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 Resolutions of politics

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PostSubject: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 3:23 pm

The complete resolution of politics,
Part 1: Ground-layer

Politics is a good deal more amoral than even Nietzsche thought, since politics isn’t even about 'human values' or will to power; politics is a natural-physical process taking place at the level of constructed sociocultural substance and at the level of genetics. “Political” ramifications upon psychology at the individual and group levels are just secondary effects of this. We write our own desires and feelings onto the process which gives it the impression of being a moral thing, and that’s all fine and good but fundamentally those morals don’t coincide with or alter politics itself. Like psychological implications, our moralities are secondary side-effects of the underlying reality.

Sociocultural substance is comprised of a network of such “sociocultural” substances as Moldbug points out, which involve interacting sets of traditions, rules, laws, norms, definitions and restrictions. Include things like stories and mythologies in that too. This “substance” is literally an onto-epistemo-metaphysical structure comprised in a sense as a “pure logical form” that endures in reality over time and manifests as a people, a group, a nation, a civilization, etc. The pure excess of truth the existence and primary importance of which Parodites reminds us of is partitioned into quantities and these quantities set in meaningful mutually delimiting relations to one another, causing the original impetus for the formation of these sort of structures and substance in the first place. Once the structures and substance exist they continue to hold themselves in existence by self-valuing according to their own internal logic and various survival requirements. Dutton points out that religion is used here as a selected-for mechanism to solve the problem of free rider behavior and to keep the overall set of structures more or less intact over time. This works for a while until technology is developed to a point where small entropic releases of latent energies trapped in the substance are able to be tolerated as a kind of inter-structural excess creating an outer and inner dynamic whereby small bits of structural order can be loosened here or there to produce new available energy to the entire system, all without fundamentally disturbing the equilibrium of the system as a whole. This is as Moldbug notes with the whole ant and grasshopper analogy.

This continues for a while until technological development reaches a level that allows for survival of such a high percentage of individuals in the society that social and biological selection pressures collapse; as Woodley notes this causes gene mutations to begin to percolate up the social hierarchy and cause a reversal of the downward social mobility of gene mutations, both good and bad mutations, which had been occurring. Previous to this high level of technological development, the society was dealing with gene mutations by pushing harmful mutations down into the lower classes where they tended to die out due to brutal selection pressure, while concentrating beneficial gene mutations at the top in the upper classes, but which beneficial mutations also distributed to everyone at all social levels due to downward social mobility. Now with the collapse of selection pressure starting in the upper classes and moving gradually down to the lower classes too, beneficial mutations are no longer selected for while harmful mutations accumulate and push up through the social classes. This leads to a feedback loop caused by social epistatic amplification whereby genomic integrity declines in proportion to the decline of the integrity of the sociocultural structures and vice versa. This allows for the technological entropic-compensating process to increase exponentially and begin to consume the structures at a runaway pace, causing a collapse at the level of the civilizational substance itself.

There is no solution to this dilemma. Once the structures are dissolved to the point where continued technological progress becomes impossible, and even where the continued maintenance of existing technologies begins to break down, entropy suddenly has no way to be siphoned off into the outer layers as useful energy release and becomes instead a poison in the veins of the substance itself. By this point the substance and all individuals in the society are too genetically degraded, in IQ for example, to be capable of doing anything to solve this problem, since solving the problem would require building back up the former ordered structures of tradition, rules, law, limitation, etc. Social cohesion collapses into individualistic narcissistic behavior as Conquest’s first law is squeezed to the minimum point of expression due to the loss of any social common denominator for coordinated conservative action. Leftist dynamics of pure entropy have attempted to replace the structures and act as a new substance which of course they cannot do because leftism is nothing but entropy of existing structures. Substance can only grow under leftism as a marginal excessive force—once this margin overtake the center the entire system is inverted and falls apart, like we are seeing today in the western world.

Once the civilization experiences runaway collapse events and falls apart the remnants of structure will gather and balkanize as much as possible, as the seeds for a new future civilization are sown throughout the remnants of for former civilization’s territory. Then we can wait another 1000 years for the new dark age to play itself out and eventually form a new set of enduring sociocultural structures leading eventually to the emergence of a new substance, a new civilization. And the whole process starts over again.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 3:46 pm

Part 2: Inter-medial or second layer (human stuff)

Above the ground layer there exists a two-part or perhaps technically multi-part layer, another tectonics; this tectonics consists of mainly two intertwined domains, on the one hand the domain of human desires, needs, and emotions and on the other hand the domain of pure will to power. These two domains intersect and entwine with one another to form the second layer over the first layer of the ground level (part 1 in previous post).

