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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology

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PostSubject: The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology   The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2013 7:23 pm

The dimension of time, ultimate expression of movement, is purpose in terms of value. Purpose is what determines the movement forward in time from value node to value node. As one moves along this dimension, as with the spacial ones, the entire perspective of the dimensions themselves change, what seemed a long before becomes a close now or a never. The direction of the movement is how the valuer relates to the valued, valuing is what staples the valuing to the biospheres of effectance where they are.

It seems essential both to remember that no valued is 100% real and that it is 100% essential for the valuing, the moment of life and subsistence. What is is and may be, the valuing is within biospheres of effectence as opposed to no-where.

This is essential to understand what it means to work hard and intricately on one's lies, especially while knowing they are lies. Truth is what happens, and we only know what happens through what we value which comes before the valuing happens. We as valuers are part of the biospheres and thus are indirectly part of other valuings, so valuer and valued may not be as seperate as the act of valuing would seem to suggest. Lies may be here closer and here farther from the truth, and we might be able to tell by how well they coincide with our feelings of movement; that is, purpose. Beyond truth and lies, it may also be true that some lies are not lies at all but some other manifestation, an earlier branch of the chemical stuff that makes lies, and this pre-existence is what makes something that pretends to be truth, only-in-the-moment-existing, a lie. Evolution works with what it has, and we may well assume that what we used for lieing had previous and continuing uses in our biologies. To value this very system of functioning is a fine-tunning of the system itself, to know that we lie itself already begins to change all purposes. Can a truth be said with a lie? No. Now we know that the lie that pretends to be truth is aiming within valuing, not valued. This kind of contradiction between the content of the lie and the purpose, the valued and the valuing, is what leads to the twilights of idols. A lie wants to be a truth, this keeps it close to what it imitates in effect and allows its valuer to, a priori, see it.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology   The Fourth Dimension in Value Ontology Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2019 12:10 am

Another epic post I have no memory of reading.

"Now we know that the lie that pretends to be truth is aiming within valuing, not valued."

And here "Will and Imagination" takes on its full meaning.

"So valuer and valued may not be as seperate as the act of valuing would seem to suggest."

And yet the act is the will, the being - valuer and valued are static circumference of the act of valuing. Mirrors to each other.
And so the self-valuing is both valuer and valued, where the valued is the biosphere of the valuer which is the soul, for lack of better terms, and in this lexicon the valuing is the spirit, literally where breathing is valuing.

" Lies may be here closer and here farther from the truth, and we might be able to tell by how well they coincide with our feelings of movement; that is, purpose."

Yes, discerning value beyond true and false in terms of feelings of movement - I believe this is essential to explaining the world.
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