally in my own life. Apparently some people are susceptible to it for some reasons and cannot save themselves. I tried to save a couple of people I care for, they only got worse as a result. That they cared for me too, apparently, or claimed to (I think they really did, at least at first) had no bearing upon this, it was not enough to allow them to simply listen to what I had to say and weight it reasonably in their own minds. They didnt even need to agree with me, just...... fucking listen. And no, they could not do it.

They simply... collapsed, fell apart, allowed themselves to stop existing. I can barely even speak about it, but at least now I have real human beings in my life. Not many, but some is enough. Some part of me holds out hope for the lost ones, but I also know that most likely they are beyond salvation. I cannot feel any guilt over it, because I did try my best for them. Leftism is really a poison, a purely sadistic deathcult. That people still cannot see this even after being confronted with the fact and attempted to be shown by people they know and care about and trust, is unthinkable. Who would hate their friends, family, lovers so much that they would reject those person's pleading advice and words and warnings, over and over? Well I used to be infected with the leftist virus, but I trusted my friends here at BTL enough to give my beliefs another look, and begin to accept new ideas. Eventually I pulled out of it. It is not easy, but it is possible and even inevitable so long as one has love in one's heart. That is what I believe.

The average leftist has no love whatsoever, they expect to be paid to fake their love and then they demand congratulations and adoration for this fake act of theirs, all the while smearing and mocking the person they supposedly care about. What a cruel joke.
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Fixed Cross
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the disintegrity of the socialist Empty
PostSubject: Re: the disintegrity of the socialist   the disintegrity of the socialist Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2019 5:38 pm

As sad and horrific as it is I feel some comfort in your experiences of leftism being identical to mine. There isn't any reason to doubt.

Fake love, yes. The most loveless creature waving around signs saying "no transphobia  no ableism, no fat phobia,  only love". A picture in the paper of a girl who might have been pretty if not for the deader than dead look in her, or its eyes.

I could easily cry in sorrow over such a picture, over the unspeakable depravity that governs the multitudes. And I don't always hold back. But the depraved aren't worth my unleashed feelings for the humans they might have been.
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PostSubject: Re: the disintegrity of the socialist   the disintegrity of the socialist Icon_minitime

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