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 millennial puberty reversal

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PostSubject: millennial puberty reversal   millennial puberty reversal Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 10:24 am

The hierarchy of biological and emotional changes has been reversed in millennials -
it used to be that sexual maturity, immersion in sexual life and in ones appearance, image, etcetera, occurred in tandem with and largely on the back of an emerging emotional independence.

This has been altered. What we have now is a generation of sexually ripe and active people who have not engaged the emotional challenge of independence. Somehow this element or phase has been bypassed in the hormonal economy.

So there is a twisted violence in their systems now - the emotional systems are still pressing for maturity, but the physical system, having reached functionality, has been sealed off from it. This generation will be producing a tremendous amount of psychopaths and suicides.
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PostSubject: Re: millennial puberty reversal   millennial puberty reversal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:22 am

Curing SJW millennials with Manson-induced rage.

Retroing mfker
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PostSubject: Re: millennial puberty reversal   millennial puberty reversal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 7:28 pm

MM integrated rock music with 'bounce'.
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PostSubject: Re: millennial puberty reversal   millennial puberty reversal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 7:31 pm

He’s my favorite rock musician yeah. Also he integrates direct truth telling with satire, so they blend together and become one and the same. Cool.
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PostSubject: Re: millennial puberty reversal   millennial puberty reversal Icon_minitime

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