Above the base reality and entirely non-moral requirements of "politics" and "society" and all of that outlined in part 1, this human element rises up and imprints itself onto the surface impressions and salient aspects of the ground layer. We are human, we have many desires, feelings, ideas, wants and needs, sense impressions, biological drives, theories, etc. etc. We also have shared cultural histories and stories, mythologies and religions, etc. etc. All of these things work in tandem as necessary elements of "the human being" at both individual and group levels to comprise the second layer. Since the first layer is based primarily on genetic and physical (physics) realities, this second layer is more "human" and puts our human impressions onto the cold hard natural world below the rocks beneath our feet. The tectonics way down there, the truly amoral level of brutal "direct reality" are always holding us up where we are, but humans still want to put a nicer touch on things, in part to give it more meaning, which is very important, but also to seek to merge the ground layer and the second more human layer together in a synthesis that mirrors the structure of the human mind itself. The ground layer echoes and mirrors much about the brutal reality of the natural human, his genes and physical aspects for example; to bring this together by bringing the two layers into contact we can know more and develop more about ourselves.

It is also interesting that technological development and technology per se is a function primarily of the ground layer and not of the human layer, despite that it appears as it technology springs up from the second human layer. Technology is delimited in both its development and application by structures and arrangements in the second layer, however the impetus and true tectonic power pushing technology up and up occurs from the ground layer, as previously noted in part 1. So what the second layer does is both give retroactive justification and meaning to new technologies as well as delimit and shape to some degree their development and use. The second layer basically appropriates the technological growths that come up from the ground layer, making use of these to enhance a more human world-space. So technology itself is two-part, it functions as pure brutal reality mechanism and it also functions as human value-justification and value-expansion. Technology enables the levels and forms and possibilities of human valuing in totally new ways and to totally new degrees, but that is secondary and quite separate from the effect of technology at the primary level such as discussed in part 1 where technology directly enables the continued and exponential increase of entropy in the system as a whole. It is not necessarily the case that technology has this entropic-productive effect on humans in the second layer. In fact we might say that it even tends to have a reverse effect, to close up some of the excess tendencies to entropic decays. Humans will value-appropriate technology to themselves and make it a part of themselves in new ways, they will basically justify technology and turn it to properly human roles. This can close up gaps in the systems as well as fortify the hardened capital shell around the civilization and along its spine.

Looking at the dual nature of the second layer, we have the "human" aspect generative of what is called meaning or conscience, desire, need, want, image-making, storytelling, feelings, etc. etc. and we also have the pure harsh will to power aspect also. The will to power aspect comes directly from Nietzsche and he elaborated this very well. There are all sort of Machiavellian power games going on within politics, society, economics, just as there are all sort of individual psychological will to power games going on within individual human beings and which games often play a role in person to person relationships. But despite how muddied this all is together and contra Nietzsche's view that we might reduce everything to "willing to power", it is the case that both of these aspects of the second layer really are two distinct realms. Pure will to power as logical principle and ontological fact play their role in the development and maintenance of human things, but those human things cannot be reduced to that will to power aspect. This failure of reduction mirrors the failure of reduction from the second tectonic layer to the grounding tectonics: it is the case that no level can be reduced to the other, despite that there appear massive imbalances and tectonic shifts, volcanic eruptions forming totally new island chains and landmasses; even as we can tie one layer so firmly into the other and see so many consequent causal logistics occurring, these layers remain distinct. This holds true between the ground and the second layer, and it holds true between the "human" and the "will to power" aspects within and of the second layer itself. Irreduction is a critical aspect to understand if one wishes to begin to form a properly philosophical understanding of things. And irreduction does not mean absolute irreduction, for that too would be just one more... false reduction.

Seating all things 'human' most firmly within this second layer, we can see how these interact with existing political realities and shape political, economic, and social arrangements. One key principle of the second layer's enduring stability is the principle of locality, whereby forces organize from the bottom up or rather from the inside out, stabilizing themselves in self-valuing fashion. Relationships are formed as agreements of mutual benefit, between individuals and families and groups and tribes and nations etc. etc. Something like 80-90% of what is really meant when things like society, politics, economics comes up and when we look at these realities in the world is something directly about the second layer. The second layer is in a sense the largest of the three layers, although there is no way to really compare the size of the ground layer with the size of the second layer because they are so categorically different from one another. In any case, when we talk about politics we are usually taking mostly about something to do with the second layer, and this second layer is also where most people put into and get from their political aspirations, inclinations, goals, justifications, feelings and motivations, etc.

