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 Tax Law

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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Tax Law   Tax Law Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2019 8:40 pm

A tax code will eventually have to be introduced that allows the state to take the freedom of its citizens literally.

To be defeated: the premise that for existing and subsisting we owe taxes.

The solution is simple.

Tax is only owed by commercial enterprises with an annual circulation of (xx million dollars+ inflation)(say 20 million) and more.
Privates are thus never taxed. Employees of tax paying businesses acquire the status of "tax paying worker" and may be granted some symbolic privileges to compensate for he harshness such businesses are bound to be governed by.

As much as possible, companies will stay underneath the 20 million annual value and many initiatives will be posted under new companies, which will require new employees and new training, new branches of evolution.

The war will be one of philosophical ramifications; namely, what constitutes a financial entity. The tax-bot will make claim to unities between several companies of which it forges the interpretation in its greedy but fair mind, and the companies will define their qualifications for operating independently of each other to defeat the premise that they belong to the same entity which collectively would amount to 20 million plus annual worth. I guess I mean by that what it spends in a year, regardless of profits. What it is literally worth to the economy.

It may seem harsh to punish high spending, but this increases smart spending.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Tax Law   Tax Law Icon_minitimeThu Jun 20, 2019 9:10 pm

Inevitably this will result in fewer taxes being owed and a smaller state, which leads to less bureaucracy (and virtually all state evil is of bureaucratic origins, such as the fate of the European Jews which wasn't an ideological thing but a logistical solution which could occur due to a bureaucratic indifference) and less of a "I get payed to kick your ass" attitude in law enforcement.

In days up to not very long ago, government was only for those who could afford it, and you could not get paid for having government power. Given my grandfather Marcus proved that one can be the centuries greatest parliamentary man supporting five kids on a workers wage Id say extend a workers pay to all parliamentarians and government employees. All of them equally, low or no pay but privilege of serving the people. Like police rookie jobs could be unpaid, so you only get true puppies.

The minimized Tax Law as Ive introduced it here as what I think is a quite inevitable solution, also leads back to the idea that to serve in government is a privilege and not a paying job. Trump has well understood this, as he gives his salary away. Its not just that he doesn't need it. Its that he understands the high privilege of serving the people as their leader. This attitude must drive all politics.
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PostSubject: Re: Tax Law   Tax Law Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 6:15 am

Brilliant. I support this tax idea.

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Tax Law   Tax Law Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2019 10:32 am

Then I consider it to have passed the necessary scrutiny and be ready to be named, memed and famed.
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PostSubject: Re: Tax Law   Tax Law Icon_minitime

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