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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
Posts : 2191 ᚠ : 2592 Join date : 2011-11-15 Location : deep caverns in caves
Subject: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:13 am
"Evolutionists" who call for a return to the bestial logic of our tried-and-true evolutionary processes don't get the point. An evolutionist claims that the bestial logic of our tried and true evolutionary processes are things which have always been and continue to be right at the core of our existence. The evolutionist uses consciousness to fabricate an image of its consciousness which he then recognizes even before the image. Evolutionism is not primitivism because everything is already primitive, evolutionism is a full circle from feeling to knowing to know-feeling and feel-knowing
The importance of the death of God is what? That all we have is this, and ourselves. Our worship of God produced such intricate and sophisticated work, one wonders what similar sentiments could produce when attached to a vision of reality which is corroborated by its very object and which object is very thirsty for power, also better equiped than when this ever was dreamed of.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:05 pm
The term "God" remains vague. Who is dead? Is it Zeus? No way, he lives in Jupiter and the thunderstorms that free my heart. Is it Baal? Sure, he could be dead-ish, no one worships him. Is it Yahweh? Well - he's alive and kicking in the hearts of not only Jews, but all Western occultists. Who is dead is Jesus and his dad. That's what's significant -- the God of meekness of turning the other cheek, he's dead. At least - is he? Is not Jesus only a reference to a solstice, and Mary to the constellation Virgo?
In any case, you are right in your conclusions.
"Our worship of God produced such intricate and sophisticated work, one wonders what similar sentiments could produce when attached to a vision of reality which is corroborated by its very object and which object is very thirsty for power, also better equiped than when this ever was dreamed of."
God allowed man an uncanny thirst for power. Conviction was the means to this will. Our "problem" here is to get motivated to that same level. With value ontology a seed was planted. I felt at that time the power to create new Gods. We had a talk about that, then. The first enthusiasm (-- from en "in" (see en- (2)) + theos "god" --) paid off, and here we are.
"God is dead" is not enough of a statement. God is a ..... fill in the blanks - man will always require something higher than his present state to orient on. It can be his future self, it can be a future descendancy (the Uebermensch) but it needs to be something ahead of him. Or am I wrong?
Pezer builder
Posts : 2191 ᚠ : 2592 Join date : 2011-11-15 Location : deep caverns in caves
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:45 pm
The problem with God is precisely those general terms. God can be anything, it is a word that simply conjures the hole in the moment which the company has decided to explore no further. A scientist must chase these holes down, not give them names and worship them. I, as you know, give the exception to Chaos, for reasons that can become clear with some thought.
This other God, this Yehova, God of Abraham, perhaps God of the Egyptians, or some Egyptians, this is the curse behind Iesus and not the other way around. Jesus was a hippy who got taken advantage of by over-zealous rabbies with that good ol' God in their hearts and revenge in their minds.
individualized Tower
Posts : 5737 ᚠ : 6982 Join date : 2011-11-03 Location : The Stars
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:29 am
None of us can see tomorrow. Our words are still yesterday's languages. Who has the power to think the pure un-thought, the strangest derivation in the moment? We must learn to follow even the tiniest clues, even the ones that aren't there yet.
Let us learn to speak like the wind. Let us learn to seek like the wind.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:34 pm
Pezer wrote:
The problem with God is precisely those general terms. God can be anything, it is a word that simply conjures the hole in the moment which the company has decided to explore no further. A scientist must chase these holes down, not give them names and worship them. I, as you know, give the exception to Chaos, for reasons that can become clear with some thought.
This other God, this Yehova, God of Abraham, perhaps God of the Egyptians, or some Egyptians, this is the curse behind Iesus and not the other way around. Jesus was a hippy who got taken advantage of by over-zealous rabbies with that good ol' God in their hearts and revenge in their minds.
That's crazy. In the whole world, there is no group that has resisted the idea of the "Jewish" Son of God with such baffled repulsion as the rabbi's. God has no one Son. His son is Beauty itself, the theatre of experience.
