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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 the ethics of remaking the world

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the ethics of remaking the world  Empty
PostSubject: the ethics of remaking the world    the ethics of remaking the world  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 6:48 am

By that I mean remaking our personal world, every day. Every moment that it’s needed.

When you can no longer rely on any stability in your life all that’s left is to self-create your world day to day. Accept or deflect the tragedy of it all by engaging in constructive effort and will; if for no other reason than “why the hell not?”.

Dwelling on instability and tragedy only makes oneself more unstable and tragic, considering the given lack of any stabilizing elements to begin with. This is therefore inauthentic. But new authenticities can still grow from the moments. Life has a way of proving itself worthy.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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the ethics of remaking the world  Empty
PostSubject: Re: the ethics of remaking the world    the ethics of remaking the world  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 11:17 am

The extent to which someone is capable of self-renewing like this is the purity of his power. Most cannot possibly escape their external self (the conditions to which the self is used to responding, the "shell" as it were) and so do not try to challenge these conditions too much for fear of exactly that the whole situation destabilizes.

The "why the hell not" argument requires a nakedness of strength before itself, it certainly can't be experienced with a pristine heart. It is the language of the raw. It is extremely tough to lift oneself off into such a new valuing because it is Creation itself.

Consequences of such an act reverberate in eternity.
It links into the notion of Style, as Pezer and I discussed it here.
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PostSubject: Re: the ethics of remaking the world    the ethics of remaking the world  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2019 11:48 am

Self renewal in this way is a pure choice. Volitive. And I think that is what produces style.

As for c^2, I surmised it’s because c being equal to the value of energy as such, since a photon is simply unmassed energy, you square it to push that value into another dimension, like building a square out of a straight line. 2^2=4, 3^2=9, c^2= matter. More specifically, matter = c^2 - c^2/m, since existing m (matter) derived from loss of c as pure energy and that subtracts from the pure energy value squared into dimensional existence.

If anyone has style, it’s god.
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PostSubject: Re: the ethics of remaking the world    the ethics of remaking the world  Icon_minitime

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