Realities percolate up from the ground layer and take human shape in and as the second layer. Then we play around with these more human things and build what amounts to, in the ideal anyway, a self-contained human world. This works out most of the time to a sufficiently large extent. Most disagreements in politics and society are formulated in and about something to do with second-layer tectonics. This is especially true since the ground layer remains all but invisible to most people and to most political calculus; the more 'brutally real' of the political world in practice, both salient and hidden, is still something almost entirely to do with the will to power aspect of the second layer. Note that this does not even descend down into the ground layer but is, like all more "human" aspects, another secondary side-effect shaping things post-hoc into the various forms of human imagination.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 4:03 pm

Part 3: Law, pure logic and rational construction; the third layer

The third layer that rests atop the second layer is that of law. This includes overt and covert law, open and closed laws and law-making, and it contains the reasons and rationales of law. It also includes pure logical and rational structures, again on all possible levels including practical and pure theory levels, that relate to laws; law also means the strict economic functions and forms as well, as in capitalism and its processes, and also includes whatever happen to be the philosophical roots of abstraction and speculative-possible thought, including science of course, that are the case for any group or civilization at any given moment. This is also therefore where we can locate much of the actual reality of the 'hardened capital' as well as therefore a huge bulk of the contents of culture. Culture is a strange thing that mixes from and come out of the interplay between the second and third layers. Culture in a way is a kind of direct image-symbol for precisely how the second and third layers relate to each other.

We can already see that the third layer is very different from the second layer and it is the case that the second layer cannot be reduced to the third nor the third to the second. They are distinct. They relate and together comprise basically the human world in all of its obvious facets. Together the second and third layers form the second half of the total equation, balanced out by the first half which is the grounding layer that remains most separate and hidden of all the layers. Politics at the level of law and pure reason that happen to exist, not counting any kind of Machiavellian schemes or calculus of pure will to power for such things are firmly of the second layer and not of the third layer, comes almost entirely from the third layer; the third layer is "reasoning as such" or we might call it the philosophical layer, the layer of greatest abstraction and logical potency, the layer in which science, math, philosophy most participate although of course this participation includes much gathering of things from the second layer, and even at times from the ground layer as well.

These three layers are stacked upon one another. Brutal realities shift up from the ground and are tectonically absorbed and dissipated into the second layer; the second layer grows and is delimited by the third layer which is developed at a different pace than things develop in the second layer, and each layer therefore has quite its own being and nature, its own categorical logic. If either the second layer cannot continue effectively absorbing and mediating ground-layer realities, or the third layer cannot continue effectively absorbing and mediating-delimiting second-layer realities, due to breakdowns in either the second or third layer, or due to catastrophic problems occurring in the ground layer, then the entire civilizational structure wavers and ultimately falls apart.

Right now in our present time there are massive problems in the ground layer which are due to feedback loops developing between the second layer and the ground layer, which feedback loops themselves are occurring because of problems between the second and third layer, as the third layer ultimately breaks down in a large way. These feedback loops cause a dissipation of the ground layer's structure and governing realities, a collapse of nature as it were, and this in turn begins to make the second layer more and more unstable; as the second layer becomes more unstable it loses more and more contact with the third layer as well, and all feedback and entropic focus redounds upon the second layer and gathers there, because the second layer is not only the most "humanly real" of the three layers and not only the largest of them, but is also the one in-between the other two. Feedbacks and energetic tides tend to push into the second layer, also because the second layer is most able of all the layers to handle and dissipate, structure and make sense of such excesses (in normal circumstances the second layer can mediate huge amounts of excess without anyone even noticing, that is how deep these 'human aspects' are). The second layer is beginning to go insane as it loses its structural onto-epistemo-logical groundings and moorings; ontologically it is displaced by the disabling feedbacks that are depowering the ground layer, and epistemologically it is crumbling due to massive failures at the third layer of philosophical vision in both theory and practice. As is obvious, a point is reached where errors on each level simply reverberate with errors on the other levels and the whole tower of civilization shakes and quivers. Once it cannot sustain its own weight anymore it will collapse. That will be a very ugly process, but I am not sure there is anything we can do about it.

