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 Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Empty
PostSubject: Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely   Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Icon_minitimeWed Oct 23, 2019 5:33 pm

Except for the image of the US. A christ-like move - taking all the blame but allowing for a natural balance.

There are hidden boundaries. And some of these are deeper entrenched in time, which is in reason, as reason is simply the orderly progression of time.
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Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely   Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2019 3:47 pm

Trump said something like “why not let them fight over these little patches of sand, who cares? “

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Fixed Cross
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Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely   Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2019 2:53 pm

Yeah really.
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Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Empty
PostSubject: Re: Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely   Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely Icon_minitime

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Middle Eastern events have shaped up rather nicely
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