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 Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued

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Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Empty
PostSubject: Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued   Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2013 8:15 pm

Who we value as valuer values despite this valuing, and depends on valueds valued by us. The valued determines the valuer's relationship with valuing. This self-referentiality is the will only willing will, and power is the relationship between will's action (valuing) and its existence.

As a side note, I refer to that existence as Chaos. Valuing it so, as a living thing which is unpredictable, which feeds me even as I act with no knowledge of it only if I will accordingly, decreases my waste of thought by several orders of magnitude.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued   Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2019 11:44 pm

"The valued determines the valuer's relationship with valuing."

Yes indeed, this is the whole conundrum of life, the extreme resilience of imperfection - the question of Hod in the Kabbalah -

patterns of justification, yes, but where did this pattern start?
What options does it close off?
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued   Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2019 11:49 pm

"As a side note, I refer to that existence as Chaos. Valuing it so, as a living thing which is unpredictable, which feeds me even as I act with no knowledge of it only if I will accordingly, decreases my waste of thought by several orders of magnitude."

a problem is that that in itself is orderly.

You're addressing chaos from an orderly, logical idea about it.

Can that work?
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued   Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2019 11:51 pm

"The valued determines the valuer's relationship with valuing. This self-referentiality is the will only willing will"

This is very interesting.
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PostSubject: Re: Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued   Some Distinctions between Valuer, Valuing and Valued Icon_minitime

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