It would be possible to analyze the collapse in advance and try to understand and predict it to a degree, and therefore plan for it as well, but I will leave that for another time.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 4:16 pm

So also we have two directions of idiocy going on at once, just to be precise about it; either society goes for massive statism whereby the religious instinct is falsely appropriated up into governance itself, which is basically what the left stands for now (as Moldbug noted how strange it is that somehow left-leaning people have become convinced that when it comes to government, more is always better), or we have an Islamic invasion of fundamentalist literalist Medieval religion to fight against. We have to fight against both of these things. And right now, because these two (statism and fundamental Islam) understand at some intuitive level that the enemy of their enemy is their friend (note: we, ordinary human beings, and our conceptions of individual rights and our political and cultural power, our wealth, etc. all of that is "the enemy" from their perspective; also of course our freedom) the Statists and the Islamists are basically teaming up to threaten the middle, namely to threaten western civilization itself.

Not enough people in Europe are "reasonably religious" enough anymore to be able to resist this double onslaught.
As the collapse of the natural religious instinct creates a void that is filled by statism, this is a parallel to what Karen Staughan noted with her observation that what all of this mass migration policy and "all are welcome here" stuff looks like objectively and from the outside is one basically one huge feminist "shit test", as she calls it, of men at the hands of women, or more accurately maybe of 'male society' (western society, more or less) at the hands of triggered female psychodynamics.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 4:42 pm

I'm not convinced about the patchwork idea. I can definitely see more balkanization occurring, but not this kind of science fiction scenario of so many hundreds or thousands of little advanced city-states in some kind of larger grid of free movement. What would exist to hold that kind of network in place, to prevent war between them for example? Why would people be content to have no voting representation and no power over the inner politics and economics of their city-state? Only a very oppressive tyrannical power could enforce something like that total lack of freedom of the people, and the mere idea they can just move around to other city-states isn't an answer to that.

But yeah, I can definitely see larger nations of today breaking up into smaller nations, as well as some nations being taken over by others and becoming part of larger nations. I just do not see the breakdown of the concept of the nation-state as being likely to occur; globalism is what is going to collapse with the collapse of civilization, and yeah globalism will try to maintain its control and leverage all of its technology and power to maintain the global singular state, but I just cannot see that lasting for very long. I think more like maybe what Parodites thinks will occur; basically the EU and these various globalist institutions will fall apart or lose a lot of their power, there will be massive war in Europe, civil war in Europe and America, economics collapses and a resurgence of locality principles naturally within existing areas and states, and then after some period of chaos for however many years some degree of order will be restored and discussions will begin about how to reconstitute the nation-state boundaries and relationships. The US will be at an advantage in this, and European nations will have advantage too to the degree that they still retain a meaningful degree of their own historical and linguistic-cultural continuity. But the Muslim problem in Europe is going to be a HUGE problem for them once this collapse occurs. This isn't going to be so much a problem in the US, rather in the US there will just be regular problems of crime, that sort of thing. Not the massive invasion force that we see building up in Europe.

Either electricity and internet will basically fall apart, or these will somehow be maintained throughout the collapse; if they fall apart then the collapse will be longer and more violent, but come to a clear resolution after so many years or a couple of decades, and electric and internet will eventually be restored first as new innovations at the local levels rather than in a huge interconnected grid; I can see groups of people digging up fiberoptic cables and equipment using this to rig up local internet networks for their community, etc. Or the other option is that the globalist regime will be able to maintain electrical and internet throughout the collapse, which will mean that the collapse is not actually a total collapse but will be used to further cement and expand the powers of the global state, for example with surveillance controls and controls over digital money. So while the collapse might be less extreme and painful under that second option, we should hope for the first scenario I think.

Also, the centralization of military is another big problem for the US, although the US does have state-level and local level forces and I agree with someone else who said that most people in the military would never join a coup against the people of the US, because the US army is still so civilian focused (volunteer, for example, and often part-time). The bonds are too great, basically, for there to be too massive levels of abuse. However, the build-up of EU armies could be a problem. As is the problem of automated, drone and AI weaponry. And bioweapons of course, things like that.

Basically, the collapse is not going to be pretty. Another dark ages might occur, centuries long. The tension will be between the actual collapse itself as "Event" and the orchestrated planned "collapse" that the globalists want to create in order to cement their power and control. But yeah, I just don't see any kind of utopianism emerging from any of this. The earth won't tolerate such nonsense. And humans are still and will always be highly earthy people, and much more so when the chips are down.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeFri May 31, 2019 7:34 pm