The tree of life (the glyph of which YHVH is an outtake and to the front of which 'Iesu' (the guy didn't really exist) was modeled) is the scientific model pur sang. Newton was a kabalist and Einstein definitely read a lot of it.
But also my own thoughts about value-relativity merged after many years of meditation on the sephirotic combinations of the 'bare (meaningless) logics' that can reasonably be said to sustain the human mind as representing reality. For example: Force/Form, Possibility/Decision Overflowing/Limiting-standardizing -- or Force/Overflowing, Overflowing/Possibility, Form/Limiting-standardizing, Limiting-standardizing/Decision - and then such contrasts as Overflowing/Decision and Possibility/Limiting-standardizing at the midst of which is the theatre of experience, the "Self", which does not exist except through such relations.
Capable wrote:
None of us can see tomorrow. Our words are still yesterday's languages. Who has the power to think the pure un-thought, the strangest derivation in the moment? We must learn to follow even the tiniest clues, even the ones that aren't there yet.
Quote :
Let us learn to speak like the wind. Let us learn to seek like the wind.
I like this. Frames, running colors, streaks - caves, black bear with a red tongue and white teeth, snarling. A blue sky, a bald predator lurks, vast wings, hanging still. A volcano-top in the distance. Ants, colonies. Zoom in: Marches across the desert. A man with a female crotch and an electrifying voice.
The pyramids - I step on one of them and hurt my foot. My blood gushes down, the red birth of the Nile. The river feeds the barren Earth. A civilization of ants arises. Ant-history lives forth in ant-eternity. Ants call other ants Gods. In the meantime, the Sun slowly sets and I perceive my tent. I had already put it up. I forgot. A rabbits-stew, a wife in grey, a telescope.
Chaos and the wind are friends, we do not essentially disagree.
The Tree of Life is no limiter, it's to use freely and discard freely, it is a means to escape language and human context without losing control of logic. There are other means - but this one is particularly powerful, and has often been near and sometimes at the very core of western scientific progress.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:50 pm
Quote :
The problem with God is precisely those general terms. God can be anything, it is a word that simply conjures the hole in the moment which the company has decided to explore no further. A scientist must chase these holes down, not give them names and worship them. I, as you know, give the exception to Chaos, for reasons that can become clear with some thought.
That is not true. God-systems are far more complex and deliberate than that. Consider the yoga-science as someone like sri Yukteshwar developed, or these standard kabalistic attributions:
[[[[Sephirah Divine name Archangelic name Choir or Host of Angels Mundane Chakra Summary
1. Kether (Crown) Eheieh ('I am', 'I will be', 'I Become' or 'I am that I am') Metatron Chayoth ha-Qadesh ("Holy living Creatures") aka Seraphim Primum Mobile /First Swirlings (Neptune) The richest and most supreme source of energy
3. Binah (Understanding) Jehovah Elohim ("The Lord God" or "Lord of Gods") Tzaphkiel Aralim ("Strong and Mighty") aka Thrones Saturn The archetypical womb, the female potency of the universe
4. Chesed (Mercy) El ("God - The Mighty One") Tzadqiel Chashmalim ("Brilliant Ones") aka Dominions or dominations (Kyriotetes) Jupiter The archetypical ideas which are the basis of our manifested universe
5. Geburah (Strength) Elohim Gebor ("God of Battles" or "God Almighty") Kamael Seraphim ("Fiery Serpents" or "Flaming Ones") aka Order of Powers (Exusiai) Mars The power to carry out cosmic law, thereby enabling cosmic justice
6. Tiphareth (Beauty) Jehovah Eloah Va Daath ("God Made Manifest in the Sphere of Mind" or "Lord God of all Knowledge"). Raphael Malachim ("Kings") aka Virtues, angels and rulers (Dynameis) Sun The central Sephiroth is a stage of balance, beauty and harmony.
