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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 Uruzian horizons

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PostSubject: Uruzian horizons    Uruzian horizons  Icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2020 10:04 pm

What have we learned.

Philosophy is the name not of the love of wisdom but of the pursuit of understanding. That it had a former meaning, and still has the same literal meaning, is relevant but does not preclude the dominance of the other definition at the current epoch. The love of wisdom is what we do not speak of, as these are troubled times and, it is wise not to speak of ones wisest decisions! As it always has been perhaps, only a fool would speak his mind on precarious matters such as the balance between wisdom and folly. Or perhaps only a botched magician, rather than a fool. Kabbalah is in my blood after all. O Sacred Kabbalah, what a majestic weird thing has been gifted to my bones. I cannot imagine a greater gem but then gems aren't everything - the snailhouse is as the horn of plenty to your straight backed seriousness, oh Kabbalah, greater gift than the splendours of ... dare I say it? No. Back to the topic of philosophy as the love of wisdom, but really nowadays as we practice it, the pursuit of understanding.

Is it wisdom we endeavour to understand perhaps? No. It is the cosmos, not macro but micro, we are quants, quantum idiots. We are nothing.

so, lets do that again.
Is it wisdom we seek to understand?
we plan to see the outlines of the cosmos itself through our piercing thoughts in order to understand where we find ourselves in the grand scheme of things. So as to know how to act? Is philosophy simply the pursuit of the wisest course of action? If so the pursuit of it requires knowledge of a goal. Can philosophy offer a goal, at all? Nietzsche arrived here perhaps, some century before me, a bit more even and quickly decided that there is indeed one universal goal implicit in all actions we can perceive around us and in us;

a goal is required to know what is wise to do - and to arrive at an objective wisdom there must first be a universal goal. The goal is power, be it discharge or collecting, either way. There are then two sets of wisdom; for collecting power and for expending it. Expending is perhaps the essence of wisdom- to know that to wait and to hoard is not to be and not to harvest. Not to sow is not to harvest. To sow is to harvest. Saturn rules the first failed harvest most of all.

Poetic wax on wax off poetic, I'm a heretic and I fact check that in a second just let me get back to the theme, which is the act of willing to know what to do, because, why. Do you, reader, know at this point what is wisest all round to perform in your lifer? Do you have a situation in which you know yourself to be reliable and meaningful? Do you control your destiny in such a way as a mountaineer controls his rope? Do you not hesitate to harvest along the way, as the way is the goal? Do you have blueberries to pick along to way?

Cows on a pier, walk along the great all, rivers of Babylon, early times, when all was yet well and well to come.
No tower in sight! No language to speak of.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Uruzian horizons    Uruzian horizons  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2020 11:19 pm

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Uruzian horizons  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uruzian horizons    Uruzian horizons  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2020 3:54 pm


It is dark.

A muffled punching sound is heard


A glaring sun over a bleak little graveyard in a hot middle of nowhere. Bleak little metal gravestones. The dust on one of the graves is coming loose and dancing on the earth. Soon a FIST BREAKS through the earth and a HUMAN SHAPE comes crawling out of the grave. It is BERTRAND RUSSELL
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PostSubject: Re: Uruzian horizons    Uruzian horizons  Icon_minitime

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