I think what we are engaging in this century is a technology of sex, which could become the way to reverse the decadence process. Or rather than a technology of it, a philosophizing of it, which already includes all the technocratic forms of sexuality that dominate the culture; it is primarily as an enhancer on the selection mechanism that the scientific prowess we've developed has become a weapon for nature to work on herself. A philosophizing of his would extend to a vast system of categorizing preferences, into which the left has already diffused its once literal self. The power of this phenomenon is, due to the excessive foundations of it, entirely sufficient and adequate to the whole of the human struggle even put together as one great demon - in fact such a demon would merely appear as yet another suitor. And he would as such be subdued in pleasure, which the excess takes on as form and life in case it finds itself challenged in its existence. Excess proves itself through Venutian paths, it survives as form through them. In Mars it dissolves as form and becomes force, war. Excess is ordered in mind but only qua the excessive powers of the human organism, its multifarious beauties and proportions. Logic and excessive practicality (such as science and art) are not properties of a beast that wishes to experience itself, but of a hard fought perfection that discovers that it is, in this perfection, reflected throughout the universe it can perceive. Perfection is only the beginning of the evolution of consciousness, and it is in terms of perfection that it can be developed, and not otherwise, as it will veer off into dreamworlds in which incongruities can exists in symbiotic pathology, the enemy of clarity and thus of a lot of kinds of pain. Perfection is the consequence of much that is undesirable. But it has been attained - ape has been overcome, and thought is now possible. Glad to find it here.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeSat Jun 01, 2019 4:18 pm

Sexual technologies are destined to this, a kind of power we cannot control. If this high degree of tech is a consequence or reinforcer of the massive entropic slide in mentality and culture and I think it is, then the feedback there is crushing. Not much hope to break out of that cycle except at the far end when everything has already been reduced to ash.

Believing men and women can become the opposite gender or have the opposite gender brain, millions of developing human beings murdered by their mothers and doctors in “abortion”, #metoo feeding the hostility and distance between the sexes, the rich getting away with rape and oedophilia and never facing justice, devaluing having children and families and devoted relationships.. it’s all part of the same thing. The entropy. It’s clear by now that not enough humans have the cognitive and emotional clarity and resolve to think into reality.

Stacking it up in my theory of ground-biology -> human-cultural -> Logic-law, we can see this process unfolding at all levels and how the levels affect one another. I don’t see an escape. Will to power isn’t an answer, waiting for people to wake up and think for themselves isn’t an answer. Trying to take over the whole corrupt elitist structure appropriating human life and value to itself isn’t an answer. All possibilities shrink into individual modes of mere survival. Which to me is dumb. So I’ll just keep theorizing and diving into truth to understand it all as it all burns.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 7:04 am

Fixed- yes I hope that you’re right. Nature using these things to further work on us. But it would seem to be a different sort of nature. Which leads into the question I wanted to ask here: what role does the existentia play in all of this? In the entropy. I’m quantifying so much of what’s happening as entropy. No more frontier to discharge excess friction, combined with natural slow progression in entropic ideas, combined with deliberate attempts to subvert the world, combined with advanced technology that is used to prop up and speed up the whole process.

Can truth itself, the higher levels of abstraction and ideas, the pure existentia, compensate for and use all of this to some noble end? Where are examples of productive entropy? I can think of one: the human brain. The brain uses entropy in the neurological networks to create a kind of baseline frenzy when the natural entropy in the neurons and networks trying to find their lowest energy state is paired with and set against an opposite tendency and logic for the networks to seek their maximum consistency and efficiency for representing that information which they do represent as structure, and this at the level of the networks pushes down to the individual neurons too.

Entropy used along with its opposite to create a baseline of endless energy, a free energy system almost. A pure positivity of affect or psychic energy which is then delimited more and more into specific forms - words, concepts, instincts etc.

Might we look for something similar in the collapsing world around us? I don’t know.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 06, 2019 11:16 am

Havent been here in some days. Grown out of the habit of tough philosophizing online.

First, thats a beautiful description of the brain.

One could actually begin to design a society with this description.

I wonder if perhaps entropy hasn't been designed to be the norm at the lower strata of society, so as to provide for such a brain like environment. It is clear that much "chemical experimenting" with human conditions has been taking place, especially during the past century.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 06, 2019 11:29 am

Defenders of the Earth wrote:
Sexual technologies are destined to this, a kind of power we cannot control. If this high degree of tech is a consequence or reinforcer of the massive entropic slide in mentality and culture and I think it is, then the feedback there is crushing. Not much hope to break out of that cycle except at the far end when everything has already been reduced to ash.

I agree that sex-tech isn't likely something we can break out of, it is where "nature" is heading.
Sexual stimulation has been its stimulus throughout much of its development, probably its main cause of risk taking, so absolutely no way we can "reasonably" "step aside from the vehicle" here, hahaha.

