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 a view on deities as real entities

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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a view on deities as real entities Empty
PostSubject: a view on deities as real entities   a view on deities as real entities Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2021 9:11 pm

....that all being of sentience, most of it and all of the complex forms known to us is forced by irresistible attraction that is called love in its ultimate form - and that gods as they are revered (and with deities our fear of them can amount to love, as perhaps the fear in subservient women of their violent men can amount to begetting love) they are begotten, and with continued bestowing of gifts of love they are made powerful, their power is begotten.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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a view on deities as real entities Empty
PostSubject: Re: a view on deities as real entities   a view on deities as real entities Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2021 9:23 pm

Gods thus are historical entities, that is to say they possess and are limited to specific behaviors responding to the rituals that they helped shape them interacting with whatever source of love that was their ground in the beginning, and thus that they have limited powers; even a supreme god can not be constantly in charge of all situations, try as he might to command attention - succeed as he will in commanding attention - and such a god must delegate;  this might very well be a concern of a far more pragmatic nature than we are used to thinking of when we consider gods; even though myth of whatever pantheon comes down very often to basic praxis; consider even just the fortunate marriage of the unsightly Vulcan to the most irresistible beauty of Olympos; such speaks to the politics of the mountain which is closer to our world than we are. Gods are closer to the world of necessity than our minds can tread without collapsing; mind is both spider and web, but the mountain is not a web; it is a matter of weather whether there is much webbing on it; hence gods of storm.
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