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 What can we know from scratch?

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: What can we know from scratch?   What can we know from scratch? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2012 9:49 pm

Assumed "We", "know" "from" "void"
"what?" is not necessarily the question.
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What can we know from scratch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What can we know from scratch?   What can we know from scratch? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2012 8:41 pm

Fixed Cross wrote:
Assumed "We", "know" "from" "void"
"what?" is not necessarily the question.

Perhaps "why not?" is the question? Very Happy
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Arcturus Descending
Arcturus Descending

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What can we know from scratch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What can we know from scratch?   What can we know from scratch? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2012 10:01 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Assumed "We", "know" "from" "void"
"what?" is not necessarily the question.
So, what can we know from 'scratch' assuming we know from 'void'?
Is this the way your question would run?
Are you asking in terms of a tabula rasa and an empty space or emptiness?
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What can we know from scratch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What can we know from scratch?   What can we know from scratch? Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2012 10:32 am

Fixed Cross wrote:
Assumed "We", "know" "from" "void"
"what?" is not necessarily the question.

"From scratch" we would probably only have the briefest self-sense of the knowledge's own faculties and methods of knowing; these methods interacting with "nothing" or next to nothing would revert to mere proprioceptive self-registry.

Then again this might be "intuition".

And absent subjects into which methods of knowledge might flex and practice, these methods would not really have any knowledge of themselves, or anything else, even void, until they had build up a sufficient knowledge-base, by trial and error, against which the possibility of void, and consequently also of direct self-expression and encounter could be set, or at least inferenced.

So maybe:

1. total ignorance, blindness, absence
2. barest self-registry as self-sense, groping, feeling
3. "light", colorless, undifferentiated
4. colorization of light, subtlization and differentiation based on crude formulae of division
5. increasing subtlization, sufficient substantial juxtaposition and capacity to infer quality from the mere quantity of the self-sense as proprioceptive self-registry
6. increasing knowledge and increasing self-encounter... eventually leading to equation of the one with the other
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PostSubject: Re: What can we know from scratch?   What can we know from scratch? Icon_minitime

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