No that its all that funny.
But it is in a way.

What Im not so sure about is that it can't be harnessed while it is taking over.
As you may remember Ive often speculated about creating a religion (a ritualistic economy of mass-passion) around it, to control it and harness it, guide it into valuable processes.

Quote :
Believing men and women can become the opposite gender or have the opposite gender brain, millions of developing human beings murdered by their mothers and doctors in “abortion”, #metoo feeding the hostility and distance between the sexes, the rich getting away with rape and oedophilia and never facing justice, devaluing having children and families and devoted relationships.. it’s all part of the same thing. The entropy. It’s clear by now that not enough humans have the cognitive and emotional clarity and resolve to think into reality.

Yeah well these phenomena are all... just, fallout. I have no hope that the elements that have been exposed to entropy to such a degree as to be actively involved in what you mention, will be drawn back into some sensible order. I have to accept that stuff as, indeed, entropy that is just the case and that will absolutely keep taking its toll until, well I think until a hard kernel of truth is exposed by a sudden shift in popular demand. That is something that still will have to be "done", accomplished by philosophers, to make truth humanly accessible, or at least palpable. To this end, such a religion Id conjure would serve.

Can we juxtapose truth and entropy as opposites?

Quote :
Stacking it up in my theory of ground-biology -> human-cultural -> Logic-law, we can see this process unfolding at all levels and how the levels affect one another. I don’t see an escape. Will to power isn’t an answer, waiting for people to wake up and think for themselves isn’t an answer. Trying to take over the whole corrupt elitist structure appropriating human life and value to itself isn’t an answer. All possibilities shrink into individual modes of mere survival. Which to me is dumb. So I’ll just keep theorizing and diving into truth to understand it all as it all burns.

There is nothing to take over at this point. Nothing of value exists in the bureaucratic-ideological structures at all. It is like a compost heap, people like Nancy Pelosi are pretty literally that, compost.
So... what?
Well, like with compost, we wait until the earf begins to swallow it.
I agree, we can't "intervene" in this process.

But philosophy still owns the field for which the final stage of the compost is destined.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 06, 2019 11:38 am

And in another perspective, the decaying sexual materials in western humanity are simply forming an opportunity for non-western sexuality to take their place. And this is happening wholesale, has been happening.

Given that Truth is too powerful to attack with sex, this is not really problem even, in the long run. It just means truth is going to be dealing out punishing blows to the newcomers, once they find out that they may have animal prowess to beat the decadent layers of the west, but still need to deal with the unbearable envy before superior Style, which is closely tied to philosophy.

In fact one needs to have a great deal of style to attempt philosophy and no one in these nonwestern places has been attempting it for centuries. So they're fucked, in the soul. They'll never get to the core of things here. We are at that core though, and deep down our society loves us fanatically for it.

This will come to light.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 06, 2019 11:51 am

Imagine a young "educated" and intellectually prideful dude from some prison camp nation like China or Iran coming to the US and running into a Parodites book. Chances are good he wil surmise the triviality of all he will ever accomplish, and kill himself. If he doesn't, he will become a lifelong student.

This is a very real thing that is going to happen; fresh, vital newcomers envy of the ripened western intellect. They don't know it from movies or popular culture, they will run into it if they have the capacity for it. When they do they realize how many lifetimes they are behind. How they can at best hope the cultivate grandchildren capable of such abstraction.

This is not something mediocre westerners will see coming, of course. They are disposable anyway. The real confrontation is between the most vital newcomers and the philosophical pinnacles of our world. This is where power will be transformed.

And indeed, this is no will to power on the part of philosophy. It is like you said, Style is not interested in power, as it already is power.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 5:34 pm

Agreed, this is nicely said.

Meritocracy will never really die. The non-meritocratic are only a fertilizer. For those who really try, who really give a fuck.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 5:51 pm

Yes, and the most sacred of all philosophic thought is the crown on the work of understanding all the great philosophers - the word-become-flesh that is valuing logic forms a perspective from which all previous philosophy can be ordered and arranged both in its own terms and in terms of the path toward the lightning strike of initiation. One claims the mountain in a circular path, a spiral, and once at the top one will be granted the insight into the nature of all things, and this insight comes in a flash with thunderous reverberations.

