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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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Effectance Empty
PostSubject: Effectance   Effectance Icon_minitimeMon Nov 19, 2012 9:45 am

I'm perplexed by a problem. Does everything effect everything to some degree? Does say a planet in a galaxy we have yet discovered have some effect on us hear on earth, no matter how small? Basically is the field of effectance of objects infinite?

If so it would seem that what we consider finite objects are then infinite in nature.
But further this can imply things about the nature of actions, in areas of consideration like the idea of sin. Is a sin infinite? If so, if its effect extends outwards in the present infinitely and/or continually ways effect in the future then it is not so illogical for there to be an infinite karmic or otherwise punishment for a sin. Unless you then count that a good action does the same then your faced with waying two infinites against each other which leaves the resultant polarity of action indeterminate.
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Fixed Cross
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Effectance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Effectance   Effectance Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2012 11:06 am

Abstract wrote:
I'm perplexed by a problem. Does everything effect everything to some degree? Does say a planet in a galaxy we have yet discovered have some effect on us hear on earth, no matter how small? Basically is the field of effectance of objects infinite?
I'm no specialist on this but I'd say that this is probhably not the case. For one, a solar system may be sucked into a black hole, and when it does it is nof no consequence what curve some tennisball had on some planet, or at what angle some plane crashed into a mountain.
Also I was thinking that a lot can happen within gravitational systems that does not disturb the balance of that system and thus does not project it's effect outward from the system.

Quote :
If so it would seem that what we consider finite objects are then infinite in nature.
But further this can imply things about the nature of actions, in areas of consideration like the idea of sin. Is a sin infinite? If so, if its effect extends outwards in the present infinitely and/or continually ways effect in the future then it is not so illogical for there to be an infinite karmic or otherwise punishment for a sin. Unless you then count that a good action does the same then your faced with waying two infinites against each other which leaves the resultant polarity of action indeterminate.
If there was indeed infinite effectance, then still it is very possible, and on Earth very often clearly the case, that an act considered in one realm as negative would be received as positive in another. "Sin" is a value judgment, and this certianly is not universal, but purely local, contextual.
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PostSubject: Re: Effectance   Effectance Icon_minitimeFri Mar 08, 2013 7:40 pm

The key to open any kind of space-time power is to include as much contradictory logi into one logos as your energy can muster. Then consolidate in ritual (instances of exalted, eternal life) and create a symbolic order. Then obey that order.
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PostSubject: Re: Effectance   Effectance Icon_minitime

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