7. Netzach (Victory) Jehovah Tzabaoth ("Lord of Hosts") Haniel Elohim ("Gods") aka Principalities (Archai) Venus The balance and mutual fruitation between the individual and the collective
8. Hod (Glory) Elohim Tzabaoth ("God of Hosts") Michael Beni Elohim ("Sons of God") aka Archangels Mercury The stage of concentration where energy is controlled and molded into forms
9. Yesod (Foundation) Shaddai El Chai ("Almighty Living God" or "Almighty God of Life") Gabriel Kerubim ("Strong Ones") aka Angels Moon The magical link between mind and matter, a force for good and evil
10. Malkuth (Kingdom) Adonai Malekh ("The Lord who is King") or Adonai ha-Aretz ("Lord of the Earth") Sandalphon Ashim ("Souls of Fire") aka Blessed Souls / Souls made perfect Earth (Pluto) The final manifestation, where things exist, happen and are sensed, right now ]]]]
"I am a sorcerer. Everything I see I create. I have created, and will continue to create my own world" - Morten Haas
I recommend trying to pronounce these names with full-breath resonance and observe the sonsequences. Before you judge it as arbitrary, I mean.
Pezer builder
Posts : 2191 ᚠ : 2592 Join date : 2011-11-15 Location : deep caverns in caves
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:26 pm
Wisdom is always cool, but what props up this wisdom? The Abrahamic wisdom? It is the zealousness of the rabbis. That the ones who took advantage of Jesus were detestable even by other rabbi's standards doesn't mean they weren't earnestly zealous. This is why all occult Jewish knowledge tends to amount to monotonic temple prayer sessions and some elevated grip over the world, but nothing to rock anybody's pants. Even though I can obviously recognize that the wisdom, or science, is pretty good. It is a fine smell, but very earthy, the sound of the language has very little of jagged and lightning. This is not against it in any ethical or moralistic level, simply a note on taste, on effectual smell.
All those terms are, of course, quite familiar to my ears. It reminds me of the times in religious study as a child when the stories seemed to shine through some value of its own, some secret deivinity. I suppose all the guilt is piled on top of that. But this is my point: it is at the same time powerful, maleable and secretive. Fine material for weak frames, unhelpful in this secretivness for science.
Pezer builder
Posts : 2191 ᚠ : 2592 Join date : 2011-11-15 Location : deep caverns in caves
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:25 pm
Let's take biodynamic agriculture as an example. The originating mind behind it placed so much of the importance of his newly framed field of study on a spirituality of the cosmos, he closed opportunities for future generations to use the term for its basic scientific tenets and their ability to include things unpredictable, such as microscopic reactions comparable to the drug experience, and that's just from my own bias, there are many other biases that go uninvited to this wonderful field because there is an unknowability there which is attributed to something other than chaos; that is, a human outside of the human, a plan outside of the planners. If this plan can precede us, why create? Science is creation, the disacknowledgement of all non-human plans and the ultimate placer of responsibility on man, the heaviest crown for the mightiest sceptre.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:02 pm
But what is man? You could not use a car if you did not know about the pedals, the wheel and the ignition. Kabalah draws so much more energy and power out of man than the regular superexited state, that it is dangerous. It's basically rocketscience. No one masters this system. Those that come close burn up in eternal glory.
Seriously man I can't take you seriously here until you've astrally walked a few of these paths.
These paths, I walk about 1 a year, are by far the most vivid creative experiences I've had, and they redefined my approach to memory - it's now completely physiological. This is also a great danger, There's a point of no return somewhere along the tree. And once you've crossed that, you have to ascend to 'divine madness', and so it within the ethics your memory can sustain.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:08 pm
It all sounds very boring. But it isn't if you stand before the bridge you are about to build. This "God" that is constantly mentioned is merely the galactic center, or that black hole around which the nearby galaxies revolve - it's a specific target, a source of real energy, valuing, from which tautologically the measures and powerrelations of our scientific world derive.
The celestial entities are real. Their influence is scientifically very well identifiable. But as with all technology, this requires an Uranian approach. Where is your Uranus? How is it placed? Tell me what aspects it makes.
Subject: Re: God is Dead: Scientific Fact Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:32 pm
8:50 - He took Lambda from the Tree of Life - "Lamed" - but he was too simple about it. The constant also involves the other path on the expansion-side of the tree.
In any case, now you know why he said
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."