In this flash, all religions appear as animals, and history as a war of such animals.
Unlike religions, ideologies are seen as machines, harvesters. They do not war, they merely consume.
They do not expend themselves, they do not bleed into the acres of hostile lands. They merely draw nutrients out of the earth and grow. Thus an emotionally comprehensive and profoundly satisfying religion must be conjured out of the gifts of he existing gods, to usurp all ideology if the Earth is to be spared.
In the sense of final cause this is to be an Earth religion - but then the Earth is only part of the Sun, which is part of the Galaxy, which isn't really part of anything that is coherent to us, as different galaxies have different gravitational discrepancies, different runic riddles, different characters, different proportions of valuing and being valued. Therefore this Galaxy is the Earth under our soles, the soil of our practical and, and everything in it matters.

This galactic gravitational stamp is a relatively arbitrary criterium but that too is Earthly. It isn't based on a universal theorem, just on the dangers of of error.

We can know the Galaxy very intimately, we can feel the fibres of its balancing. This whole galaxy is our home, quite as intimately as any place in it. It purrs like a dragon.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 6:46 pm

One no longer has to think about being, but one can directly think being.

Naturally this is infinitely tougher, like the pressures inside of a tree are infinitely more powerful per ratio than the gravity which takes down the tree once its dead and no longer a tree.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 6:53 pm

Or perhaps rather this "one can" is a bit trivial. The case is that being is being thought as we speak.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 5:58 am

Purely speculating into the dust of dark days:

Everyone knows the left is more “open minded” and the right is more “closed/rigid”, in an ideational and certainly emotional sense. Of course that’s a generalization and there is also a sense in which the right is far less closed than is the left, but that notwithstanding for now. What the left and right are, they are ‘political’ expressions-derivations of an underlying psychological assumption or tendency itself having to do directly with the structuring-dynamic logic of emotions; what I mean is, the unstated principle of the left is “no limits on emotional expression, experience, or release” and the unstated principle of the right is “emotional expression, experience and release must always exist within closed boundaries and limits”. The left is a kind of will to universality of emotion as such, and thus reaches for the heights of emotional novelty and heresy. Because of this the left also produces many examples of emotional insanity, unhealth, unreality, and meaninglessness; it is because the left has this universally principle applied to emotion that such things tend to occur within it, because the left assumes that any limit placed upon emotion is a falsity and an oppression obscuring the ‘true substance’ of emotionality as such.

On the other hand the closed approach of the right has its own problems. Repression of emotion, bottling up of tensions, denial, and untruth to or fear toward their own emotional meaning and needs, for example. The right in a group or systematized form manifests these errors, often therefore also in individuals but an individual right-ist can overcome these errors by breaking the group systematized limits and setting or finding his own personal limits, so as to properly delimit his own emotionality.

Likewise the leftist can also overcome the errors but only by either failing or holding back to assume the climb toward universality in emoting, or by, as the right-ist does, setting his/her own personal limits so as to individually delimit the emotionality.

Of course anything that exists must do so within certain limits and bounds, and that is the logical problem the left faces. Because it rejects boundary as such it must find a way to apply de facto boundaries to its emotionality without actually doing that overtly; how does it do that? Lately it is doing that by erecting a barrier between itself and anything “on the right” and using that barrier as a bulwark against new or different emotional experience, expression or understanding.

Therefore the left has found the only most logical limit it can endure in order to both maintain itself as universality-will while also opposing directly the very opposite principle of that universality-will.

Now the right forms up as a reality principle to check the dangers of the left’s universality-will. The left ought to be thanking the right for being this reality principle which allows the left to continue to rule and expand, for example the leftist state requires to tax the productive earners of society, who operate by the reality principle and therefore tend to be more on the right politically and psychologically, in order to sustain the leftist state. But now the new and meta-level problem for the left is that it cannot appreciate the reality principle at all, because the left has firmly set “the right” and all it stands for as the eternal enemy, and per the above it has done this because it has found no other more effective way to both maintain its universality-will and at the same time continue to exist in reality as a more or less delimited form/being.

The left leads to entropy by allowing excess to escape upward in the disappearing and dissolving maw at the top of the universal climb, while the right leads to entropy by tending to stagnate the excess in predetermined and closed patterns and structures. This is analogous to neural patterns in the brain whereby these patterns tend to both discharge their excess downward in a universe dissolving toward the lowest energy state (the left tendency) while also tending to maintain and lock their excess within the preexisting given structures of those patterns themselves, which logically exist to maintain themselves as the principle logic forms by which they were generated and continue to maintain themselves as that which they are (the right tendency).

