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 Radical idea of multiple histories

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Radical idea of multiple histories Empty
PostSubject: Radical idea of multiple histories   Radical idea of multiple histories Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:20 pm

Once again, if we take value ontology to the extreme and set value as prior to any formation of whatever affectance as literally as possible, then causation is free from itself.

Imagine this: is it perhaps possible that our value systems do not only dictate the future we create, but also the past from which we came?

What about this: Next to an origin of man from Ape, there is an origin of man via Atlantis, Lemuria, Hyperboria to beings like Wainamoinen. The history of the organism then depends on the substance which the soul takes on - in terms of which science of the body the subject values itself presently.

I know this is probably not the case. But it is now thinkable and illuminates at least that our memory, individual and collective, is greatly determined by the language we use to propel our essence back through time to arrive at a concept of an originating.
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Radical idea of multiple histories Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radical idea of multiple histories   Radical idea of multiple histories Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 8:49 pm

No, I think it is true. It is the function of the difference between those who cannot do science together. One idea that permits wide-reaching science with difference-valuing at its core is the theory that we can create secondary and tertiary derivations from the vastly wide range of experience in the substance that makes science to alchemically make common overlapping sciences.
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