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'Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth.'
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 Love for Humanity

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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Love for Humanity   Love for Humanity Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 5:39 pm

As being the only species that tells stories. No, there are stories in the birdsong, the collective harmony is no doubt a narration of their physiological memory. In this sense we are one large flock, and our coherence is chanted through the fibers, as I watch Walter White arrive at the old Indian's house and know that all people who know this guy are affected by the same event that just transpired. Cinema is not dead, it has just shifted shape. Stories have gotten bigger - to the archlength of Homeric episodes. But the Gods are made invisible. So that they can be revealed only in acts.
This is good. A beginning of an epistemic space where coherent ethics no longer serves to captivate. Character study necessarily requires this psychoanalytical unraveling, of a man, a city, a football team, a crime outfit, an advertising agency or an undertaker family, so really, a film is never a truly comprehensive epistle.

All films were trailers.

I love those people who can commit to a story and finish it.

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:02 am; edited 2 times in total
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Love for Humanity   Love for Humanity Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 6:19 pm

So what is film? It is not the unraveling or making of a life, because it only captures a few phases in the life of the people involved. It does not suffer climax after climax after climax to end up in a place where no one had expected anything to ever go. What can it do best? This is clear suddenly: the unreal, the "ray pattern", the trip, that which does not expose itself in every direction but is itself a direction. Film points somewhere. The Sopranos does not point to anything at all. It's in the end self-contained, clear enough from the beginning, but clearer in the end. It was not even necessary to film an ending.

It is fitting that the road out of nihilism (which as far as American pop culture was concerned started in 1977, as Star Wars changed the market of the erotic imagination from the death drive to a moral glorification of the Universe and its cosmic child, man, "Skywalker"; Zeus-progeny) is such a very apparent deception - a projection that is seen to fate in and out - means of "deception" (creation of an emotional value where there is no practical ground to attain it yet), the justified means of life affirming politics.

It arose out of the most favorable conditions man had known since ancient Greece - Coastal wine country in the richest nation in human history.
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Fixed Cross
Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Love for Humanity   Love for Humanity Icon_minitimeMon Sep 16, 2013 6:59 pm

The next step in this process is to affirm the Earth in a practical sense. This means not simply dwelling and thinking, but also fighting and scheming, suffering and corrupting. The new series are a getting into the grit of sociology, man is coming to learn of himself in ways that had (or so writers of shows I admire say) been unthinkable before this kill.

It's in a sense the reversal of the moral code set in by Star Wars. From the optimism of the straight line to the cynicism of the full circle, a ground of tragedy where "great style" is possible.

I'm sure there have been some moments of what Nietzsche meant by this term by now. The only road out of nihilism is by positing the future as a forbidden realm, visible and attainable.

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PostSubject: Re: Love for Humanity   Love for Humanity Icon_minitime

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