So the left is not evil, nor is the left simply an expression of entropy as I’ve said before; rather the left is one half of a duality that together as a whole manages excess-entropic dynamics somewhere in the middle as balance. In addition, the emotional freedom of the leftist compared to that of the right-ist (ostensibly or at a foundational level this relative freedom is the case although clearly we see countless examples of the closed nature of the modern leftist — the modern leftist is emotionally closed as a consequence of his/her own emotional unlimitation or unformed frenzy and not because he/she accepts any kind of emotional closure in principle, as the right-ist does) is in fact a high good and should not be abandoned or made into the enemy as such merely because of how tyrannical and insane much of the modern left has become.

The solution is for the right to self-define and self-delimit its fundamentally closed emotionality a bit toward the center with a little more openness, while for the left to self-define and self-delimit its fundamentally open emotionality a bit toward the center with a little more closure and limitation. This will probably happen naturally, assuming the left does not remain so unchecked in its current form that it leads to the destruction of the entire world. The right has the task of fighting back against the excesses of the left while also maintaining the structures of the world even if this does tend to stabilize the leftist expansion. The left needs more time to mature and temper itself, to evolve, and it will do so provided that the environment maintains enough pressure upon it in that direction and also provided enough time is allowed for that productive change to take place, a kind of punctuated equilibrium of natural selection. It is he right that can allow for both of these necessities. The right can keep up the reality principle pressure on the left while also continuing to work to produce and maintain the structures by which the world, human life, culture, though, science, emotional stability, etc. exist in the first place.

Moldbug correlates the modern left with the rise of technology and this seems to bear out as true if we look at history; this is because modern tech broke the barriers of the old world that had formerly done the job which the left is now trying to do, namely to keep open the channels and expressions of emotionality, to find new and meaningful ways of discharging the excess. Tech multiplied entropy exponentially (for example by allowing for exponential increase in free rider behavior) while also breaking down existing cultural checks and balances, so the modern left appeared paradoxically as both a result of and an attempted compensation for that new unregulated entropic increase. The left and technology go hand in hand which is why the left tends to be technocratic and transhumanist, and also why big tech tends to become leftist (Silicon Valley, etc.). It’s also why you sometimes see those on the right egotistically or ironically self-deprecating about how they don’t know about or understand some new technologies like Twitter or whatever.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:05 am

Time to get real.

Evolution created meaning as it created pain, to make evolution itself work better. Make us be more invested in the outcomes of the games.

But evolution cannot create anything, it can only select for. So what was selected for must have already existed. Therefore pain and meaning and experience as such are already the case before and during evolution.

So what is pain? Feeling of disintegrity. Rocks and shit also “feel” it when they are broken apart. But that feeling is immediate and goes nowhere, it vanishes along with the integrity of the rock as it becomes two rocks. What is meaning? Existing within a context that accords itself to that which one is. Of course rocks also do this. For a rock it’s meaning is synonymous with its being a rock. No further elaboration or “feelings” required.

Politics is therefore purely geological-tectonic as is everything.

Riders on the storm.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:05 am

Manson, The Reflecting God, ha.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:10 am

“Being evil is damn cathartic.” -Pol
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PostSubject: Re: Resolutions of politics   Resolutions of politics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 10:45 am

I would nuance this thesis by attributing to the Left not the whole domain of emotional richness, but of emotional liberty. The right is a cascading turmoil of emotions equally, look at Trump rallies, and at Trump himself - the most emotive president we've known. He is cathartic.

But the rights motive is conservation and that includes emotions. The left trows all the emotions that mean anything to me out in the street and tramples them, and the Victory of 2016 gave me the power to prevent that from happening further. So Trump created a basin for the history of rich emotions to dwell like a delicious pool of cold water for birds to drink in a scorching end of summer day.

I woke up laughing, hahaha. That was emotional. I would go in the shower and sing beautiful American songs I had never been able to feel in my bone marrow as much before - Victory itself is an emotion.

Still yes, as a whole, as a package, as a bundle, the right constitutes a restrained emotional body. Because where it is unrestrained as a whole, we get the obliterating enthusiasm that the nazis under Hitler represented. Victory becomes the only emotion.

But Americans aren't capable of this. They are already too victorious; their existence is already beyond the threshold of that abysmal joy that marked Ragnarok. We are beyond Ragnarok - this conservatism of the third millennium - emotions are fresh, pristine, coming right out of the damp earth, wild with frenzy in the richness of minerals here above earth, now that we don't have to hide - and the last thing on our minds is the wish to stand in the way of, let alone to trample or otherwise hinder, other entities. We have discovered the right to exist in the world, Trump has given it to us, and this is what we wish for everyone.
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