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 Alternate definition of love

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PostSubject: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 8:13 am

Love can be defined as mutual self-valuing, as being a potential for another to self-value. Thus expressed in the opposite and negative, love is shaing in suffering with another.
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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 10:57 am

The word and concept of Love is taboo. Speaking about it is liken unto committing blasphemy. But being the system buster I am I shall trend where angels fear to trend. Love in its real sense is a glue that binds together. There are no human definitions involved. The closest description may be a state of being.

You will excuse if I overstep but it seems like the definition you've offered is just what humans call compassion. Compassion, is the desire to alleviate emotional addiction and replace that with momentary redemption. The addiction is an addiction to suffering, all chemistry....
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Arcturus Descending
Arcturus Descending

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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 1:18 pm


Quote :
Love can be defined as mutual self-valuing, as being a potential for another to self-value
Well, that is certainly perhaps one form of love. But that definition can also speak to respect of another, which isn't necessarily loving someone, though I intuit that within real love there has to be respect.
And there is the phrase "mutual self-valuing". That might beg the question - in which way? Self-valuing, as in the case of ego or narcissism, can at times lead to abuses, though I know that you do not mean "self-valuing" it in this sense.
But I will definitely agree that love can act as a catylyst for the potential of someone coming to know one's self and to love and value one's self.

Quote :
Thus expressed in the opposite and negative, love is shaing in suffering with another.
Chise is correct in that sharing in someone's suffering is compassion.
Love I think is like a multi-faceted diamond - it has many facets to it but at the same time, Love is the diamond and it takes all those facets to create it. Each facet alone is not the Love but contributes to its reality.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 4:01 pm

No, respect and compassion are a one way street, and static in their dynamic. One simply values another in terms available to value also oneself.

Obviously Capable was talking about the reciprocal love that we are used to see as romantic, but that can extend to friendship. What happens in such a case is that both people find extra value in themselves because a person who they greatly value, values them in ways they didn't. "I must be worth more than I thought" "I never knew I was valuable in this respect" - etc.

When someone respects you, you don't necessarily believe that you truly have the quality he sees in you. Often you think you don't. But when you respect a person who respects you, then that is love. You trust this persons judgment of you because it feels like an exalted extension of your own judgment.
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Fixed Cross
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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2013 8:54 pm

Love is power to the second power.
War is the square root of power.

The goal of power is to experience itself.
Love and war are its means in this world.
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Arcturus Descending
Arcturus Descending

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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitimeMon Dec 30, 2013 12:13 pm

Fixed Cross

Quote :
No, respect and compassion are a one way street, and static in their dynamic.

What do you mean by a "one-way street" with reference to THIS?

Quote :
One simply values another in terms available to value also oneself
By this, do you mean that we can only "truly" value others insofar as we can value ourselves?

Quote :
Obviously Capable was talking about the reciprocal love that we are used to see as romantic, but that can extend to friendship
Yes, friendship is a form of love...a real friendship that is...of platonic love.

Quote :
What happens in such a case is that both people find extra value in themselves because a person who they greatly value, values them in ways they didn't. "I must be worth more than I thought" "I never knew I was valuable in this respect" - etc.
Yes, this is true. Many of us have discovered this. Sometimes we know ourselves through the mirror which people put up for us.

Quote :
Often you think you don't. But when you respect a person who respects you, then that is love.
Sure, if there is love in the first place. But respect is not love when it stands alone. But I think that it is a requirement for love to exist.

Quote :
You trust this persons judgment of you because it feels like an exalted extension of your own judgment.
I don't agree with this, Fixed Cross. You trust that person's judgment because you have come to trust that person and in their sincerity.
The way you have phrased it appears, at least, to me, to be ego.
If you "know" yourself - as you said "an exalted extension of your own judgment - in a particular way, why would trust even enter into the equation?
Trust in a way is the same as putting your heart into another's hands. If you know your own mind and judgment, there is no need for trust. At least, that's the way I look at it.

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PostSubject: Re: Alternate definition of love   Alternate definition of love Icon_minitime

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